Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Skills

Sakellariou, M., Strati, M, & Anagnostopoulou, R. (2019). The role of social skills throughout inclusive education implementation. East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature. DOI:10.36349/EASJEHL.2019.v02i10.22

This article sheds light on a rather important and socially significant perspective in children’s education. Focusing on children with special needs or disabilities, the article attempts to develop an effective strategy for educating these children in an inclusive social environment. Such skills as problem solving are characterized by the authors as social ones, included in a row with communication with peers and control over one’s own behavior. Inclusive education seems to be the answer to the problem of children having difficulty communicating with their peers and, as a result, experiencing delays in education and development. The study was carried out in Greece, where more than 500 school employees were interviewed about the real needs of kindergarten and school students (Sakkelariou et al., 2019). However, the study involves not only a demographic survey, but also the direct practical application of inclusive practices. The results of the experience of holistic teaching to children with disabilities show that in the case of a high quality of services provided by the educator, children do indeed overcome social difficulties. The article thus relates to the SE4.1 as it is dedicated to children learning to solve problems and demonstrating acquired skills. The article demonstrates the importance of high-quality teacher education and an attentive individual attitude towards the child so that they can acquire the required competencies.

Erdem, D. (2018). Kindergarten teachers’ views about outdoor activities. Journal of Education and Learning 7(3), 203-218.

This article highlights the importance of learning outside for a kindergarten student. An educational methodology is proposed in which special attention is paid to the physical activity of the child outside, and the playground is perceived by researchers as one of the key places where the independent consciousness of the child is formed. More than forty pre-school teachers were recruited during the research conducted in Turkey. The behavior of children and the interaction of educators with them were observed and recorded. It was also noted that teachers traditionally organized games intended for fresh air in the premises of the kindergarten. As a result of this pilot study, the educational benefits of playing outside are proven, limited, however, by teachers’ concern for the safety of children (Erdem, 2018). The article demonstrates the importance of playing and physical activity on the street as a formative aspect in the harmonious development of the child and emphasizes the importance of supporting this type of activity by educational institutions. Thus, the article relates to the SE4.1, introducing a fresh prospect on children’s cognitive development.

Early Childhood Educators and the Skill Development

The analysis of the sources makes it possible to derive general recommendations, thus contributing to the preparation of a comprehensive and evidence-based program for educators. The preschool period is one of the fundamental in the intellectual development of the child, which indicates that at this time their education needs to be given a lot of attention. The teacher needs to emphasize the inclusiveness of education so that the child can integrate into the social environment. Only in this way will the child be able to solve problems while simultaneously adapting to the society of which they are a part. Regardless of the skills or psychological characteristics of the child, the caregiver must show patience and respect for the child. Also, the educator needs to maintain a positive attitude towards the process of his work, since the mood of an adult is empathically communicated to a child who cannot be instilled with a pessimistic attitude towards the world. The physical activity of the child and their interaction with the environment of the playground contributes to solving problems, since it requires the child to master material objects, safely interact with them for entertainment. Also, playing outside is a way of socialization so necessary for the development of critical and analytical skills.

Key Learnings in Professional Context and Future Practice

For my intended future practice as an educator, the information I have discovered is extremely valuable. Understanding each child as a unique individual with their own psychological characteristics and structure of thinking seems to be a necessary competence of any children’s teacher. Problem solving is a constant aspect of the relationship of a person with the environment and society, so the methodology of the pedagogical approach to kindergarten children must be carefully constructed.

No less important in this methodology is the humanistic approach, which implies a careful attitude to the psychology of the child in order not to cause them accidental mental trauma at such a vulnerable age. The holistic methodology described in the article seems to me really valuable because it perceives the child in unity with the outside world and seeks to create a relationship of harmony and balance between them. That is why it is required to pay special attention to the physical activity of the child, because it is in direct connection with the development of his cognitive skills. The ability to interact through your body with the environment is one of the foundations of cognitive formation. Also, the playground is an ideal environment for socialization and interaction, where through the game children can understand each other, set and complete tasks. Therefore, as a future educator, it makes sense for me in the future to pay special attention to the importance of playground activities in the cognitive improvement of children.


Erdem, D. (2018). Kindergarten teachers’ views about outdoor activities. Journal of Education and Learning 7(3), 203-218. Web.

Sakellariou, M., Strati, M, & Anagnostopoulou, R. (2019). The role of social skills throughout inclusive education implementation. East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, 2(10). DOI:10.36349/EASJEHL.2019.v02i10.22

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 23). Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Skills. https://chalkypapers.com/early-childhood-education-pedagogical-skills/

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"Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Skills." ChalkyPapers, 23 Oct. 2023, chalkypapers.com/early-childhood-education-pedagogical-skills/.


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Skills'. 23 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Skills." October 23, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/early-childhood-education-pedagogical-skills/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Skills." October 23, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/early-childhood-education-pedagogical-skills/.


ChalkyPapers. "Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Skills." October 23, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/early-childhood-education-pedagogical-skills/.