Early childhood education plays a major role in building the skill set that allows a child to develop at a reasonably fast pace and acquire the needed abilities in due time. By utilizing a combination of teaching strategies that reinforce early childhood development, educators can jumpstart the crucial processes leading to the acquisition of key cognitive skills, including abstract, critical, and creative thinking (Essa & Burnham, 2019). In turn, the ability to read, write, and communicate constitutes a significant part of developing the said qualities, which is why educators should consider promoting literacy skills in young learners.
Problem Description
The process of developing early childhood literacy requires the presence of an elaborate teaching technique, the availability of varied learning materials, the active assistance of a teacher, and the support of parents. However, studies show that, while having been prioritized recently, early childhood education and especially the acquisition of critical literacy skills have been lacking direction and coherency. Therefore, a program aimed at encouraging parents and teachers to cooperate to support young learners through the process of developing basic literacy skills and promoting their further curiosity will be needed.
Proposed Solution
To address the issue of the absence of an effective teaching strategy for advancing early childhood development in learners by encouraging parents to participate actively, one will need to build a strategy based on the incorporation of innovative technology, namely, the use of tools for videoconferencing as the means of communicating, sharing knowledge, and engaging learner sin interactive tasks. Software such as Skype will be actively used to reinforce the efficacy of collaboration among students, as well as between students and teachers.
Program Description
In turn, the introduction of the policies that will allow increasing the number and extent of students per teacher, thus controlling the amount of money that teachers receive or their academic services. The program in question will be aimed at minimizing the risk to which students from religious families are expected due to their sexual orientation or any other characteristic that may potentially result in the need to manage a substantial amount of hatred and disdain.
Training Method #1
The firs training method will involve the enhancement of phonic awareness in students. Specifically, educators will have to introduce young learners to the idea of connecting the visual information (namely, the image of a letter) to its sound. Afterward, when combining letters to produce a word, a teacher will have to introduce the third component, namely, the meaning of the word.
The reasons for introducing the specified approach include controlling the levels of literacy in the target academic environment. Specifically, the analysts of the key steps for encouraging early childhood education made by the school on the specified time slot will be needed to confirm the cases of the development of a problem in managing early childhood education. In addition, the necessity to ensure that none of them members of the organization participates in the activities that can be defined as illegal deserves a mentioning as one of the foundational reasons behind the actions of the school’s staff members.
Supporting Theory
In order to promote the necessity of advancing the current framework for managing young learners’ needs, one will require the support of the developmental theory that points to the reasonability for making the relevant expenses and advancing the early development of learners. Specifically, the developmental theory by Eriksson will be used as one of the methods of proving the significance of change. Indeed, according to the theory in question, at the early stage of students’ development, the early childhood stage, which involves the acquisition of the critical habits and essential literacy skills, should be supported by educators and parents in order to promote the further development of a learner.
Training Method 2
In turn, the second training method will involve the active collaboration with parents and the development of the teaching strategies that they will adopt ion order to prompt the development of their children’s literacy. The specified approach toward the enhancement of early childhood literacy is absolutely indispensable since, at the stage of early childhood, learners spend most of the time with their parents, which leads to the latter having to assume the roles of educators. Consequently, the need to offer parents guidance in supporting their children’s learning process emerges.
The need to prevent the scenarios in which the steps taken by parents in the home environment nullify the efforts of educators will have to be referenced as the key rationale behind the outlined course of actions. Parents need the support and recommendations of teachers in order to avoid making typical mistakes that most people make when it comes to the management of their children’s learning process. Namely, the exposure to the factors that can be considered as negative influence on children’s developmental processes needs to be mentioned. Once collaboration between a parent and a teacher is established, the former will be able to receive clear instructions concerning the steps to be taken when encouraging their children’s early progress. Namely, promoting curiosity by engaging in a simple dialogue with children, as well as reading to them regularly and spending a substantial amount of time allowing them to process their emotional and cognitive experiences, will be used as the main recommendations.
Supporting Theory 2
In order to justify the statements made above, one will need the support of another developmental theory that highlights the challenges of the early childhood literacy enhancement process. Specifically, one will need to consider the use of Piaget’s theory of developmental stages. To explore teaching and learning opportunities regarding the specified demographic, one will have to look at the sensorimotor stage of development according to Piaget’s theory (Cohen & Waite-Stupiansky, 2017). Namely, the importance of the analysis of the sensory input will have to be taken into account when generating activities for learners that parents can use to boost their development.
Expected Outcomes
It is believed that the proposed avenue of addressing the problem of early childhood development will help to change the way in which the subject matter is handled nowadays. Namely, the project will hopefully change the idea of parents having little to no agency in their children’s learning and, instead, point to the necessity for a parent and a teacher to collaborate in order to launch the development of a child at their early childhood stage. Specifically, the issue of igniting the academic enthusiasm and the willingness to engage in academic research should be addressed.
