The educational process involves not only teaching educational materials but a competent assessment of how students have learned them. This essay will discuss various aspects of the assessment activities that will be essential to determining student achievements. The focus will be on the possibility of referring specific students to the Central Resource Centre for Special Education (CRC). To conduct a qualitative assessment, a comprehensive approach is needed, which will consider not only the assessment process but differentiated instructions and subsequent communication with the student.
Different Phases of Assessments Activities
For example, in the book, The Standards-Based Classroom, the authors, Rinkema and Williams (2018) state four phases of appropriate classroom activity to build a qualitative assessment base. These phases include full-class instruction, differentiated instructions, practice, and formative assessment (Rinkema and Williams, 2018). It is vital to state that on what are the initial instructions for students will significantly affect the result that will reflect their academic performance. In order to determine which students should be sent to the Central Resource Centre for Special Education (CRC), it is crucial to create instructions that would identify specific shortcomings under identical conditions (Zheng et al., 2020). Consequently, such a point as a practice would be a helpful method to accomplish that. The assessment of the practical indicators based on the studentâs activities in class will help obtain the necessary information.
Communicative Assessments and Analyzes
After implementing the instructions and conducting practical activities in the classroom, the teacher should resort to an integrated approach to evaluating the results. This process can be divided into three stages, scoring, monitoring and analyzing, and communicating (Rinkema and Williams, 2018). It is important to emphasize that it is essential to communicate directly with the student, who, according to the assessment results and the teacherâs opinion, showed specific results and is a potential candidate to be sent to the CRC. The teacher must determine which aspects of the instructions were challenging for the student to execute, which they did not understand, and others (Bachman and Damböck, 2018). This assessment activity approach will allow for adequately evaluating the outcome of the practice, drawing a consistent conclusion, and deciding on referring the student to CRC.
Writing Assessments and Its Peculiarities
In addition to the abovementioned method based on the practical evaluation of the student, another possible classroom assessment activity is written tests and exams. This method is one of the most popular because it allows the teacher to evaluate the significant amount of knowledge students receive during a specific educational course (Leontjev and DeBoer, 2020). However, to better assess learning achievement, it is vital to consider some features of this approach. First, it will be helpful to use the method of differentiated instructions. It means that the test will not only focus on testing knowledge about a particular learning material but will also involve a targeted assessment design for student groups. Another essential aspect that should be considered in writing tests is conducting similar assessment activities without students’ preparation (DeVries, 2019). Teachers need to understand that to identify students who are worth referring to the Central Resource Centre For Special Education, they need to evaluate them without having to prepare for the test. Otherwise, the test will not be practical because each student can prepare for the test differently due to various circumstances.
In conclusion, it is important to stress that the characteristic feature of quality assessment activities for determining students at CRC is an integrated approach to evaluation, which consists of several stages. Phases such as planning efficient instructions, practice activities, differentiated instructions, and formative assessment are crucial for proper evaluation. In addition, communicating with students after assessment activities will be an important step in obtaining more detailed information. In addition, such popular assessment methods as writing tests and exams have their peculiarities and should be considered profoundly. Therefore, all the approaches mentioned above will be helpful for the teacher to make efficient conclusions regarding referring students to the CRC, provided that each method is appropriately applied.
Reference List
Bachman, L. and Damböck, B. (2018) Language assessment for classroom teachers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
DeVries, B. (2019) Literacy assessment and intervention for classroom teachers. New York: Routledge.
Leontjev, D. and DeBoer, M. (2020) Classrooms approaches and conceptualisations. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Rinkema, E. and Williams, S. (2018) The standards-based classroom make learning the goal. London: SAGE Publications.
Zheng, L. et al. (2020) âA systematic review of technology-supported peer assessment research: an activity theory approachâ, International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(5), pp. 168-191.