School Financing: Higher Education in New Jersey


The Educational system in the US is complicated, spanning a mix of private and public options. Therefore, the funding and financing pathways vary as well, allowing different institutions to function and educate the public. For the purposes of this discussion, the focus will be made on the state of New Jersey, where the local government provides adequate funding for schools and public universities. In order to understand how financing is completed, the work will go into more details regarding adequate spending calculation, the types of considerations the local government makes when budgeting, and more. As a result, it will be possible to better understand the school financing process of the United States, along with the state of New Jersey education.

Financing Education in New Jersey

In New Jersey, the funding is accumulated though a variety of sources. Local property taxes, state aid, and federal government aid are combined to provide adequate aid to each district. Generally, three types of aid are provided for education institutions, including equalization and categorical aid, along side grants. The combination of the first two is called the funding formula (“School finance 101,” 2016). In order to deliver each district within the state with a sufficient level of funding to cover the educational needs of each pupil, it becomes necessary to use specific calculations.

Equity and Adequacy in Financing

First, the Base Per Pupil Amount of financing is calculated. This value includes supply costs, teacher salary, inflation and other consideration. Afterwards, the base cost is further adjusted based on different student types, in order to account for the needs of a varied population. Prices for educating children rise together with their age, meaning that elementary school kids are the cheapest to finance, and the baseline (“School finance 101,” 2016). Considerations such as language proficiency also affect the costs for the process. In order to promote equity and cost-efficiency in the process, the formula for each student is adjusted throughout the years, ensuring that the calculations stay relevant. In addition, adequacy aid exists in order to cover sudden changes in the Local Cost Share of any schools, allowing them to achieve an adequate budget.

Higher Education Financing

Compared to schools, higher education is financed differently. Depending on the type of institution, the state support for its programs and faculties can vary. Public colleges, for example, receive the majority of their funding from the local government and state government. Comparatively, private educational institutions do not accept any form of government support, instead working on tuition costs, grants and other supplementary financing sources. According to existing statistics, the state of New Jersey works to increase its spending on higher education funding, as seen by the increase from 2013 to 2015 (“Higher education in New Jersey, 1993-2016,” 2022). This shows a commitment to supporting higher education and its accessibility.

How Does Funding Impact Tuition Costs

Funding from local and state sources helps people receive a more affordable, high-quality education. In order to provide each student with the resources and knowledge necessary to make education worthwhile, universities and colleges require significant investment. As a result, each higher education institution must make an active choice, in balancing the quality of their tutelage and the costs it will face. In order to help organizations maximize their potential, the state can provide its support. When the state withdraws its support, or limits it, however, it is likely that excess education costs will be pushed onto the students themselves (Mitchell et al., 2019). According to existing data, an inability of the state to provide its educational institutions with a stable budget drives up education inequality and raises student debt.


In closing, it can be said that funding is an important and complicated consideration both for the government and educational institutions. In order to help the population receive high-quality education, it becomes necessary to support public schools and colleges through adequate funding. In case of school, the state of New Jersey calculates the costs per each student, adds additional expenses and modifiers to it, and arrives at an average budget for supporting its schools. This process is further enhanced by adequacy aids, and additional support to specific types of educational institutions. For higher education, the process differs. Funding differs depending on the type of institution, and private universities and colleges do not receive any support from the state. Funding has a direct connection to the quality and accessibility of education, its price and costs for each organization that receives it.


Higher education in New Jersey, 1993-2016. (2022). Ballotpedia. Web.

Mitchell, M., Leachman, M., & Saenz, M. (2019). State Higher Education Funding Cuts Have Pushed Costs to Students, Worsened Inequality. Center on Budget and Policy Prioritie. Web.

School finance 101. (2016). New Jersey School Boards Association. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2025, January 16). School Financing: Higher Education in New Jersey.

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"School Financing: Higher Education in New Jersey." ChalkyPapers, 16 Jan. 2025,


ChalkyPapers. (2025) 'School Financing: Higher Education in New Jersey'. 16 January.


ChalkyPapers. 2025. "School Financing: Higher Education in New Jersey." January 16, 2025.

1. ChalkyPapers. "School Financing: Higher Education in New Jersey." January 16, 2025.


ChalkyPapers. "School Financing: Higher Education in New Jersey." January 16, 2025.