Education Leadership and Teaching Credentials


The role of an education leader implies the presence of various tasks and objectives directly correlating with the academic environment. The goals are interconnected with communication due to the fact that the leader teams up with educators to achieve the aforementioned objective. In order for the entrance to be effective and fall in line with federal, state, and school-specific guidelines, the leaders can apply certain techniques to maximize positive impact. In this paper, the current teaching credentials will be discussed, as well as practices for informing teachers of said guidelines and additional academic and organizational measures.

Teacher Credentials

In order for new team members to enter an academic environment, it is essential to obtain the necessary credentials. The credentials have the role of practical evidence when it comes to the individual’s ability to implement knowledge into practice, the presence of necessary skills and information, and accreditation. Thus, as an education leader, being aware of current credential requirements as well as informing potential candidates in regards to said measures is vital. The state of New Jersey has a set of accreditation requirements that teachers who are willing to work in institutions in this specific state are to acquire.

Namely, one of the necessary requirements is the credential highlighted in the Certificate of Eligibility (CE). The certificate is valid throughout the person’s lifetime and is to be obtained by a future education who did not follow through with a teacher preparation program. On the other hand, an educator who has completed the program is to acquire a Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) (New Jersey Department of Education, 2019). The aforementioned credentials imply that the educator has the necessary education, skillset, and regulatory evidence that they can be employed on the basis of their accredited status. Needless to say, the regulatory implementations also imply that the teacher who acquires the certificates is fit for the position of an educator through formal education, namely, a Bachelor’s degree in education.

Informing Teachers on Credentials and Maintenance Issues

As mentioned prior, an education leader is directly interconnected with the individuals who operate in the educational environment. Researchers point out that communication is one of the essential contributions to effective educational leadership (Grunberg et al., 2018). Thus, the leaders form relationships both with the administrative staff of schools and the educators. Moreover, it is essential to point out that creating communication channels with potential candidates who can fulfill the professional needs of specific institutions is another communication concept that education leaders are to address. This is the case in regards to employment techniques and measures applied to research the talent pool and select potential educators. Some of the challenges faced by public schools include teacher absenteeism, dissatisfaction with the work tasks, and poor work ethics (Izobo-Martins et al., 2018). Selecting suitable candidates can diminish or, if not minimize, such challenges, which ultimately improves the workspace. However, in order for the staff need to be fulfilled, educational leaders are to inform teachers of required credentials as well as highlight the best practices for administering certification and credentialing and maintenance of issues at school sites.

One of the circumstances of information sharing is through employment techniques. Namely, educational leaders can research the employment market by conducting an internal search, considering referrals, employment agencies, colleges and universities, and professional organizations (Rebore, 2011). While the individuals who can be considered for employment have the skills and knowledge on how to be an educator, they may be limited in regards to information on accreditation steps and certification admission. In this case, the educator is to minimize the aforementioned challenge and conduct an informational intervention. For example, the educational leader can go to universities where future educators acquire the bachelor’s degree that is necessary for teaching students. The educational leader can be invited to conduct a lecture on entities that provide CEs and CEASs, explain their characteristics, and explain the credentialing and school site maintenance issues that future teachers will encounter. As a result, a shortage in employees experienced by schools will be effectively minimized through the candidates that have all the necessary documentation and administrative knowledge on accreditation techniques.

Another way the information can be shared is through online research of the talent pool. Researchers point out that educational leaders can maximize their potential impact on the academic setting through technology (Pashiardis & Brauckmann, 2018). Thus, listing the requirements and including the necessary credentials and certification that candidates are to acquire not only effectively eliminates unfit employees but also informs future educators on the steps they are to take to work in the industry. Another information-sharing technique is through the official platforms of the academic institutions. As most schools have a website, a specific section can be designed for job opportunities. According to researchers, teachers can either strive or fail based on the environment they operate (Clipa & Honciuc, 2020). This is why before employment, a candidate is most likely to make sure the academic institution has values similar to their own, such as equality, inclusivity, and inclusion. The information can be acquired after the online resources are accessed, which is why listing credential measures and practices related to certification and maintenance issues can be listed on such platforms. Educational leaders, on the other hand, are directly involved in teacher accreditation, supervision, and skill development (Schott et al., 2020). Thus, information sharing, both through online platforms and organizations and institutions informing leaders of existing candidates, can benefit the academic system and the workforce.


It is certain that education leaders can directly impact the workforce in an academic environment. This is why additional attention is required to the important subject of information sharing. The leaders are to touch on subjects related to accreditation practices, maintenance issues, and certification teachers require to become employees and operate in the educational field. One specific instance in which information sharing is needed is during employment. The educational leader can list the needed credentials in the employment ad, which would let potential candidates know what documentation is necessary and specific practices that are to be applied in a school setting. Another circumstance in which such techniques are vital in an academic setting, namely, colleges and universities where future teachers receive their Batchelor’s degrees that are later considered during the acquirement of CEs or CEASs. Thus, the information can come from the educational leader in the form of a lecture or a student meeting. As a result, students will be ready to enter the workforce knowing the steps and practices they are to consider to become accredited. There are multiple ways and environments through which the information can be shared, yet it is certain that having knowledge of the administrative concepts is essential for employment.


Clipa, O., & Honciuc, C. (2020). Educational leadership – roles on work performance. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 12(3), 90–106. Web.

Grunberg, N. E., Barry, E. S., Callahan, C. W., Kleber, H. G., McManigle, J. E., & Schoomaker, E. B. (2018). A conceptual framework for leader and Leadership Education and Development. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(5), 644–650. Web.

Izobo-Martins, O. O., Noel, E. E., Olakunle, A.-V. E., & Olukayode, O. A. (2018). Assessing users’ perceptions of the current maintenance disorder of Public Secondary School in Ogun, Nigeria. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 06(02), 90–101. Web.

New Jersey Department of Education. (2019). Certification & Induction – Teachers. Official site of the State of New Jersey. Web.

Pashiardis, P., & Brauckmann, S. (2018). New public management in education: A call for the edupreneurial leader? Leadership and Policy in Schools, 18(3), 485–499. Web.

Rebore, R. W. (2011). Human Resources Administration in education. Pearson.

Schott, C., van Roekel, H., & Tummers, L. G. (2020). Teacher leadership: A systematic review, Methodological Quality Assessment and Conceptual Framework. Educational Research Review, 31, 100352. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, December 23). Education Leadership and Teaching Credentials.

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ChalkyPapers. "Education Leadership and Teaching Credentials." December 23, 2024.