E-Portfolio Aspects Discussion


The purpose of this paper will be to discuss the e-portfolio. This presentation will define and explain what an e-portfolio is and identify the importance of developing and using an e-portfolio. The presentation will discuss what should be included in an e-portfolio. The challenges and issues associated with using an e-portfolio will be discussed. The presentation’s conclusion will examine recommendations on how I will use the e-portfolio as a graduate student and as an APN in the future.

What is E-Portfolio?

An e-portfolio is the short form of an electronic portfolio. An academic e-portfolio is a digital collection that students develop to showcase what they have been doing during learning. The e-portfolio may capture student life aspects of the course of their studies. All the accomplishments and achievements they have made throughout the learning period are recorded in the e-portfolio. The purposeful collection of the students’ work may exhibit the students’ progress and efforts in various aspects of learning (Madden et al., 2019). Graduate students in higher learning and Advanced practice nurses may be involved in developing their e-portfolio. This PowerPoint presentation will examine how the two can use the e-portfolio to showcase their work.

Definition of e-portfolio for

For a graduate student in higher learning, an electronic portfolio is a tool the student can use to collect their educational achievements and accomplishments. The graduate student can provide a collection of artifacts and evidence they achieved during their education. The student can identify the skills they acquired during their learning (Ngo & Thapa 2018). The knowledge provided to them during class and coursework can be included and the e- portfolio. The student can additionally showcase various things such as badges and certificated and experience letters that can be useful in employment. The e-portfolio of a graduate student is like a window showings the past, present, and future of their academic endeavor. On the other hand, for an Advance practice nurse, the e-portfolio is a tool that is a functional collection of the working experience of the APN. The r-portfolio provides their current progress and achievements in their working endeavors. The portfolio provides the high credentials of the nurse such as nurse practitioner, nurse educator, clinical nurse specialist, or nurse midwife.

Importance of Developing and Using an E-Portfolio: Graduate Student

A well-executed e-portfolio of a graduate student is an incredible tool. The e-portfolio provides the student with an authentic assessment of their learning and promotes their deeper learning as the student can identify their academic achievement. These achievements motivate the student and enable them to feel the need to record better achievements. The student can reflect on their learning goals and objectives and know if they are attaining their targets. The student can reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, strive to improve their weak points, and make an improvement plan. When students have set goals in their education, they can identify whether they have exhausted their learning needs. The student can increase their chance of employment by providing the e-portfolio, and the employees can better assess their achievement (Slepcevic-Zach & 2018). The student prepares themselves for their chosen career profession by ensuring that they identify their accomplishments, achievements, and unquantifiable skills needed to have a successful career.

Importance of Developing and Using an E-Portfolio for APN

An advanced practice nurse benefits from an e-portfolio that gives them a chance to provide their personal and professional information. The virtual introduction of their professional contacts helps them promote and enhance their network opportunities. APNs can showcase their academic credentials and certifications. Professional membership and work experience can be shown in their e-portfolio. Skills are important in the nursing profession, and nurse can highlight their skills such as leadership skills, communication skills, teamwork activities they have participated in, and quality improvement ventures. The APNs may support their resourcefulness by including in the e-portfolio their research project and published works (Mapundu & Musara, 2019). Consequently, the APNs can benefit from e-portfolios to maintain their records for use within their workplace.

Contents of E-Portfolio: Graduate Student

In an e-portfolio of a graduate student, items included include the name and contact information that identifies the student and how one may reach them in case of communication. Transcripts indicate their grades in the various subjects they learned in class. A student’s resume is included, which explains their academic accomplishments, achievements, and general life experiences. The student may indicate the quality improvement projects they have participated in and academic awards they have acquired during their education. Evaluation of the student may be recorded, and the extracurricular activities they have participated in, including membership in such activities. The student may indicate references who can ascertain that the information provided in the e-portfolio is genuine.

