Character-Based Classroom Management Plan


A teacher’s successfully managing their classroom depends on them having a well-thought-out strategy in place. However, organization and effective management are not feasible without a properly structured plan. In addition, for a teacher to succeed in one’s classroom, one must have a clear vision of what one hopes to accomplish and the methods one intends to employ in the process. It seems crucial for all children to be able to learn freely, without fear of being judged. On and whole, adequate teaching methods in an educational setting must ensure that scholars express themselves without acquiring anxiety about judgments of their learning skills and abilities.

Organization of the Classroom

When a teacher tells a class to do something, the students follow through with a pre-planned response. Tasks and delayed work, as well as pencil sharpening, are examples. Classroom procedures refer to the daily or weekly activities that you and your students perform in your classroom (Everston, 2016). Functions at the school include bell-ringing, attendance, tardiness procedures, use of technology, individual and group work time, and independent study.

Seating arrangements have been shown to impact students’ ability to learn. Attendance tends to be higher in the first few rows of a classroom. The students at the front of the class are more likely to respond to questions (Burden & Burd, 2018). Students’ personalities are reflected in the layout of their classrooms (Burden & Burd, 2018). Since they don’t want to be noticed by the teachers or other students, serious students tend to sit in the front rows rather than the back.

To break the monotony of classroom lectures, some students prefer to sit near doors and windows, providing enough distraction. Student behavior such as pranks, whispering, passing notes, and doodling is more common in the back of the classroom.

Classroom seating can be rearranged to help students learn more effectively. Let’s look at some possible seating arrangements that can help students learn more effectively in the classroom.

Assortment in a Row

Teaching and correcting students’ work can be done more quickly and easily thanks to this feature that lets teachers move around the classroom freely. Taking a few steps in between students reminds students that they need to keep going as they are expected to show good performance by the tutors. In addition, the row method can make it easier to supervise and teach students in a group.

The Arrangement in a Circle

A circular arrangement in the classroom can help ideas flow. Teachers can easily control the discussion and encourage passive students to participate by seating them in a circle. Pupils can be sitting so that more active ones sit next to the teachers and the more passive ones on the other side. As a result, teachers can signal to more engaged students while still creating opportunities for those who may want a little extra encouragement.

Semicircle Arrangement

Using audio-visual aids, interactive boards, and similar techniques can increase the effectiveness of semi-circular seating. In addition, such an arrangement ensures clear visibility of materials for all students in the classroom. As for the teachers, they can easily monitor their students’ attention and performance. Overall, the advantages of the semicircle arrangement are possible due to the fact that all students are visible, which makes it easier to control class flow.

Round Table Seating Arrangement

Do you intend to assign some group work to the students? Your best bet may be a round table arrangement in the classroom. Teachers can monitor student progress and encourage students to work together in groups by allowing them to sit next to each other. However, the drawback of such an arrangement is that students are more likely to misbehave when the teacher is not looking.

Round Table Seating Arrangement

Character-Based Behavior Plan

Character-based classroom management (CBCM) keeps students engaged in academic learning while encouraging their social and moral development.

Your students benefit from a predictable and safe learning environment when you follow classroom rules (Talidong & Liu, 2020). Your students will practice self-regulation and make good decisions if they have clear boundaries and restrictions in place.

Ensure that your peers have a good time together. Ideally, you want your students to support and be kind to each other in your classroom environment. It is possible to do this in various ways, including:

Every day, pay attention to and reinforce the goodwill between students. Have regular class meetings and cultivate positive relationships with all of your students. Early in the school year, you must earn the trust of your students.

Character-Based Classroom Climate

You are learning flourishes in a mutually respectful classroom and trusting of each other’s abilities. When it comes to forming and maintaining positive relationships with students, some teachers are better at it than others.

Provide a Framework for Your Ideas

Structure in the classroom is generally well-received by students. Increased learning occurs as a result of this. Another benefit is that structured classes have minimal downtime.

Exude Joy and Excitement While You’re Teaching

Excitement spreads like wildfire. When a teacher enthusiastically introduces new material, students are more likely to accept it. For this reason, they will be able to learn at a higher rate. When you’re enthusiastic about what you’re teaching, your enthusiasm will spread to your students.

Embrace a Spirit of Joy

Teachers, like everyone else, have bad days. Everyone experiences personal hardships that are difficult to deal with at some point in time. To be a good teacher, you must keep your problems at bay. A positive attitude is essential for teachers in the classroom. The power of optimism is growing.

Students are more likely to have a positive attitude toward learning if their teacher has one. There is nothing more annoying than spending time with a person who is always pessimistic. Eventually, students will grow to despise a constantly critical teacher.

Use of Humor

Laughter is universally popular. It could be putting on a silly costume and pretending to be someone else to teach a lesson. Perhaps it’s chuckling at your stupidity. Students will respond to humor in a variety of ways. They’ll look forward to your class because they’re a fun-loving bunch.

Learning Should be Enjoyable

Learning should be exciting and fun. When teachers design creative, engaging lessons and give students a say in learning, students are eager to participate. Hands-on, kinesthetic learning experiences are popular with students because they allow them to learn by doing.

If you want to be successful in life, you need social skills. As a result, inclusive teachers have always emphasized the importance of good social skills to accommodate and integrate a wide range of students.

Classrooms inclusive of students of all backgrounds and abilities are essentially representations of the natural world (Asrianto et al., 2020). You can help your students develop social skills in various ways, such as by creating a more inclusive classroom.

Be a Role Model for Good Behavior

Students learn and display good social skills when they see their teacher leading by example. Student behavior is influenced by the teacher’s welcoming and encouraging demeanor. They develop social skills and a sense of respect for others.

