Effective Teaching and Its Main Components


I am a 23-year-old student pursuing early childhood education as my lifelong career. Generally, I teach kindergarten one and two and grade 1; however, I have decided to teach kindergarten two as I love them since I can do several activities. I chose to teach because I am devoted to transforming children’s lives via education. Moreover, I will apply Dewey’s theory of education to enhance the significant aspects of humanity; this will center learners’ attention on the tools of knowledge that justify the efficacy of personal inquiry via experience (Klimkowski, 2019). On the same, employing Vygotsky’s notion will emphasize the significance of the pupil’s culture’s function in teaching (Klimkowski, 2019). In this regard, the theories’ objective will be to enhance education and ultimately improve a child’s accomplishment and preparedness for future prosperity by supporting educational quality and providing equitable accessibility. Therefore, knowledge offers the foundation for a lucrative job, a high social position, a good living, and the chance to accomplish one’s goals.

By choosing to be a kindergarten teacher, I will experience career fulfillment that few others will ever have. Teachers have possibly the most significant effect on a child’s upbringing, second only to parents. The tangible effects I will see in my pupils will fill me with pride. In addition, teaching is a legitimate vocation, similar to that of nurses, physicians, and veterinarians; it is not only a job but a genuine profession. The gratifying aspect of teaching gives instructors job satisfaction unequaled by other professions. I think every child should have the opportunity to study; hence, it will ensure future generations are not deficient in basic knowledge.

Domains of Development

Frequently, children undergo major and visible changes in a single domain at a time. For instance, if a youngster is concentrating on training on mobility, which falls under the physical domain, one may not observe as much language growth or new words until the child has perfected moving. Throughout various stages of a child’s life, it may seem that only one domain undergoes developmental progress; nevertheless, transition happens typically in the other domains, although more gradually and subtly.

Language Development

Language development relies on other developmental areas and affects teaching. The capacity to interact with others develops from birth, albeit at varying speeds among children (Fraser-Thill, 2021). Therefore, as a teacher, it is crucial to help my pupils develop language. Specifically, assisting them in reading their books is important in advancing their language. Reading aloud to my pupils will significantly influence their developing literacy and language abilities. On the same note, refer to various items and involve them in the surrounding environment composition, for example, chats demarcated with names of trees and clouds, among others. Similarly, it is vital to utilize singing skills to strengthen their language skills; this assures that children will remember certain words as they sing along (Shin, 2017). Further, if I consider conducting frequent talks, responding to their inquiries, and requesting learners’ views as they mature, these practices contribute significantly to their language development.

Social-Emotional Development

The social-emotional domain covers the development of a child’s emotional awareness and regulation. Based on Fraser-Thill (2021), as children grow, they gain the capacity to detect the emotions of others, collaborate, demonstrate compassion, and employ ethical judgments. Hence, as their instructor, I will develop relationships with the pupils and learn how to connect with them. For example, I will ensure the learners share, take turns, and tolerate others’ diversity. In this sense, I will often see significant improvements in social skills throughout this period.

Further, to aid a pupil’s emotional and social development, provide them with chances to connect with mates and encourage them to create relationships with adults concurrently. I will set up meetups, investigate playgroups, and investigate recreational activities within the school setting. As their educator, I ask the learner about their hobbies and interests and help them to recognize their limitations and strengths to foster a sense of identity. Additionally, teach them how to identify and control their emotions.

Physical Development

I believe physical development will be my best development domain in enhancing the pupil’s growth. This is because I like physical exercise with the learners. The physical domain encompasses the development of physical changes, such as size and strength growth. Pupils learn to execute various finger movements while on school premises synchronizing with their eyes, including grabbing, releasing, reaching, pinching, and wrist rotation. Fraser-Thill (2021) portray that they may not come naturally due to the time required to generate these little muscle motions. As a teacher, I would enhance their crucial abilities during physical education lessons, precisely balance and strength, including walking, running, throwing, lifting, pulling, pushing, and kicking. As a result, it will ensure that such pupils develop an equilibrium state of mind.

Cognitive Development

The cognitive realm encompasses intellectual growth and originality. Children acquire the capacity to process ideas, pay attention, form memories, comprehend their environment, exhibit inventiveness, and create, execute, and undertake plans as they grow intellectually (Fraser-Thill, 2021). In addition, they gain the capacity to employ logical reasoning, comprehend complex concepts, and grow more competent at solving problems. In the last stage, according to Piaget, the formal operational stage (from age 12) relates to where a child’s logical reasoning improves. As a teacher, I may aid in developing and refining the pupil’s cognitive abilities by fostering an atmosphere where learners feel safe asking questions about their surroundings and have many chances for unstructured play. Hence, it encourages learners to drive to study by encouraging them to pursue their interests. Furthermore, I foster critical thinking and deductive reasoning by posing open-ended questions and instructing learners to develop cognitive actions. Overall, it will improve my pupils’ mental and cognitive wellness.

The Learning Environment

Developing a classroom culture and community is essential to maintaining a secure learning environment. I consider the relationship between teachers and their pupils to be the most crucial element of a safe and conducive learning environment. According to Cayubit (2021), when pupils realize their instructor cares about them and wants them to succeed, they feel safe, question, admit errors, and take chances to acquire new knowledge. Working as a teacher to create these connections, I must serve as a role model for learning and accomplishment recognition. When my pupils perceive that I can learn from their errors and be animated despite being upset, they will be at ease doing the equivalent.

