Distraction of Children’s Attention
Appearance is a business card of any person by which one may evaluate them, their interests, and living norms. However, judging only by appearance is wrong; a person may have certain circumstances under which they look like that. The first point that people pay attention to when encountering a person is what they are dressed in. The choice of clothes should be given special attention. The proverb about being met by clothes is very relevant. Clothing tells about the individual’s flavors and preferences. Today, most schools are gradually returning to the introduction of school uniforms, as teachers and parents consider it practical.
According to psychologists working in schools, the lack of school uniforms and colorful clothing distracts children from lessons, especially if we talk about elementary school students, whose attention is very easy to switch (Zhai et al., 2019). In high school, in the absence of school uniforms, one can observe the stratification of students depending on the wealth of their parents: those whose parents are richer come to school in branded clothes, and children whose parents cannot afford excesses have to be content with inexpensive clothes. Often, there is a reason for depression because such a stratification cannot positively affect the atmosphere in the classroom and will divide students into groups.

Imprint on the Appearance
Some people betray their lives with their whole appearance. For example, it is simple to discern a cultural worker in a mass. Most people choose clothes according to what they are interested in and what they do. The profession leaves a large imprint on appearance (Xia et al., 2019). After all, if a person works in an office, they will most likely wear a strict suit. And if we are talking about creative personalities, they most often wear extraordinary clothes.
Thus, many teenagers believe that school uniform does not allow them to show their individuality. However, the purpose of the form is not to equate everyone under one ruler but to show that what you are wearing is not important now but what knowledge you have. You can and should stand out in moderation. Now, many brands sew clothes in the style of school uniforms and given the number of stores, one can always find something one likes.
The School Uniform Importance
Today, in many schools and lyceums, school uniforms are becoming an indispensable attribute of the educational process. For educational institutions, school uniforms are a kind of business card that creates a positive image and a decent reputation. Experts in child psychology believe that the standard of clothing fosters a sense of belonging to school and pride in it.
The school uniform is important, especially at a younger age, when it is very important to organize the external space of the child properly. After all, if a child is externally organized, it helps him to be more disciplined and to determine for himself the inner position of the student. By the way, it has been noticed that the desire to stand out with the help of clothes or bright makeup speaks, first of all, about intrapersonal problems, which, unfortunately, very often go unnoticed.
Teenagers’ Self-expression
If teenagers’ self-expression at school is reduced to clothes, they will not learn to express themselves at a higher level. You can learn to dress with taste, combine things, pick up accessories, and do makeup without school. However, the school order can reveal to a teenager the simple truth that self-expression in clothes is only the first stage of self-expression; at school, one needs to cross this step (Ali et al., 2020). Most importantly, a child from school will get used to wearing clothes according to the situation: a jacket, trousers, strict skirts — to school; T-shirts, sweatpants, and sneakers – to the gym.

Schools with No Uniform
In schools with no uniform, teachers have to make much more effort to combat the swagger of individual students or the defiant behavior of some high school girls who go to lessons in overly revealing outfits. Some students do not distinguish between the school and the street. It is not always pleasant to look at bare shoulders and navels, underwear sticking out of jeans, aggressively bright makeup, and manicure. External factors include the student’s appearance, sometimes switching attention and not allowing concentrating on classes, which reduces the effectiveness of the educational process. All the words that it is not aesthetically pleasing and harmful to health – fly by the ears.
Finally, the uniform is beautiful, an element of maintaining the school’s traditions. The school uniform teaches students a certain order and discipline and allows them to realize they belong to a certain team. If a man has an identity, it is unthinkable to destroy his individuality.
Ali, A., Almutairi, K., Padmanaban, S., Tirth, V., Algarni, S., Irshad, K., & Malik, M. Z. (2020). Investigation of MPPT techniques under uniform and non-uniform solar irradiation condition–a retrospection. IEEE Access, 8, 127368-127392. Web.
Getty Images (2019). Should students wear uniforms? [Image] Web.
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Xia, J. L., Yan, D., Guo, L. P., Dong, X. L., Li, W. C., & Lu, A. H. (2019). Hard carbon nanosheets with uniform ultramicropores and accessible functional groups showing high realistic capacity and superior rate performance for sodium‐ion storage. Advanced Materials, 32(21), 2000447. Web.
Zhai, P., Wang, T., Yang, W., Cui, S., Zhang, P., Nie, A., & Gong, Y. (2019). Uniform lithium deposition assisted by single‐atom doping toward high‐performance lithium metal anodes. Advanced Energy Materials, 9(18), 1804019. Web.