The IDEA Act and 504 Plan Implementation at School

Alex is among learners with disabilities; therefore, he is entitled to special education under the Individuals with Disability Education Act of 1990. The Act, commonly known as IDEA, outlines rules and provisions that a school must use to ensure children with disabilities are well catered for to compete effectively with others (Blanck, 2019).

Under IDEA, the school must place Alex in a special class because he requires specific instruction methods different from normal children. The IDEA Act allows the school to isolate children with disabilities and subject them to specialized learning and services to participate in learning activities fully.

Section 504 and IDEA Act state that schools must provide and pay for assistive technology for learners with disabilities. The two laws ensure that students like Alex are equipped with assistive technology free of charge. The assistive technology is vital because it will help him participate in class, demonstrate what he knows and what he can do, and access the educational content.

The technology assessment team comprises teachers, parents, and educational therapy experts. Teachers’ role is to help the learner know how to use the technology in class to learn and perform other activities. Parents can also assist him in using the AT while at home and record any changes to the education experts. Lastly, the role of the education therapy expert is to evaluate AT’s impact on Alex’s learning and give recommendations.

The learners in need of assistive technology are covered under the 504 plan. In most cases, the 504 team evaluates a child’s needs and makes recommendations on the AT needed to buy for the learner. In cases where schools administrate claim to have no funds to acquire the equipment, the parent is not supported by their insurance to pay Under IDEA or 504 (Blanck, 2019). In essence, the school must provide the resources for obtaining AT for children with disabilities.


Blanck, P. (2019). Why America is better off because of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Touro Law Review, 35, 605. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, September 26). The IDEA Act and 504 Plan Implementation at School.

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"The IDEA Act and 504 Plan Implementation at School." ChalkyPapers, 26 Sept. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'The IDEA Act and 504 Plan Implementation at School'. 26 September.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "The IDEA Act and 504 Plan Implementation at School." September 26, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "The IDEA Act and 504 Plan Implementation at School." September 26, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "The IDEA Act and 504 Plan Implementation at School." September 26, 2023.