Practice in Nursing: Experience and Knowlegde


In this paper, I will reflect on my experience and knowledge gained during learning Reflective Practice in Nursing. A reflective report is a necessary instrument that assists an individual in summarising and evaluating the findings and outcome of a specific course or project and identifying problematic areas requiring further elaboration. Due to the practice, I have managed to obtain a thorough insight into the meaning and objectives of nursing reflective practice as well as notably enhance my writing and listening skills.

Main body

Two learning goals needed for successful practice performance include the ability of self-assessment and the development of critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is the mental process of conceptualizing, investigating, generating, applying and evaluating knowledge collected from experience, observation, and communication. Besides, I had the opportunity to learn three models of reflection, including Atkins’s and Murphy’s model, Gibbs’s reflective cycle, and Kolb’s reflective cycle. For example, Gibbs’s reflective cycle comprises six separate stages, namely, description, feelings evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. The model considers that feelings experienced during a particular event have marked importance for reflection. At the same time, Kolb’s reflective model implies the active process of the acquisition of abstract concepts that can be utilized in different situations. Atkins’s and Murphy’s model focuses on describing the event and analyzing feeling and knowledge as well as evaluating its relevance.

Summarising the information gained from three reflective models, it is worth noting that to be an effective reflective practitioner, an individual should possess such skills as critical analysis, self-awareness, synthesis, description, and evaluation. In particular, self-awareness means the ability to recognize feelings, thoughts, and emotions; the description suggests the capacity to recollect meaningful events and facts and exhibit them in an understandable form. Critical analysis and synthesis are abilities that the process of examining gain knowledge and integrating it in everyday practice, while evaluation implies making conclusions and judgments concerning the new experience.

Moreover, I learned that personal and professional values could impact clinical decision-making and the results of treatment. To provide excellent service for patients, respect, altruism, honesty, responsibility, and solid educational background are among the core values the nurse should have. The responsibility in healthcare settings should also be connected with sharing information about different situations or incidents to colleagues to clarify a particular issue or receive useful advice. In this regard, I learned that I should discuss certain events only with professionals who are competent and capable to give practical recommendations.

Moreover, I had the opportunity to be acquainted with the active listening process, that the advantages of which are evident. In the context of nursing practice, active listening helps me avert misunderstanding and promote conflict resolution by demonstrating attention to a specific medical issue and respect for patients. The second benefit relates to the development of a healthy, long-term relationship between speakers through creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust. Finally, active listening helps me enhance the outcomes due to the in-depth discussion of a particular problem and the cooperation between healthcare providers and patients.


In conclusion, the reflection experience helps me master the acquired knowledge and gain an in-depth understanding of skills that I should possess to provide excellent service and ensure successful treatment. It is worth noting that active listening facilitates the reflective writing process since productive discussions help to deepen knowledge concerning a particular problem. In particular, active listening is correlated to values such as respect, trust, and responsibility in sharing patient-related information or incidents occurring in a medical organization.


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Johns, C. Becoming a reflective practitioner. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons; 2017.

Center for Creative Leadership. Active Listening: Improve Your Ability to Listen and Lead, Second Edition. Greensboro, N.C.: Center for Creative Leadership; 2019.

Moyo, M., Goodyear-Smith, F. A., Weller, J., Robb, G., & Shulruf, B. Healthcare practitioners’ personal and professional values. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2016; 21(2): 257-286.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 9). Practice in Nursing: Experience and Knowlegde.

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"Practice in Nursing: Experience and Knowlegde." ChalkyPapers, 9 Oct. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Practice in Nursing: Experience and Knowlegde'. 9 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Practice in Nursing: Experience and Knowlegde." October 9, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Practice in Nursing: Experience and Knowlegde." October 9, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Practice in Nursing: Experience and Knowlegde." October 9, 2023.