Key Objectives
The main objectives of this project include increasing the extent to which parents and teachers collaborate, improving the levels of early childhood education within the community, and introducing a homogenous approach toward managing the early education process. The specified objectives can be met by creating an environment in which students will be encouraged to excel in their academic activities, whereas teachers will be encouraged to approach the needs of students directly.
Proposed Instructions

In order to achieve the implementation of a strategy based on instructing parents to aid their children in gaining early childhood literacy skills through the active reading and the increase in children’s participating in the said reading process. For instance, using different voices during the reading process, running one’s finger under each lien during reading, and engaging children actively in the discussion of the reading material will be needed. Parents will have to ask their children the questions such as, “how did it make you feel?”, “Do you think that this character was right?”, “What would you do instead?”, and so on. Thus, children will be actively engaged in the reading process.
Instructions and Reasons for Using Them
The significance if using the instructions mentioned above is quite self-explanatory. By introducing the strategies that will allow parents to take active and direct part in their children’s development of basic literacy skills, parents create a welcoming environment for young learners to develop essential abilities and knowledge that will become the basis for their further education. Moreover, with the use of the proposed reading techniques, children may develop the skill of intuitive literacy as in understanding the nature of word formation and the related linguistic processes on an intuitive level, thus making fewer mistakes when using the English language.
Training Materials: List
The training materials to be used for the specified project are quite numerous. Since the promotion of early childhood literacy will require that children are capable of making a connection between the written word, the way in which it sounds, and how it is written, the adoption of different techniques allowing young learners to use different sensory evaluation strategies is required. For instance, visuals, including traditional and digital ones, will have to be used actively throughout the learning process. In addition, children will have to be provided with the recordings of the correctly pronounced words and letters. Finally, simplified definitions for the words written on the said visuals will be needed to ensure that students are capable of translating the sound into its appropriate visual representation.
Moreover, it is required that parents should be equipped for the process of building early childhood literacy as well. Specifically, teachers will have to advise parents on the selection of books to read to their children based on the visuals, the font, and other important visual characteristics. Using objects that a learner can touch in order to get a better understanding of the words that they pronounce (e.g., showing an apple while reading a story where apples are mentioned) will also be necessary. Finally, discussions about how the story made a learner feel will be needed, hence the necessity in cue notes for parents.
Training Materials: Description
As emphasized above, the range of material to be used for training is quite large. Namely, it will be necessary to use pictures of letters, words, and the things that they represent. In addition, digital technology, namely, interactive software that will allow students to be more proactive in their learning, will be needed. Finally, tools for communication between parents and educators will have to be deployed. This includes the technologies such as Skype, where the participants will discuss essential approaches toward managing young learners’ needs.
Plan Evaluation: Short-Term Objectives
To test how well the plan described above allows meeting the need of young learners., specifically, their need to develop early childhood literacy skills, one will need an effective assessment tool. Namely, in the described scenario, the use of visuals as the means of illustrating students the meaning of words, as well as the graphic portrayal of specific letters and sounds, will be required. In addition, children will receive an important boost in the extent of their knowledge and the ability to connect practice and technology.
Plan Evaluation: Long-Term Objectives
In addition to the evaluation strategy described above, the efficacy of the project will be measured by considering the levels of literacy in the target audiences. Namely, the Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL) will be used to evaluate children’s ability to engage in the discourse and participate in classroom discussions. By definition, the TOPEL tool will help to measure children’s ability to demonstrate print knowledge the ability to understand the meaning of written words (definition vocabulary), and the skill of connecting a sound with a corresponding letter or a combination of letters (phonological awareness). The latter will have to involve extensive information about diphthongs and diphthongs due to the obvious challenge that the specified phenomena represent to young learners.
Further Actions
The promotion of literacy skills needs to be started at a fairly early stage of childhood development since it will allow parents to introduce their child to a range of essential ideas that will serve as the basis for the child’s further other words, the promotion of early childhood education launches the further process of learning and focuses on building responsibility and accountability in her x children.
Overall, the promotion of early childhood education in yon learners should be seen as one of the foundational tasks in creating an appropriate program for helping students to build and train the necessary reading and writing skills. The reinforcement of early childhood literacy will provide the basis for students’ skill of obtaining, analyzing, and using data, which is a critical skill in the contemporary world where information management tools are seen as the critical inventory of any organization (Moloney & Pettersen, 2016). Therefore, the inclusion if the latest technological advances into the promotion of the early childhood development through the enhancement of literacy skills will have to be considered as a crucial step in improving the learners’ knowledge and skills. Overall, it is expected that the proposed change will affect the management of early childhood development and introduce a framework for maintaining a rapport between educators and parents.
Cohen, L. E., & Waite-Stupiansky, S. (2017). Theories of early childhood education: Developmental, behaviorist, and critical. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
Essa, E. L., & Burnham, M. M. (2019). Introduction to early childhood education. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Moloney, M., & Pettersen, J. (2016). Early childhood education management: Insights into business practice and leadership. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.