Aspects of Exploring Writing Skills

Probably like any other student in an institution, I am determined to perform well in my studies. Hence, I have considered exploring the areas I emulated in my current semester and assessing key factors I need to improve. With this in mind, I have also decided to research whether the skills I have earned after evaluating my weaknesses are reliable. It has been easy for me to write an essay as I can focus where I am to concentrate on that central idea and develop a topic sentence for each paragraph. Moreover, I can develop the idea that each of my sections is related to the core theme of my essay (Pašalić et al. 392).

I have also improved incoherence with a logical flow of points in my writing and have learned not to make minor mistakes. Some of the struggles I have experienced are time management, where it is not easy for me to develop an excellent article as I run out of time. Thus, being forced to write in a hurry leads to poor construction in expressing oneself on paper. However, I plan to improve on the planning of my day to avoid such occurrences

Lack of the right resources has also been a significant problem when it comes to writing. Hence, it leads to me sometimes writing an essay that is out of the topic. I plan to improve on this by evolving new research skills that can be effective in writing. Probably of late, I have been experiencing low motivation, which may have yielded to my poor quality work. However, I am working out the factors that may have generated this lack of internal drive to achieve.

In my journey to explore writing skills, I have decided to venture into a research paper identifying the homeless and homelessness (Serratore). The study is an exquisite research paper that utilizes a postmodern approach. My decision to focus on this specific paper is that it is fraudulent, loopy, has errors, is split up into lots of small chunks in terms of page count, and has minimal arguments. I plan to improve it by refining its structure by composing more ideas and minimizing the errors in the paper.

Works Cited

Pašalić, Daria et al. “Your Article Needs Revision? – How to improve it successfully and answer the Reviewers’ Comments”. Bohemia Medical, vol 31, no. 3, 2021, pp. 391-394.

Serratore, Antonio “The Homeless and Homelessness,” 2021.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, December 6). Aspects of Exploring Writing Skills.

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"Aspects of Exploring Writing Skills." ChalkyPapers, 6 Dec. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'Aspects of Exploring Writing Skills'. 6 December.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "Aspects of Exploring Writing Skills." December 6, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Aspects of Exploring Writing Skills." December 6, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "Aspects of Exploring Writing Skills." December 6, 2024.