Assign Duties in the Classroom

Students can demonstrate responsibility, teamwork, and leadership by taking on classroom roles. Taking attendance, handing out papers, and leading a line can help students identify their strengths and build self-confidence. It’s also a time-saver for you!

Visualize Social Situations

Allowing students to apply what they’ve learned is only half the battle. For example, when teaching students to multiply, we often assign a worksheet or activity to demonstrate mastery. The same is true for teaching social skills. We must allow students to practice social skills in a safe environment. You can learn new skills by role-playing. Students can act out and give immediate feedback in scenarios set up by teachers.

In conclusion, in order to meet the needs of all students in a classroom situation, the teacher should make sure that the students work in groups, partner with their families, preserve some time and help them obtain study skills as well as ensure consistency and good relationship with learners.

Communication and Collaboration with Parents

It seems vital to involve parents and guardians in the learning process as it makes the classroom climate more comfortable for scholars. Therefore, parents should volunteer to participate in the lessons to engage their children in social interaction and contribute to their good performance (Everston, 2016). In addition, such involvement might increase the discipline in the group, considering that pupils are more likely to listen to their families rather than teachers.

Consequently, it is essential to maintain positive home-school relationships as parents may become more involved in their children’s educational success. Collaboration with guarding can yield an understanding of the school curriculum and the atmosphere that is present in the classroom (Everston, 2016). Thus, parents may become more interested in contributing to their kids’ good performance by controlling on-time submitting of assignments and addressing academic or behavior issues in the learning process.

Parent/Guardian Letter

Dear parent/guardian,

I would like to introduce myself to you as a brand-new staff member. I am overjoyed to have been given the opportunity to work with such a high-profile class. As the IGCSE exams approach, I look forward to getting to know your child’s class and assisting him or her in achieving even greater success. I have worked in London schools for 11 years, holding positions such as Head of English and Senior Academic Mentor. Therefore, I am looking forward to combining my experience in both academic and pastoral areas of education to manage educational courses for the Elementary School Grade Levels.

My job this year is to help your son or daughter do their best this year, working closely with their tutors, the teaching staff, and you, as parents, to help them reach their full potential. The following is a list of books I would like you and your children to read before Monday:


On Monday, you will be given a formal homework schedule for your child. Each homework assignment for pupils should take about fifty minutes to an hour to complete. We request that you review and sign your child’s student planner on a regular basis for their benefit.


As a reminder, it is critical that our students arrive to class prepared to learn and make the most of their time in the classroom. In light of this, we will require each student to bring the following items to each class:

  • at least two rubber bands
  • one stainless steel sharpener
  • non-permanent colored markers for the board
  • one set of coloring pencils
  • highlighters in various colors
  • a set of two writing pens in either black or blue color
  • one pencil

Recommendation for Students of All Levels

Students are encouraged to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. As a result, their minds will be well-nourished and ready to focus on their studies. It is our goal to bring out the best in each and every student.

Recommendations to All Parents and Guardians

The school administration welcomes and encourages any and all useful information about a child’s progress. Please mind that when educational staff and parents work together with the children, it contributes to the enhancement of their performance in upcoming tests.

Government schools use ratings to track each student’s progress. At this year’s level of performance, they include:

  • A is outperforming expectations
  • B’s performance is in line with expectations
  • C has met or exceeded the expectations
  • D is making some progress toward meeting expectations
  • E demonstrates only a sliver of what is expected of students

Reports from secondary and primary students will be sent to every parent or guardian comparing students’ academic achievements.


In addition to school reports, the National Assessment Program (NAPLAN) provides a report to each child who participates in the literacy and numeracy testing in the third, fifth, seventh, and ninth grades.

For more information, see NAPLAN.

Breakfast and Lunch Programs

The meals that the school provides are enough to sustain our students. Therefore, no meals from outside the school are allowed. Students are advised to eat in the canteen during the breaks.

Invitation for Classroom Volunteers

Educational research has found that parental involvement is critical to a child’s educational success, and there is a wealth of evidence to support this claim. That should come as no surprise to educators. The ability to foster positive home-school relationships has evolved into an essential part of my teaching toolbox over the years. The way I see it is as follows: We benefit from having a positive working relationship between home and school because it makes my job easier, and the children and their families benefit as well. It ensures that children are well-rested, that behavioral or academic issues are addressed, and that assignments are completed when they have at-home assistance.

Parent involvement is important, and I recognize the value of it, but my willingness to open my classroom door during instructional time was a completely different story. While I had long considered the possibility of involving parents as classroom resources, I realized that I needed to accept it first and foremost in the interests of myself and my students.

Every student has been issued a copy of the parent’s newsletter.

Yours faithfully,



Asrianto, A., Rohmayadevi, L., & Rokhayati, U. (2020). Teachers’ strategies in managing the class. Eduvelop, 3(2), 82–89. Web.

Burden, P., & Byrd, D. (2018). Methods for effective teaching: Meeting the needs of all students (8th ed.). Pearson.

Evertson, C. M., & Emmer, E. T. (2016). Classroom management for elementary teachers (10th ed.). Pearson Education.

Talidong, K. J. B., & Liu, Q. (2020). Teaching methods in English language instruction: Case of selected English language teachers in general Santos City, Philippines. Journal of Literature, Languages, and Linguistics. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, April 15). Character-Based Classroom Management Plan.

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"Character-Based Classroom Management Plan." ChalkyPapers, 15 Apr. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Character-Based Classroom Management Plan'. 15 April.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Character-Based Classroom Management Plan." April 15, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Character-Based Classroom Management Plan." April 15, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Character-Based Classroom Management Plan." April 15, 2023.