Contents of E-Portfolio: Advance Practice Nurse

The items and contents that may be included in an e-portfolio of an advanced practice nurse include their name and contact information that identifies them and how one may reach them. The nurse may include their clinical experience showing competence in their work. The specific high credentials of the APN are provided in their area of specialization. The certifications of the nurse are provided that indicates their achievements and accomplishments in the nursing career. The nurse may provide the evidence-based research projects they have participated in or published work. The affiliated organizations in which the nurse has worked are included in the portfolio. Personal and professional experiences and skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership are indicated and backed with references.

My E-Portfolio

My resume will include personal demographics, including my name, contact information, and a photograph. I will provide a resume that gives a short description of my education, qualifications and accomplishments, and job experiences. I will ensure that my resume is up-to-date. I will outline my current status as a student, the indication the program is taking, and provide my academic transcripts. I will provide the credentials and certifications that I have acquired. I will outline the educational programs I have helped present and develop. I will consequently indicate my short-term and long-term goals that I wish to achieve soon and in the future. Additionally, I will provide my participation in extracurricular activities and memberships in various none educational programs.

Challenges and Issues

There are challenges and issues associated with e-portfolios. As an electronic tool, the e-portfolio faces privacy and security risks of being breached. The information can be accessed by unauthorized hackers or hacked by someone with bad intentions. Digital fingerprints and personality, current photographs, and personal information can be easily accessed for the e-portfolio (Mapundu & Musara, 2019). The e-portfolio faces risks of misinformation and misunderstandings of prior visual interactions, such as on social media platforms. The information presented in the e-portfolio may be inaccurate as provided by the owner. Additionally, there are challenges when checking the credibility and the verifiability of the information provided in the e-portfolio.


The paper defined an e-portfolio for graduate students and advanced nurse practitioners. I discuss the advantages and uses of the e-portfolio and the items that should be included in the portfolio. After discussing the importance and challenges of using the e-portfolio, its uses are important in today’s technical world. As an advanced practice nurse, I will bestow availability, structure, and ease in updating information necessary in my e-portfolio in the future as I progress in my career.


Lukitasari, M., Handhika, J., & Murtafiah, W. (2018). Higher order thinking skills: Using e-portfolio in project-based learning. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 983, No. 1, p. 012047). IOP Publishing.

Madden, K., Collins, E., & Lander, P. (2019). Nursing students’ perspectives on ePortfolios: Themes and preferences compared with paper-based experiences. International Journal of ePortfolio, 9(2), 87-96.

Mapundu, M. & Musara, M. (2019). E-portfolios as a tool to enhance student learning experience and entrepreneurial skills. South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(6), 191-214. Web.

Ngo, A.V., & Thapa, M. M. (2018). Documenting your career as an educator electronically. Pediatric Radiology, 48(10), 1399–1405.

Rodrigues, M. R., Pinto, J., & Oliveira Pires, A. L. (2018). ePortfolio as a learning and assessment tool. HAMK Unlimited Journal, 1-9.

Slepcevic-Zach, P., & Stock, M. (2018). E-Portfolio as a tool for reflection and self- reflection. Reflective Practice, 19(3), 291-307.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, December 6). E-Portfolio Aspects Discussion. https://chalkypapers.com/e-portfolio-aspects-discussion/

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"E-Portfolio Aspects Discussion." ChalkyPapers, 6 Dec. 2024, chalkypapers.com/e-portfolio-aspects-discussion/.


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'E-Portfolio Aspects Discussion'. 6 December.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "E-Portfolio Aspects Discussion." December 6, 2024. https://chalkypapers.com/e-portfolio-aspects-discussion/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "E-Portfolio Aspects Discussion." December 6, 2024. https://chalkypapers.com/e-portfolio-aspects-discussion/.


ChalkyPapers. "E-Portfolio Aspects Discussion." December 6, 2024. https://chalkypapers.com/e-portfolio-aspects-discussion/.