Lesson Planning for Children in Groups


Creative Movement. This type of activity involves the physical involvement of the child in learning. With the help of gestures, facial expressions, and movements, the child shows the word that the teacher quietly told them: so, naming the word out loud is forbidden.

Cooking. For this exercise, the teacher brings several varieties of apples to the class. The child’s task is to describe the taste of the apples and offer ideas for where a particular variety would be better used: in a sour pie, a caramel apple, or in a salad, for example.


Science. In this activity, the children will learn about the way plants get water. Whereas humans have mouths, plants only have roots. Each child is given a test tube of safe food coloring and a white flower with a stem. The child dips the stem into the liquid and waits for the flower bud to color.

Technology. This is a simple exercise in which the child must take a picture of a creature previously molded from plasticine using a classroom tablet. Skills in composition, light work, and subject matter are taken into consideration.


Dramatic Play. Children, who have their own professional roles, are invited into the pre-prepared environment: policeman, fireman, doctor, teacher, and others. Children play their roles and communicate with each other in the framework of their professions.

Music. The teacher includes five pieces of music from different genres for the children. In turn, the children sketch or try to write down their emotions, impressions, and associations associated with a given piece of music.


It is of fundamental importance when planning a training course to determine the mechanisms that children use to document their own findings and results. First of all, it is worth noting that the activities suggested in the previous section range in variety and in the skills and domains involved. In this regard, using a one-size-fits-all approach to documentation may not be the right strategy because, for example, doing lab activities requires children to be strictly accountable, while playing charades does not. In addition, the physical and cognitive abilities of children should also be taken into account when structuring the school week, as handwritten documentation cannot be expected from three-year-old toddlers. In this regard, several options have been suggested to record their achievements and learning outcomes.

At this age, children are not yet able to read and write poorly, so emphasis should be placed on verbal communication. More specifically, according to numerous studies, a child’s primary foundations for writing and literacy are established at age 3-5, but these skills are still not sufficient for thoughtful, deliberate writing (Dickinson & Morse, 2019; Goodway et al., 2019). The teacher must encourage the child’s attempts to write down his or her discoveries, but any pressure must be avoided in this context. Attempts to force a three-year-old to write or unacceptable humiliation have only a negative effect on developmental speed, which can ultimately lead to delays and emotional dissociation. In particular, in order to get feedback from the student or to encourage reflective analysis, it is enough to ask them to voice their impressions of the lesson or the results achieved (Murray, 2019). For example, at the conclusion of the learning game Apple Season, the student might say aloud which apples are appropriate for pie and which apples are appropriate for salad.

Another method of reporting could be an image that the child creates as a result of going through the game. According to Mcilroy (2019), by the age of three, children have developed sufficient skills and coordination to draw simple elements and combine them into more complex mixtures. Thus, a student at this age can be expected to be able to draw a small picture through which they can reflect their own thoughts or embed a story (Sakr, 2019). This may be appropriate in a task where the child is listening to music and trying to capture their emotions. The drawing associated with each particular song may sufficiently reflect the student’s personal experiences, and being asked to voice the drawing will allow the artistic and cognitive centers of the child’s mind to connect.

If one does not think in terms of individual activities but looks at academic progress throughout the school period, it is essential to mention one effective mechanism for documentation. More specifically, a child may make mini-achievements during the course of school time that will not work effectively if unconnected, incoherently managed. The student must understand the clear and transparent connection between work in individual lessons and overall academic progress (Smith, 2017; Stanishevskaya, 2019). For this reason, the teacher gives the child a sticker for each positive result, which can be affixed to a particular board near the student’s name. In this way, over the course of a board will gradually fill up, and the child will be able to observe their own progress in comparison to other peers.

Weekly Planning Form

Planning Changes to the Environment Date: _________________________________________________

Study / Project:__________________ Age Group: 3-5 y.o.

Cognitive Physical Psychosocial “To Do” List

1. Prepare materials for art class.
2. Prepare number cards (1-9).
3. Prepare plasticine for each student/request to bring in ahead of time.
4. Bring a set of Lego pieces.
5. Collect materials for a biological experiment (food coloring, flowers, test tubes, and water).
6. Create cards with pictures of professions.
7. Prepare cards with letters.
8. Tablet.


