Theory of Adult Learning: Importance of the Theory

Acquiring a theory of adult learning is very important for many reasons. First, learning theories provide clearer instructions on how adult learning should ideally take place. Secondly, the theory is designed to help improve the learning process by offering different ways to address this issue. Finally, adult education is a complex and time-consuming process, as adults are less amenable to learning something new. In order for the adult learning process to become effective and successful, a theory that will ensure this is necessary. In the context of adult learning, a theory is a set of rules and instructions that aim to improve learning outcomes. These instructions may consist of different approaches to adult learning. For example, learning should be engaging and effective so that an adult can learn a new skill or subject. In this case, a theory puts forward a list of proposals that, in practice, will lead to the most beneficial outcome.

The term teaching can be defined as the process of involving students in learning. In other words, it is an interaction between the teacher and the students in order to convey knowledge, messages, and skills. Learning is the process of directly acquiring knowledge in various ways, which include education, experience, etcetera. Education, on the other hand, is a process of transferring values, knowledge, and attitudes that passes through various institutions. Education is obtained in schools or universities, while learning may take place outside of these frameworks. Defining the term learning may be difficult for multiple reasons. First, it is still closely related to the process of obtaining an education. Despite this, learning, for example, can take place outside of university and school, when a person gains personal experience. Also, it is difficult to determine what exactly is included in the learning process since the term itself is extensive—learning touches on many different areas, including social, psychological, cognitive, and many other regions. Thus, the breadth of the term does not allow to accurately and easily determine its meaning and sphere of influence.


Arghode, V., Brieger, E. W., & McLean, G. N. (2017). Adult learning theories: implications for online instruction. European Journal of Training and Development. 593-609. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, April 15). Theory of Adult Learning: Importance of the Theory.

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"Theory of Adult Learning: Importance of the Theory." ChalkyPapers, 15 Apr. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Theory of Adult Learning: Importance of the Theory'. 15 April.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Theory of Adult Learning: Importance of the Theory." April 15, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Theory of Adult Learning: Importance of the Theory." April 15, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Theory of Adult Learning: Importance of the Theory." April 15, 2023.