How Colleges Prepare and Support Black Male Teachers


The education system in the United States (U.S) has witnessed a decline in the number of Black male teachers over the past years. This decline has been blamed on high dropout levels, racially discriminatory practices, and the disparities arising from resource allocation in schools, hiring and placement processes, and the perceived high entry scores (Kelly & Torres Lugo, 2017). Despite this witnessed decline and shortages, Black male teachers possess a crucial part in the U.S education system (Toldson, 2019). A solution is necessary to solve the catastrophic absence of Black male teachers in the U.S education system. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have brought this issue into play since they are essential in providing solutions and ensuring more Black male teachers have been availed an opportunity to teach (Pearson, 2019). HBCUs will ensure more Black male teachers have been provided an opportunity to teach the vast number of learners in the U.S.

Shortages of Black Male Teacher

The inadequacy and extinction of Black male teachers have been witnessed in the teaching profession. It is perceived they are being driven by the ability and desire to seek lucrative occupations. 2% of Black male teachers represent the teaching workforce in the United States, resulting from being under-represented within the profession (Toldson, 2019). The inadequacy of male teachers is blamed on several factors that need to be addressed to prepare and have support as they seek to venture into the teaching profession.

The majority of views link the witnessed shortages of Black male within the teaching platform to the exposure of negative experiences, making them unlikely to select a teaching career. Many learners have been discriminated against by their White counterparts. Similarly, the White teachers have been exhibiting indifferent and insolent behavior towards them, an issue which is believed to have destroyed their morale to work hard (Toldson, 2019). Negatives experiences leave bad memories in an individual life, making them not ready to pass through similar discouraging behavior and, therefore, seek to distance themselves from teaching as a profession too.

Black male teachers’ shortages and absence have been linked to the societal problems which tend to be wild in the Black community. Their inclusion and placement in the classroom would be necessary to mitigate societal issues such as high school dropouts, fatherless homes, and gang violence (Bracey, 2017). These problems are blamed on indiscipline resulting in suspensions from school and poor performance in students’ tests. However, all these explanations and narratives regarding Black male teachers rely on stereotyping and supposition, which fails to follow and undertake a thorough analysis of collected data (Toldson, 2019). Solving Black communities’ problems requires college preparation and support provided to Black male teachers to increase their numbers in the teaching profession.

The support to be provided involves providing a diversified teaching workforce seeking solutions to the under-achievement made by Black male teachers. Despite the witnessed shortages of Black male teachers in the U.S, they are represented among those educated in the colleges. The representation has been dramatically impacted by the varying numbers of Black male students who fall victims to suspension, placement into special education programs, and fail to graduate with their designated cohorts. These are some of the factors which will eradicate the problems arising within the U.S educational systems prompting unequal inclusion of Black male students in the colleges (Toldson, 2019). Diversification will therefore ensure issues that affects Black male students have been sorted, and they are provided with ample time to study and graduate with their respective cohorts.

The support provided seeks to remove the selection bias by providing alternative certification programs such as Teach for America. Black male teachers should be considered in the formulation and championing for hiring more tutors falling under the sidelined category (Toldson, 2019). Black male teachers were discriminated against during the hiring process of tutors to serve in the teaching profession (Kelly & Torres Lugo, 2017). The removal of barriers blocking Black male teachers from being availed with an opportunity to serve the U.S teaching fraternity would see an increase in the number of the minority group being engaged in service provision.

The preparation and support required to ensure more male Black teachers are incorporated in the teaching profession enforce relevant policies to see input as teachers. The educational administrators need to implement and formulate policies that ensure teachers, regardless of gender or race, can undertake the teaching process. This will allow the majority group, the white male teachers, to access the cultural competence tools of serving students from different localities. Similarly, the need to increase the number of Black male teachers who are the minority in the profession arises. Caution is required to avoid this move being a sabotaging attribute to the entire teaching fraternity (Toldson, 2019). This will ensure racially or gender bias emanating from the teaching profession has been eliminated since the interest of all groups in need of education has been taken into consideration.