The task in which children choose which number is bigger and then read out the results (Cameron, 2020).


In this activity, the child creates any creature out of plasticine (dough) and then describes its appearance, smell, and way of life.


Using a canvas, paint, and a brush, a child, draws an animal. The children then try to guess what is on the canvas.


Experiment with flower bud coloring (Michelle, 2020).

Health / Nutrition / Cooking

Suggestions for where to use apple varieties.


Children listen to musical compositions of different genres and sketch the idea, emotions, and impressions that their listening caused.


Pupils are divided into groups of six. Each student in the group is given a card with a letter on it. The children’s tasks are to make one word out of six letters (the cards are specially chosen).

Gross Motor

Students are divided into groups of four. When it is their turn, they show the whole class the movement of one animal, and the others try to guess.

Dramatic Play

It is a collective, noisy game that requires total involvement. Children try on the role of different professions and try to build their society.


Using the cubes, the child must assemble a spatial figure and others have to guess what it can be used for.

Fine Motor

Children individually sort a set of Lego™ parts by color in small group.

Creative Dramatics or Creative Movement

The child acts out the word the teacher told them, and the others try to guess it.


The photography skill is a simple exercise that requires the child to take a picture of a creature previously molded from plasticine using a classroom tablet. Composition skills, working with light, and subject matter are taken into account.

Family / Community Involvement

The teacher, the children, and the supervisors (parents) go on a nature hike to explore flora and fauna. The children can take pictures of the plants or animals they like and then create a mini oral story about their experiences.

Planning for Groups

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Group Time
(songs, stories, games, discussions etc.)
Profession Role-Playing Playing Charades Mathematical Collective Number Game Block Game Apple Season
Story Time Creating a Plasticine Creature Description of a Plasticine Creature Game Musical Game Drawing an Animal A Story About an Animal That Has Been Drawn.
Small Group Activities Sorting Lego™ Parts. Photographing Flower Coloring Imitating Animals Game Letter Games
Special Activities
(field trips, special events, visitors etc.)
Groups can Exchange Lego Parts and Check the Quality of Their Work. Creating a Collection of Photos Planning a Hike: Visiting Parents An Assembly in Which the Teacher Asks the Children to Bring Apples Biology Hike with Parents and/or Mentors
Notes(reminders, changes, children to observe etc.)

It is needed to make sure that children are not allergic to apples + find out if all children can attend the hike.


Cameron, A. (2020). Early childhood math routines: Empowering young minds to think. Stenhouse Publishers.

Dickinson, D. K., & Morse, A. B. (2019). Connecting through Talk: Nurturing Children’s Development with Language. Brookes Publishing Company.

Goodway, J. D., Ozmun, J. C., & Gallahue, D. L. (2019). Understanding motor development: Infants, children, adolescents, adults. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Mcilroy, T. (2019). The stages of drawing development in children: 0-6 years. Empowered Parents. Web.

Michelle. (2020). Color changing flower experiment for kids. Taming Little. Web.

Murray, J. (2019). Hearing young children’s voices. International Journal of Early Years Education, 27(1), 1-5. Web.

Sakr, M. (2019). Young children drawing together on the iPad versus paper: How collaborative creativity is shaped by different semiotic resources. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 20(20), 1-27.

Smith, H. (2017). Effects of tracking student growth and success celebrations on high school English learners in science [PDF document].

Stanishevskaya, V. (2019). The importance of student data tracking software in modern education. XBSoftware. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, April 15). Lesson Planning for Children in Groups. https://chalkypapers.com/lesson-planning-for-children-in-groups/

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"Lesson Planning for Children in Groups." ChalkyPapers, 15 Apr. 2023, chalkypapers.com/lesson-planning-for-children-in-groups/.


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Lesson Planning for Children in Groups'. 15 April.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Lesson Planning for Children in Groups." April 15, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/lesson-planning-for-children-in-groups/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Lesson Planning for Children in Groups." April 15, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/lesson-planning-for-children-in-groups/.


ChalkyPapers. "Lesson Planning for Children in Groups." April 15, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/lesson-planning-for-children-in-groups/.