Should College Tuition Be Free?


College tuition should be free, as it would result in more people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds with higher education, increased student motivation, and improved society overall.

Free college tuition would allow people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds to get an education

High cost of college, in many cases, is the primary reason for people not to pursue higher education. However, once this reason is eliminated, more people will attend college (Dynarski et al., 2018). A fear of student loans would no longer prevent students from getting a college education. Students would not have to work part-time jobs to pay off student loans, which is one of the main reasons for dropping out of college. Free college tuition can also increase student motivation by eliminating financial constraints.

Free college tuition will strengthen student motivation to acquire knowledge

If there is no requirement to pay off a massive amount of debt for a college degree, deciding which major to choose would be motivated by a person’s passions and interests instead of practical reasons. Students who choose exciting and interesting majors will be more motivated to study. There would be fewer people who end up working in a field unrelated to their major. Apart from personal benefits, a free college education would also contribute to society’s development.

An increase in the number of people with higher education would result in a better society

People with higher education facilitate progress in various fields due to their knowledge and expertise. People with higher education make better political decisions due to their high analytical and critical thinking abilities. People with higher education earn more money, which means they are able to provide their children with opportunities. Children raised in good socioeconomic conditions constitute a cluster of people who substantially contribute to the improvement of their society.


An opportunity to earn a college degree for free would allow people from underprivileged families to earn a degree, increase their desire to study, and benefit the community.


Dynarski, S., Libassi, C. J., Michelmore, K., & Owen, S. (2018). Closing the gap: The effect of a targeted, tuition-free promise on college choices of high-achieving, low-income students (No. w25349). National Bureau of Economic Research. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, December 6). Should College Tuition Be Free?

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"Should College Tuition Be Free?" ChalkyPapers, 6 Dec. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'Should College Tuition Be Free'. 6 December.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "Should College Tuition Be Free?" December 6, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Should College Tuition Be Free?" December 6, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "Should College Tuition Be Free?" December 6, 2024.