Evaluation of Significance
Before undergoing the learning experience on professional networking, my understanding of the concept was blurred and not clearly defined. For instance, attending career conferences and engaging in networking activities on LinkedIn, I have realized that the process requires far more consistency and dedication to yield tangible results. While presenting yourself as a professional and communicating personal growth goals is one side of the process, acquiring feedback and building connections is far more complicated than initially envisioned. Working in the field of Electrical Engineering cannot be done in isolation, which is why it is crucial to network with other professionals in the area to maintain open opportunities for future collaboration. The overall learning experience from professional networking activities was positive because it taught me that while engineering skills and knowledge are essential, it is only through cooperation and networking it is possible to reach one’s professional goals.
Reconstruction of the Experience
The tasks that were assigned during the lessons gave me more confidence in being prepared for my future career interactions. The first salient point is learning how to create and develop a page on LinkedIn is practical knowledge that will be highly relevant and useful in my future professional career. Many tend to underestimate the importance of a LinkedIn page because it is just a “social media site.” However, the presence on LinkedIn allows for tapping into a diverse job board, building a personal brand for oneself, creating and maintaining contacts with potential partners, researching companies, and engaging in networking in general. Because I have already chosen my career path in Electrical Engineering, creating a LinkedIn page allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the field and the interactions that occur within it.
Even though my career choice was determined earlier, the second salient point was that professional career networking events taught me a lot about what it takes to be a professional. Specifically, it is crucial to understand one’s core values, develop emotional intelligence (EQ), and get familiar with the workplace culture in general and in engineering specifically. Besides, the online event coaches stressed that auditing one’s online footprints could be detrimental to one’s professional image. However, all of the steps can be achieved effectively if a person is willing and able to make small changes and learn as they go along.
Analysis: Why Did It Happen That Way?
Modern theorists who have specialized in career development have recommended diversifying the approaches and perspectives to professionalism. Networking is among the strategies they advise because of the possibility of increasing the pool and number of mentors with varied work experience, as suggested by Greenbank (2011). In addition, researchers underline the importance for professionals to have a strategy of personal growth because it allows for setting goals and having a clearer picture of their future careers. Both Patton and McMahon (2014) and Gallagher (2010) agree that the key to successful personal growth entails the setting of realistic objectives that align with one’s capabilities and skills. In my opinion, being realistic is something that many people fail to accomplish because they want to pursue their dreams. While dreams are important, they do not always include the actual state of affairs with which a person is faced.
Distil: What Lessons Can be Learnt?
With my aspirations to become a professional in Electronic Engineering, the experience taught me a lot about the role that online spaces play in networking and professional development. Because modern communications depend on online media significantly, it is essential not to underestimate its role when striving for career accomplishments. The world has become highly integrated, and after the pandemic, the reliance on remote work, virtual conferences, video calls, and instant messaging has increased by several times. I learned that developing a positive personal brand online could be beneficial to get recognized by potential employers and Human Resource Managers who look for new candidates. In addition to this, I recognized the importance of being proactive in my networking activities because no one will be looking for me specifically if I do not take the initiative. There are tens of thousands of Electronic Engineers who may be as qualified and skilled as me. What will set me apart from others is that I show interest in organizations and engage proactively in networking. Showing eagerness and enthusiasm for one’s work is a positive trait that many employers value.
Apply: Prepare for Future Situations
After the learning experience, I plan on taking networking and developing an excellent personal brand seriously. In the future, my goal will be to increase the number of connections on LinkedIn and take a skill quiz to be a candidate with a higher chance of hiring. Attending regular networking events, both online and in person, could get my name “out there” and recognized. Nevertheless, while all of the goals are linked to professional development, I would like to develop positive relationships with people who can become not only my colleagues or employers but also my friends on whom I can rely and whom I can help and vice versa.
Reference List
Gallagher, K. (2010) Personal development in action. Oxford University Press, London.
Greenbank, P. (2011) ‘I’d rather talk to someone I know than somebody who knows’ – the role of networks in undergraduate career decision-making’, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 16(1), pp. 31-45.
Patton, W. and McMahon, M. (2014) A systems theory framework of career development. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.