The best support to ensure more Black male teachers are found to be engaged with teaching is to address racism. Racial discrimination has proven to be a turn-off to many teaching students and those who have completed their college training. Racial discrimination has been witnessed in the hiring process since Black teachers are denied the opportunity to serve their countries under the teaching profession (Kelly & Torres Lugo, 2017). Racism has killed the dreams of many Black teachers who can teach in the U.S educational centers since the hiring panel seems to consider some applicants’ names as being too Black (Toldson, 2019). The eradication of racism will foresee more Black male teachers being engaged and associated with the teaching profession.

Importance of Male Black Teachers

It is perceived that the availability of role models within a community is essential for boosting others desire to become teachers. The availability of Black male teachers will be crucial in ensuring they interact with the students from their locality five times a week and encourage them to emulate and desire to be teachers in the future. Male Black teachers are vital within their communities since they will boost and encourage more potential teachers of their gender to pursue a teaching career in the U.S, a profession dominated by the Whites (Toldson, 2019). This interaction is a strategic positioning among the community to offer support and encouragement to Black students’ ability to work hard and venture into the teaching profession.

Black male teachers come from communities possessing the majority of Black students; therefore, they are better positioned to nurture and encourage this group of learners. It is perceived that Black male teachers have been faced with significant cases of racial discrimination, bias when it comes to employment and suspensions. The ability to subdue all these forms fills and serve the country in the teaching profession will be a stepping stone to make under Black learners about the setbacks they would likely suffer while in pursuit of education (Toldson, 2019). Understanding the issues facing Black learners pursuing education makes Black male teachers the right individuals to encourage the students experiencing similar forms of prejudice and discrimination.

Black male teachers are essential to the school dominated with children possessing similar identity to them since they in a better position to treat learners with dignity. Despite how the student looks or appears to be coming from any particular race, the teachers are required to treat each learner with respect, dignity, unconditional regard, and genuineness. This has been a challenge with White teachers teaching in Black-dominated schools since they have been in common with their audience (Toldson, 2019). Black male teachers can understand the students’ needs from their locality than the White tutors (Bristol & Mentor, 2018). They understand the needs and requirements these learners have to possess to fulfill their goal of effective learning.

Black male teachers are essential since they considered dealing with their students in a dignified manner. According to the School Crime Supplement, Black male students were deemed successful, respectful individuals who were treating and nurturing their strengths to encourage others. They were striving not to making others feel bad in matters relating to their weaknesses (Toldson, 2019). This makes Black male teachers better poised to take the teaching job and positively impact all learners regardless of their shortcomings.

Black male teachers are better placed since they will suffer more minor cases of prejudice. The White teachers posted in schools dominated by Black students always suffer from low expectations. These teachers have been blamed for their indifferent and insolent behavior towards Black students. This feature is associated with unprofessional conduct resulting in extreme, unfair, and stringent measures against them (Bristol & Mentor, 2018). Some of these measures include attacks on their unions and the need to rate them according to the service they offer to the learners using tests. This behavior can be overcome by a Black male teacher who possesses the ability to show no favoritism and be either caring or respectful towards their students (Toldson, 2019). It is better to consider and recommend Black male teachers teach their Black students who the Whites may unfairly treat if assigned to them.

Unlike Whites, Black male teachers are essential since they would undertake their duties effectively as required within their jurisdiction. It is believed the Whites found in Black-dominated schools feel they were forced to be there without their choice. This attitude will make them unable to explore their abilities to offer the students what they anticipate and require. Their heart feels they could be at the places they desire if they possessed connections, talent, and resources to help them fulfill their wishes of being in a different school (Ingersoll et al., 2019). Therefore, their counterparts based in institutions dominated by Blacks located in cities work hard and excellently to impact the lives of all students regardless of what is being said by others (Toldson, 2019). The issue of where you need and desire to seem to be not a problem to the Blacks who work to the best of their ability in offering learners the best learning experience they deserve.

Black teachers are essential since they will not be faced with resisting information suggesting racism as a real existing issue. Despite the White teachers being in contact with Black students and are likely to be met and confronted with the facts challenging their conventional stands, they will always resist truth depiction depicting racism as a real issue affecting individuals. This resistance is considered a form of avoiding to accommodate professional advancement since they will try to manipulate Black students and convince them racism is not a bad thing. In addition to this, they may end up being emotional when faced with the actions and attitudes about racism, therefore, weaponizing the elements of White offenders to sound like victims. This is an under-achievement on the White teachers’ parts and can be toxic if the reinforcement is coupled with the worst ideologies from the resisting teachers (Toldson, 2019). Black male teachers can concur with racism since they might be sharing the same experience of being racially abused.

