Pedagogical Approaches: The Topic of Diversity

The teacher should highlight at the pre-reading stage that the book presents the globe’s diversity with enticing animals in vibrant colors identified in rhyming questions and response language. Brown Bear is the first character readers encounter, followed by Red Bird, Yellow Duck, Blue Horse, Green Frog, Purple Cat, White Dog, Black Sheep, Goldfish, Teacher, and Children (Martin &Carle, 1996). Young readers will like the rhyming and straightforward language, as well as the tissue paper collage artwork.

The teacher’s most important strategy is to introduce the book by conducting a brief class poll. Moreover, it is critical to ask students if they are familiar with this book. While looking through the book with the children, the teacher will discuss what they observe. Is there a connection in the book that students have noticed? Is it simple to read for them? What hints can they use to interpret the book’s phrases? As a result, the teacher encourages children to participate in the reading.

During the reading, children will be asked to chime in to guess and name the following animal. The teacher will offer the following questions to enable students to apply their predicting abilities to assess comprehension: Did you imagine which animal would appear next in the book? What were some of the hints that assisted you figure it out? Do you believe Bill Martin Jr. should have put a pictorial suggestion on each page to help the reader guess which animal is coming next?

Essentially, the teacher will use colors to investigate the topic of diversity. For example, students can be divided into color groups to correspond with each animal in the book. If any colors are lacking, children might use colored construction paper. The teacher will retell the narrative with an emphasis on the color words. When students hear the color they represent, the teacher will urge them to participate in reinforcing their learning. When students are working alone for 10-15 minutes in tomorrow’s guided reading session, the teacher may ask them to pick their favorite character from the book and describe its behavior and color. The teacher’s purpose is to assess students’ comprehension by naming each species, exhibiting colors, and even using sounds that appear like the various animals.


Martin, B. & Carle, E. (1996). Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? Puffin.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, May 4). Pedagogical Approaches: The Topic of Diversity.

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"Pedagogical Approaches: The Topic of Diversity." ChalkyPapers, 4 May 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Pedagogical Approaches: The Topic of Diversity'. 4 May.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Pedagogical Approaches: The Topic of Diversity." May 4, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Pedagogical Approaches: The Topic of Diversity." May 4, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Pedagogical Approaches: The Topic of Diversity." May 4, 2023.