Non-Compliance With Classroom Management

In the case under discussion, a traditional hierarchy of classroom management is ineffective in helping Tommy as a child with a noncompliance problem. When teachers or administrators resort to punishment, such as giving him time-outs, sending children office referrals, and suspension, it usually results in further anger and defiance from the child (Goodwin & Loyd, 2020). A better approach is to help Tommy understand why he is being asked to do something and to provide positive reinforcement when they comply. This involves setting clear expectations for behavior and using positive reinforcement when the child meets those expectations. With consistent reinforcement, Tommy will eventually learn how to behave appropriately in a classroom setting.

There are a few key components to consider when creating a second tier for Tommy. First, it is necessary to develop clear and consistent rules and expectations for the child. All adults in Tommy’s life should be aware of the rules and expectations and consistently enforce them. The rules should be age-appropriate, realistic, and clearly explained to the child. Second, I will provide frequent positive reinforcement for desired behaviors. This might include praise, sticker charts, or other tangible rewards (Shepherd & Linn, 2014). Third, I will have consequences for non-compliant behavior that are consistently enforced with care. These consequences could include time-out, loss of privileges, or additional chores, but if this annoys Tommy, then it should be stopped. Besides, I will break tasks down into smaller steps because he may not be complying because the tasks may appear bulky, thus discouraging his compliance.

Finally, I will embrace the use of visual aids and minimize distractions around Tommy. There are a number of ways that reduced distraction and the use of visuals can help children with non-compliance. One way is by providing a means for Tommy to engage with the content on a more sensory level (Greenwood et al., 2019). When students are able to see or manipulate objects related to the lesson, they are better able to process and retain information. Additionally, keeping distractions at a minimum by ensuring a quiet work environment and not working near high-traffic areas will also help Tommy focus on a task.


Goodwin, M. H., & Loyd, H. (2020). The face of noncompliance in family interaction. Text & Talk, 40(5), 573-598. Web.

Greenwood, C. R., Carta, J. J., Schnitz, A. G., Irvin, D. W., Jia, F., & Atwater, J. (2019). Filling an information gap in preschool MTSS and RTI decision making. Exceptional Children, 85(3), 271-290. Web.

Shepherd, T. L., & Linn, D. (2014). Behavior and classroom management in the multicultural classroom: Proactive, active, and reactive strategies. Sage Publications.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 23). Non-Compliance With Classroom Management.

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"Non-Compliance With Classroom Management." ChalkyPapers, 23 Oct. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Non-Compliance With Classroom Management'. 23 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Non-Compliance With Classroom Management." October 23, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Non-Compliance With Classroom Management." October 23, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Non-Compliance With Classroom Management." October 23, 2023.