Homeschooling Topic Explored at Global Level

Homeschooling has become more of a need than a necessity. Dissatisfaction with the educational system, schoolteachers, the quality of the material presented, and the impact of many other factors are prompting parents to reconsider the form of their child’s learning (Faisal, 155). Ten sources of various kinds were reviewed to explore this issue in more depth globally. I used resources such as and to find relevant authorities.

First, I entered the phrases “homeschooling” and “home education.” Searching for these given words provided the results I needed, so no unfortunate terms were identified. To explore the topic on a global level, I selected articles that address the issue from different viewpoints and bring up aspects such as the challenges of homeschooling, tips for parents, and the harms and benefits of this form. I chose resources that address the topic not only in terms of one country but the world. All the sources and articles I decided met these requirements, so they were included in the list.

The whole process of working on an essay can be divided into several parts: searching for resources, reading them, analyzing, and writing the paper. The search took an hour; the reading proceeded parallel with the analysis; it took about an hour and a half: reading the source, I made notes. The final step was to write the essay and format it; this took about an hour. Thus, the whole process caught three and a half hours.

While studying homeschooling, I learned new information that touches on different sides of the issue. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many families started homeschooling their children (Averett). For many of them, homeschooling is a form they use as an effective tool (What Educators Say). At the same time, if parents do not know where to start this process, they can find the necessary advice on scientific articles (Jantore). The Internet deals with different issues: discipline, planning, creativity, organization (6 Lessons). Parents need to consider not only their needs but also their child’s desires. As children get older, they may want to socialize more with peers, and this form of education can make a child withdrawn (Is Homeschooling Socially). Accordingly, when choosing to homeschool, parents need to consult with teachers, psychologists, and their children to avoid future problems of this nature.

An essential criterion in selecting resources is the inclusion of scientific articles, studies, examples in practice. Significant research outlined the experiences of homeschooling families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this work, the reader can consider combining home, work, school, and childcare and how to solve them (Johnson). For objectivity, the issue must also be viewed from the perspective of young people. Parents are usually familiar with the views and attitudes of their children, but scholarly articles will help explore the topic in a broader sense (Neuman, 581). Another important aspect is the reasons why children switch to this form of study. Teachers must pay attention not only to external factors (educational system, parents’ views) but also to their teaching methods (Ray, 102). Without discussing the issue by all participants, it is impossible to reach an objective view of the situation.

The source that I found most interesting related to parents’ experiences with homeschooling during the pandemic. This article examines the impact of this form of homeschooling in families with or without a child with a mental illness across Europe (Thorell). This resource is the most significant because it is based on actual numbers, looks at attitudes from both parents and children, and raises mental health issues.

I learned to look at the topic from different angles, approach it objectively, and push my views to the back burner by collecting, analyzing data, and writing the paper. Before I began the process, I built myself a structure for my actions and outlined the criteria for selecting information, so I got the result I wanted. Accordingly, I would not have done anything differently because I prepared beforehand and approached the work seriously.

Works Cited

Averett, Kate H. “Homeschool Revolution: More Parents Than Ever Are Against Public Schools.” New York Post, 2021. Web.

“Is Homeschooling Socially Harmful?” New Internationalist, 2021. Web.

Faisal, Faisal. “Learning Needs of the Students Through Homeschooling.” Jurnal Edukasi Nonformal, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020, pp. 154-159.

Jantore, George. “Great Homeschooling Tips for the Best Education.” Esmeralda Journale, vol. 1, no. 1, 2020.

Johnson, Rebecca Z. “Homeschooling During COVID-19: A Case Study.” All NMU Master’s Theses, 2021.

Neuman, Ari. “Ask the Young: What Homeschooled Adolescents Think About Homeschooling.” Journal of Research in Childhood Education, vol, 34, no. 4, 2020, pp. 566-582.

Ray, Brian. “A Review of Research on Homeschooling and What Might Educators Learn?” Pro-Posições, vol. 28, no. 2, 2017, pp. 85-103.

Thorell, Lisa B., et al. “Parental Experiences of Homeschooling During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences Between Seven European Countries and Between Children with and without Mental Health Conditions.” European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2021, pp. 1-13.

“What Educators Say.” The New Indian Express, 2021. Web.

“6 Lessons Parents Can Take from Pandemic Homeschooling.” Florida New Times, 2021. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, April 11). Homeschooling Topic Explored at Global Level.

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"Homeschooling Topic Explored at Global Level." ChalkyPapers, 11 Apr. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Homeschooling Topic Explored at Global Level'. 11 April.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Homeschooling Topic Explored at Global Level." April 11, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Homeschooling Topic Explored at Global Level." April 11, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Homeschooling Topic Explored at Global Level." April 11, 2023.