Ahima Association Certifications and Credentials

AHIMA is a medical association and educational structure whose graduates and students can maintain a professional medical career in any other institution. This institution primarily focuses on managing medical information that can help doctors and patients. Based on the training results in one of the proposed professional fields, the graduate is provided with credits that should contribute to his future career structure. It is required to consider what qualifications a student in the AHIMA specialties should receive to be certified in a specific medical field. All exams conducted within the framework of the university test the examinee’s cognitive and cognitive competence, assessing their ability to practically and creatively apply the knowledge gained.

It immediately seems important to note that many modern medical professions are associated with innovations in technical equipment and the need to maintain, renew or prevent them. Technological progress and the information age have undoubtedly influenced the professional practices of modern doctors. More than half of the specialties and certificates offered for obtaining in the framework of the AHIMA educational program are related to the maintenance of technical equipment or work in software (AHIMA, 2021). The Certified Date Analyst specialty, for example, demonstrates the ability to work with a large date, that is, uncountable streams of information that need to be distributed, analyzed, interpreted, and organized. The exam in this specialty is paid and requires either a bachelor’s degree from a respectable university or the qualification of a Registered Medical Information Administrator.

Certified in Healthcare Privacy and Security, in turn, is a specialty similar to a data analyst but less specific in the requirements for the examiner (AHIMA, 2021). The qualifications of a specialist in this field are proven by the ability to create, design, apply and consistently improve programs for safety in the medical environment. The applicant is required to have either one of the qualifications of a data analyst, a general education, or any other degree. It is important to note that depending on the level of the academic degree, a different number of years of experience in medical practice is required. For example, a master’s degree requires only a year of practice due to academic respectability.

Both of these certifications can also be obtained by those who have completed the Registered Health Information Administrator program, which includes a large amount of valuable knowledge from medical ethical, legal and administrative practice. The HIM program teaching information management is a prerequisite for applying for this specialty (AHIMA, 2021). One can also go through the foreign version of HIM, which is agreed upon between the foreign university and AHIMA. Thus, this specialty, as well as training in the information management program, seems to be a fundamental condition for which it becomes possible to continue training in this direction.

Thus, comparing various specialties and the credits given by them, it is impossible not to notice the evolutionary connection that these certificates have between each other. Studying in a bachelor’s program within the university provides an opportunity to receive an education in the future. The bachelor’s degree is the initial stage after which you can get a narrower specialty that requires private skills, while the most general ones are presented in the RHIA program. Each stage of obtaining an education is dependent on the previous one. Career growth in AHIMA can be achieved through mastering the unique educational programs offered by the university.


Certifications & careers. (2021). AHIMA. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2022, September 23). Ahima Association Certifications and Credentials. https://chalkypapers.com/ahima-association-certifications-and-credentials/

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"Ahima Association Certifications and Credentials." ChalkyPapers, 23 Sept. 2022, chalkypapers.com/ahima-association-certifications-and-credentials/.


ChalkyPapers. (2022) 'Ahima Association Certifications and Credentials'. 23 September.


ChalkyPapers. 2022. "Ahima Association Certifications and Credentials." September 23, 2022. https://chalkypapers.com/ahima-association-certifications-and-credentials/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Ahima Association Certifications and Credentials." September 23, 2022. https://chalkypapers.com/ahima-association-certifications-and-credentials/.


ChalkyPapers. "Ahima Association Certifications and Credentials." September 23, 2022. https://chalkypapers.com/ahima-association-certifications-and-credentials/.