Black teachers are essential since they are likely to support the children being racially abused, therefore nurturing them compassionately. White teachers may withdraw their stances if they face and challenge the attitudes and beliefs they firmly believe in. Their resistance to the problem will diminish and be replaced by remorse since the teachers would have become hypersensitive to racism against Black students. Being sorry for the affected Black students will not be of any good since all they need is compassion and awareness essential for nurturing Black students adequately (Bristol & Mentor, 2018). In addition, the White teachers’ interactions may be affected since their ego will expose them to being vulnerable to tense moods when engaging with either Whites or Blacks. This may lead them to be more confused, and therefore they will degenerate into resisting (Toldson, 2019). Unlike White teachers, Black tutors will be able to maneuver when faced with these circumstances.

Black male teachers are essential since they are perceived to be bright compared to the Whites when tests were involved. For instance, Nigerians and Ghanaians are ranked as the most intelligent group of Blacks who outsmart their White counterparts in matters relating to learning. This brilliance element is essential in the educational system of the U.S since they will be in apposition to impact learners with the necessary insights and skills they are required to possess for future application in society (Toldson, 2019). The inclusion of the best within the learning system will ensure they impact the learners positively to post good results in the long run.

Black male teachers are vital since they can design methods suitable for leaving all learners happy. Evidence has proven happiness in students prepares and makes them the best. Unlike the suggestion of developing programs that encourage Black students’ beating into submitting, they would design programs that will nurture and encourage their learners. Teachers who are concerned with the welfares of students ensure they seek to understand the needs and capabilities of their learners. In this manner, they tend to cultivate an environment for working hard and dispensing the demoralization aspects from the students (Toldson, 2019). Nurturing and encouraging learners will be accomplished by Black male teachers who can understand the feelings of Black students and Whites.

Black male teachers are essential since they are the best listeners to the needs of their students. Not only is listening required but also, the ability to talk and communicate with the learners is a vital attribute of the teachers. The White teachers’ beliefs, if challenged and subdued, they tend to withdraw their stands. This is an act of avoiding to take professional advancement in the teaching profession. This is a toxic generated and cultivated mentality which will only be eradicated if the teachers who understand the ability to open dialogue between them and students are incorporated within the teaching profession (Toldson, 2019). Being caring and understanding by a teacher is vital in assisting students within all categories to be positively encouraged to work hard. These attributes are believed and seem to be possessed by Black male teachers.

Importance of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to Primary and Secondary Education

The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) is essential since it seeks to increase minority under-represented teachers. This is a movement aiming at diversifying the workforce of the teaching profession, which contributes to U.S competitiveness globally in the same field (Sanders, 2020). The U.S competitive advantage would be realized provided it widens the pipeline for teachers while ensuring broader participation by all American races. The involvement of teachers from all races will be achieved since the vital incubators for this individual is the HBCUs (Pearson, 2019). Despite other institutional challenges that may hinder recruitment, retainment, and preparation of teachers in HBCUs, the goal is likely to be achieved (Bristol & Goings, 2018). HBCUs is vital because it will facilitate the increase of teachers being under-represented in the teaching profession.

HBCUs are essential in the U.S since they facilitate the training of teachers required in the teaching profession. According to the National Museum relating to African American Culture and History, HBCUs’ initial mission was to prepare to teach individuals to provide teaching within segregated U.S (Sanders, 2020). Since then, they continue to be vital in the production of the country’s different teachers emanating from varying races (Bracey, 2017). HBCUs, therefore, continue to be representative of a critical partner for the administration of innovative pilot programs (Pearson, 2019). The teaching profession requires qualified and trained teachers to facilitate its achievement of the desired mandate and vision to all the citizens.

HBCUs are vital since they facilitate and boost partnership programs by providing training programs to teachers to enable them to curb racial discrimination. This need arises after affirming and establishing a strict relationship between different stakeholders engaged with the teaching profession (Pearson, 2019). These stakeholders are found within districts, communities, and institutions; they include principals, teachers, school leaders, education deans, and district superintendents who are crucial to ensuring the partnership has been achieved (Bracey, 2017). The partnership is essential since all education is brought on board to deliberate on the best way to solve the challenges faced by Black students seeking to access learning in institutions in the U.S.