Bestowed with my role of generating multiple avenues for the formation of robust classroom communities is crucial. Hence, I will ascertain that my kindergarten pupils must comprehend what they share with their classmates in the learning room. Moreover, design my classroom using inclusivity and diversity ideas. Thus, my onus of fostering this conducive learning setting will ensure all learners can get along and appreciate one another’s uniqueness shall be my priority. Hence, learners will share their skills and encourage one another as part of a team-based learning endeavor. I may further assign diverse tasks or obligations to pupils to preserve the physical classroom. In addition, I will encourage customs, classroom jokes, and pets, among other ways to foster community. Therefore, when pupils enjoy peaceful, inclusive company, they are more inclined to be tolerant and feel secure in their surroundings.


Differentiation term definition is distinct to each area, such as education, which entails adapting instruction to meet individual pupils’ requirements and learning styles. As such, Taylor (2017) underscores that differentiation is a method of reasoning about learning and teaching. As a teach differentiation method in a lesson, particularly by modifying the product. In this way, when I alter a lesson’s product, I change the precise criteria for success for pupils to show their knowledge. Specifically, Suprayogi et al. (2017) insinuate that educators may distinguish the result of a lesson by asking select learners to demonstrate to another learner how to fulfill the lesson’s objective or by having learners apply the particular learning result to perform an actual activity. Thus, this is analogous proof of success and accomplishment. While categorizing pupils, great attention should be paid to when and how to employ different and same-ability groups in each situation.

Similarly, I may differentiate a lecture by modifying the procedure. When I modify a lesson’s procedure, I alter the teaching approaches and how pupils are expected to learn. This modification might include adopting pupil engagement with high-achieving pupils, explicitly teaching the remainder of the class, and utilizing modeled techniques or multimedia. Adjusting the procedure enables designing a lesson that assists individual kindergarten pupils in meeting their learning objectives in a manner that meets their particular requirements.

Learning Assessment

Learner assessment is undoubtedly the focal point of the teaching process. Therefore, it is the topic of much debate in teaching research. In other words, Mcdaniel (2019) relays that teaching needs a method to determine if pupils are acquiring the required information and abilities and if my guidance is thus successful. Notably, the assessment of learning is like a viewfinder held up to pupils’ learning to see if the teaching method is effective or requires modification (Mcdaniel, 2019). As a result, I would adopt a formative assessment approach as a teacher, which entails evaluating learner performance at successive periods before the summative form. Its primary objective is to aid learners in the learning process by encouraging them to ponder on their obstacles and progress to progress. By examining pupils’ achievement via formative assessment and discussing the findings with them, educators assist pupils in comprehending their deficiencies and capabilities and focus on how they might better themselves during the remainder of their studies.


Overall, I think that education and learning are ongoing processes. This is particularly important to me as a teacher whose duty is cultivating and educating the next generation of learners. Initially, I would associate professional learning with being current on subject-specific information. This is crucial, but my most critical responsibility is learning and growing as an instructor. The relevance of my position as a lifelong educator is demonstrating that pupil learning outcomes have improved. In addition, participating in professional development is one of the seven teacher criteria mentioned that I will confidently pursue. I have always endeavored to expand my education in professional settings and will continue to do so throughout my tenure as a teacher.

Furthermore, learning settings where pupils actively participate personally and as part of cooperative groups are essential components of effective teaching. Learners are inspired, and their aspirations are nourished within a secure, healthy, and supportive atmosphere, cultivating tolerance and mutual respect (Sargrad et al., 2017). In addition, it inspires learners to take ownership of their education and caters to the many educational requirements of each pupil.


Cayubit, R. F. O. (2021). Why learning environment matters? An analysis on how the learning environment influences the academic motivation, learning strategies and engagement of college students. Learning Environments Research, 25(2), 581โ€“599. Web.

Fraser-Thil, R. (2021). Major domains in child development. Verywell family. Web.

Klimkowski, K. (2019). Educational theory. The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education, 29โ€“45. Web.

Mcdaniel, R. (2019). Assessing student learning. Vanderbilt University. Web.

Sargrad, S., Harris, K. M., Partelow, L., Campbell, N., & Jimenez, L. (2019). A quality education for every child: A new agenda for education policy. Center for American progress. Web.

Suprayogi, M. N., Valcke, M., & Godwin, R. (2017). Teachers and their implementation of differentiated instruction in the classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 291โ€“301. Web.

Shin, J. K. (2017). Get up and sing! Get up and move! Using songs and movement with young learners of English. English Teaching Forum, 55(2), 14โ€“25. Web.

Taylor S C. (2017). Contested knowledge: A critical review of the concept of differentiation in teaching and learning. Warwick Journal of Education – Transforming Teaching, 1, 55โ€“68. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 25). Effective Teaching and Its Main Components. https://chalkypapers.com/effective-teaching-and-its-main-components/

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"Effective Teaching and Its Main Components." ChalkyPapers, 25 Oct. 2023, chalkypapers.com/effective-teaching-and-its-main-components/.


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Effective Teaching and Its Main Components'. 25 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Effective Teaching and Its Main Components." October 25, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/effective-teaching-and-its-main-components/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Effective Teaching and Its Main Components." October 25, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/effective-teaching-and-its-main-components/.


ChalkyPapers. "Effective Teaching and Its Main Components." October 25, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/effective-teaching-and-its-main-components/.