Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students

Self-efficacy gives human beings the ability to execute behaviors that will make them achieve their life goals. Self-efficacy affects every area of a person’s life, influencing an individual to make significant decisions (Bhat & Bahadur, 2018). Specifically, self-efficacy is vital when a person is faced with challenges or has to decide on something important that will significantly influence their life. A strong sense of self-efficacy can have a significant impact on the personality of a person. It promotes personal well-being and assists humans in accomplishing their dreams and aspirations in life (Kim & Truong, 2021). When individuals have high self-efficacy, they turn every situation in life, be either good or bad, to work in their favor. Specifically, they use challenges as motivators to strive for something worthy by learning lessons and handling situations in case they face similar instances in the future. Self-efficacy shapes a person’s personality to meet threatening situations with positivity and the belief that they will control them. For example, Job in the bible was faced with a difficult moment where he lost everything but still had hope that God was in control. In this circumstance, Job had a high self-efficacy, while his friends who were encouraging him to disown God had a low self-efficacy (King James Version, 2020, Job 2:5). At long last, Job gets out of the problematic situations, making him stronger and have more faith in God. Hence, self-efficacy can influence the personality negatively or positively.

MBTI can influence the efficacy of a person in several ways. The MBTI test is conducted to identify the various personalities that individuals possess. Personality traits developed by socialization, education, and innate nurturing can significantly influence the self-efficacy of a person (Yao et al., 2018). Importantly, individuals born in a caring environment can develop high levels of self-efficacy in their life. Individuals with great personalities such as humility and selflessness can use their attributes to make society a better place to stay. Most people try to identify their personality traits to apply them later in life to change culture positively. Personality traits affect the daily life of every individual, affecting their efficacy levels.

In any aspect of a person’s life, having faith at individual levels can push an individual to take necessary steps in their life. Every person should believe in their skills, abilities, and passions in the pursuit of success. Believing in oneself is the lynchpin of the highest self-efficacy because faith gives an individual assurance that no matter what happens, it shall be well. People can ask themselves the importance of having confidence in them, but the truth here is that it is the most remarkable step in creating a good life. Faith ensures high self-efficacy by ensuring individuals take control of their feelings and thoughts to reach their highest peak. Furthermore, faith makes human beings love themselves and be confident in their abilities.

Attaining higher levels of self-efficacy requires a contribution of many factors. Having faith is like running an uphill race with a lot of obstacles that needs excellent support. Having faith does not necessarily mean a person has to seek permission from others; though their help can be necessary, taking a personal step is better. Self-efficacy can be fostered and monitored in one’s life. In part, it is crucial to celebrate achievements, however small they seem, since they can give a person extra confidence.


Bhatt, S., & Bahadur, A. (2018). Importance of self-esteem & self-efficacy for college students. Indian Journal of Community Psychology, 14(2), 409-419.

Kim, D. H., Wang, C., & Truong, T. N. N. (2021). Psychometric properties of a self-efficacy scale for English language learners in Vietnam. Language Teaching Research, 13621688211027852.

King James Version. (2018).

Yao, Y., Zhao, S., Gao, X., An, Z., Wang, S., Li, H.,… & Dong, Z. (2018). General self-efficacy modifies the effect of stress on burnout in nurses with different personality types. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-9.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, January 13). Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students.

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"Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students." ChalkyPapers, 13 Jan. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students'. 13 January.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students." January 13, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students." January 13, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students." January 13, 2024.