The HBCUs is essential since it ensures continuous development of professionalism. A consensus has been reached on the importance of developing continuous professional growth when it concerns HBCUs and the districts. Universities have been making efforts to ensure there is a provision of professional advancements for teachers’ in-service programs (Pearson, 2019). This ensures continued support and nurturing for teachers possessing little experience and the categories of students who have completed studies but are in their first year of providing the service of teaching. In the long run, the process yields a fully groomed, effective teacher (Bristol & Goings, 2018). Grooming of teachers is necessary to ensure the individuals engaged in teaching are fully groomed to undertake the mandate of teaching in the U.S learning institutions.

The HBCUs are essential in ensuring colleges are prepared to acquire certain benchmark levels from new entrant students and be competitive. This is achieved by providing a dual enrollment process and mentorship programs such as the ACT, essential for assisting students to be prepared for colleges. Initial intervention programs are necessary since they incorporate various effective plans addressing illiteracy among the entrants. Similarly, districts must give their attention to providing reviews of what needs to be entailed and be done to ensure success. Once these factors necessary for success have been identified, effective incorporation coupled with critical practices within these districts is anticipated (Pearson, 2019). The preparation of essential programs by HBCUs in colleges ensures more students are being enlisted for training to acquire necessary skills for the teaching profession.

HBCUs are vital since it avails standardized examinations that seek to avoid reducing enrollment and affecting the universities learning programs. Students are required to attain a particular score in their exams such as Act, licensure, and Praxis. This proves to be a challenge to the African American learners who are disadvantaged by the scores, which seem essentially higher than average. This will reduce enrollment and shrink the number of tutors being produced within one year. Similarly, the examination has proven to be expensive and numerous, presenting a hurdle to the learners. Determining how grading is conducted seems to be a great challenge (Pearson, 2019). The HBCUs will address all these challenges arising from administering examinations, grading, and enrollment to ensure there is no reduction in college students yearly.

HBCUs is essential since it broadens the exhibited understanding outside the authorized areas of content. The mission of college deans is to produce teachers with relevant skills which will enable them conduct the teaching process effectively in schools considered high risk within a particular district. This requires the regarded teacher to possess knowledge outside the scope of expertise to attain effectiveness. Therefore, the strength of HBCUs is to be committed to assisting candidates for the teaching profession to understand the crucial needs of the area they are required to operate in (Sanders, 2020). They are necessary to ensure they accommodate all the factors affecting the community, family, and school-going kids since they occur in various dimensions. This ability to understand is vital in helping concerned teachers create a conducive environment in schools for students to learn efficiently (Pearson, 2019). Broadening the know-how outside the authorized learning environment is essential to understand the needs and shortcomings of different students quickly.

HBCUs is essential since it seeks to incorporate alumni, university administration, and community from various institutions. Alumni support is a strength, and program features assisting in availing successful teacher quality preparations. The desire to support the learning institutions was perceived as a means for former students to give back to the society they were raised in. The university administration’s support is linked to the institution’s realization of the need for education since learning was considered a foundation and part of it. The support sought to ensure all the students were being provided and in a position to secure employment when chances arose within the job placement programs (Pearson, 2019). Supporting the students in colleges and universities is necessary to ensure they can easily accomplish learning activities and secure jobs in the future.

HBCUs are crucial since they give teachers the freedom to meet their learner’s needs in the best form. Flexibility, support, and space have been emphasized as being the current requirement in an institution. However, implementation requires seeking special consent for performing the program’s objectives since elements of mistrust exist because of the inability to identify the affected teacher (Sanders, 2020). The desire to address the placed restriction to allow and encourage innovation, creativity, and edge cutting by the policymakers who could give the go-ahead to pilot them arises. Similarly, this can be achieved by providing financial support relevant for tackling the high levels of mandate such as accreditation issues (Pearson, 2019). Freedom is essential in designing the suitable methods applicable for aiding students to understand concepts and aspects being taught within the learning institutions.

