Financial Support for Disabled Students

The sickness grant can and should be given to students who do not have family support during their illness or whose illness requires the purchase of expensive medications. Some diseases require visits to hospital procedures, which becomes a heavy burden for students (Support to Help You Study When Ill or Disabled, n.d.). However, it is not only medical procedures and medicines that are a financial burden; illness becomes a barrier to housing for many students. In addition, many students in a difficult period are left without the usual means of subsistence and cannot buy food.

I am just a student, and illness can become an obstacle to solving the housing problem. My rent will not stop during my condition, and I cannot negotiate with my landlord. I have already made several attempts, but he insists on getting the money on time. The grant will allow me not to concentrate on the housing problem during my illness and be treated, conscientiously fulfilling doctors’ orders. The housing issue is a great stress for me, which is not desirable at ordinary times, and during illness, can turn into a disaster for me.

The grant can help me buy food and basic livelihoods in the future. I would be forced to save on food to purchase medicines in my normal financial situation. It would be difficult for me to balance and distribute my budget thoughtfully. When I feel sick, I need vegetables and fruit as I am not able to go shopping. Spending money on delivery is not noticeable if you use delivery sometimes or occasionally, but in my case, the use of delivery will be daily. Sometimes I cannot cook because I feel low energy, and I need food already cooked. Since I live alone, I can only rely on myself for this problem. The grant would have helped me avoid a lot of stress and anxiety and made it easier to bear the illness. The better my treatment will be in a comfortable environment, the faster I will recover and return to my studies.


Support to help you study when ill or disabled. (n.d.). MaPS. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, January 11). Financial Support for Disabled Students.

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"Financial Support for Disabled Students." ChalkyPapers, 11 Jan. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'Financial Support for Disabled Students'. 11 January.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "Financial Support for Disabled Students." January 11, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Financial Support for Disabled Students." January 11, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "Financial Support for Disabled Students." January 11, 2024.