Ethics and Fairness of College Fees


An educational institution is a provider of services that applicants order upon admission to gain knowledge. At the same time, technological equipment and progress are undoubtedly important and integral components of a qualified teaching program. They provide a better process of teaching material to students. However, it is important to raise the issue that college progress and technological upgrades should not be paid for by raising the price of current student contracts.

Charging an Additional Fee

As a general phenomenon, changing tuition fees is a clear action that certain social or nominal determinants can justify. In such cases, the college has reason to increase funding through student fees. However, such actions have legality about long-term actions, the costs of which were not provided for by the cost planning system. One-time expenses, such as making any purchases for improvement, should not be charged to students.

One-time costs that include, among other things, the payment for new software cannot be included in the ongoing tuition fee. There are several reasons for this, the first of which is that students entering college enter into an agreement in which a fixed payment appears. At the same time, the educational institution itself regulates whether the amount can change during the academic year and semester. Thus, the final decision remains with the college in any case. However, it is worth noting that changing the amount of payment to buy newer software is not ethically correct since this only applies to students of online courses.

As a result, it will turn out that two students who study at the same educational institution on the same program will pay different amounts. This violates the principles of fairness and equality among students, which sets a negative precedent in the history of the college. In addition, this state of affairs will directly affect the educational institution’s situation and students’ interpersonal relations. This may be because students may think that students from campuses and online classes are treated differently by the administration. Thus, bullying and humiliation based on online learning may appear in teams where people from the two mentioned domains intersect. This fact can significantly reduce the motivation of students to study and their attitude towards the college as a whole.

The second reason that makes it wrong to add a fee for the software is the variable cost. The student signs a contract for training upon the start of training on the terms that are beneficial for them and for the college. The transition to new software is carried out one time, however, the amount of the contract is prolonged, depending on which form of training was chosen. Thus, adding to a certain fixed amount of money that the student paid at one time is not included in the concept of honesty on the part of the service provider. Future generations of students at that college will also use the new system but will not have to pay extra money to do so. Thus, it turns out that part of their education was paid for by students of previous courses.


Taking into account all of the above, adding a new payment to the already paid fixed amount does not seem legitimate from the point of view of online course students. In addition, the ethical standards of fairness and equality will also be violated if this allowance is approved. All of these facts give the impression that the educational system at California Community Colleges is making mistakes in its spending planning system.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, September 4). Ethics and Fairness of College Fees.

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"Ethics and Fairness of College Fees." ChalkyPapers, 4 Sept. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'Ethics and Fairness of College Fees'. 4 September.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "Ethics and Fairness of College Fees." September 4, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Ethics and Fairness of College Fees." September 4, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "Ethics and Fairness of College Fees." September 4, 2024.