School-Family-Community Partnership

The first point I learned from the Video is that school-family-community partnerships enhance academic performance. If the three parties work together, students will likely be more motivated, reduce absenteeism, remain in school, and earn high grades. Parents are given updated information regarding their children’s progress in school to guide them in playing their role in assisting in areas of weakness or in providing a calm learning environment at home. Children need to be supported in a number of ways, including health and social welfare, to promote their ability to focus on delivering excellent academic performance (Grant & Ray, 2018). Schools must connect with families and the community to enhance learning outcomes in all development domains.

The second thing I have learned after watching the Video is that a good relationship between a teacher and a child is crucial for academic success and development. According to the Video, it is estimated that 80% of children visited by their teacher or behavioral counseling professional improved their academic performance (HartfordFoundation, 2017). Additionally, such relationships effectively reduce education disparities propagated by additional factors, such as racial discrimination and poverty.

Lastly, I have learned that effective communication is key to partnering with parents and communities to help students in learning. As indicated in the film, parents are coached and supplied with details concerning their children and school activities to assist them in studying at home (HartfordFoundation, 2017). Further, teachers can organize meetings to coach parents and ensure they understand the necessary steps to take in order to motivate children to learn (Epstein, 2018). When parents and teachers maintain a good relationship through effective communication, it is easy to identify issues hindering children from participating in social and academic activities and devise ways to assist them.


Epstein, J. L. (2018). School, family, and community partnerships in teachers’ professional work. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(3), 397-406.

Grant, K. B., & Ray, J. A. (2018). Home, school, and community collaboration: Culturally responsive family engagement. Sage Publications.

HartfordFoundation. (2017). Family, school & community partnerships: Supporting student success. [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, January 14). School-Family-Community Partnership.

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ChalkyPapers. 2024. "School-Family-Community Partnership." January 14, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "School-Family-Community Partnership." January 14, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "School-Family-Community Partnership." January 14, 2024.