HBCUs are vital since they seek to provide the necessities for teachers living in surrounding districts of the U.S. The challenges facing neighboring communities include retainment and recruitment of quality teachers (Bristol & Goings, 2018). These problems are blamed on the existence of the unavailable incentives and low wages provided to them, resulting in higher attrition rates. Similarly, mandates HBCUs provide a platform referred to as STEM, which is essential for teachers to create a higher turnover rate. The STEM platforms are necessary for teachers seeking experience (Sanders, 2020). Therefore, they utilize the teaching opportunities in rural districts to equip themselves with essential skills then shift to affluent communities. This has witnessed higher attrition rates from sections which require teaching staff the most (Pearson, 2019). Platforms for undertaking duties while seeking experience are essential for an individual who has finished undertaking the necessary training required for a professional teacher.

HBCUs is essential since they are in a position which can easily make changes to the teaching programs of preparation to match the needs and desire of young tutors. A majority of programs possess limited mentorship degree platforms essential to the teacher retention elements. This is possible since there exist many distinct ways in which the changes in the preparation programs can be effected. Similarly, introducing changes in the educational platform will eliminate racial discrimination being witnessed daily in the U.S learning institutions (Pearson, 2019). Effective changes in the learning capabilities are essential in preparing an environment that can accommodate more young students.

State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO) Project Pipeline Repair Case Study

HBCUs seek to reformulate policies of the state to make them race-conscious instead of being race-neutral to expand Black student’s educational opportunities. The reformulation of these policies will require HBCUs’ independence to advance its curriculum to be adhering to social justices’ integration and orientation of multiculturalism (Sanders, 2020). This is a means to ensure programs for preparing teachers have been put in place. By doing this, the opportunities of Black students will be explicitly increased for the males who desire to be teachers. Similarly, HBCUs have to design other essential techniques which see the development of new systems appreciating the diversified growth of the U.S nation (Sanders, 2020). These techniques are essential since the institutions dominated by the Whites incorporate color blind techniques to the profession of teaching (Pearson, 2019). The reformulation of state policies effectively eradicates obstacles that seem to bar and discriminate against Black students seeking to venture into the teaching profession.

There arises the need by HBCUs to increase chances for Black teachers to realize the implementation of their cultural experience and knowledge in schools. African American students from the majority group and face the worst forms of inequities in the U.S district schools. This has pushed for the desire to improve future tutors of color emerging from the status quo but rather germinate from ideologies of critical theory of race (Pearson, 2019). This dream will be realized in three policies: reforming programs for teachers’ education, recommending inclusive poverty analysis, and adding investigative connectivity between poverty and race to preparing teachers’ programs (Pearson, 2019). Opportunities for Black learners would ensure more students are included in the programs seeking to ensure the production of more male teachers in the U.S learning institutions.

The HBCUs need to diversify the workforce of teachers and state resources to strengthen diverse efforts. Racial discrimination against Black students has been significantly manifested in the school environment, selection, and placement panels for availing opportunities to the talented and gifted initiatives (Ingersoll et al., 2019). This is blamed on the inability to access and obtain information about gifted programs provided. Similarly, racial disparities and undesired expressions towards Black students from administrators and teachers exist. Black students, just like any other student, deserve to be treated compassionately, admirably, respectfully, and be accepted. The acts of racial discrimination require considering the implications and causes emanating from the HBCUs workforce in the district schools and other associated demographic features (Pearson, 2019). Diversifying the HBCUs will ensure the elements of racial bias are eradicated from the learning environment. Therefore, Black students will be availing a learning platform possessing limited barriers to effective studying.

The ability to increase the number of African American students does lie with the institution’s readiness to alter the education system by providing Black learners with access to better schools. Better schools, in this case, tend to be equipped with knowledgeable and experienced staff such as counselors and teachers. This is essential since the African American fails to attend and access learning institutions enriched with an investment of inculcated knowledge and established positive Black students’ relationships. Similarly, Black students are considered first-generation learners (Pearson, 2019). They are altering the education system to dispense the prejudice surrounding Black students and elevate them from being inferior beings to a platform where they are availed equal opportunities similar to other learners.

There is a need to revisit the policies surrounding discipline cases where racial disparities are evident. This is essential since the number of suspended Black students lies between three to six more than the White students (Pearson, 2019). These disparities contribute to the declining number of graduating male students who, in many cases, fall victims to these suspensions and are exposed to criminal justice systems (Pearson, 2019). Despite the issue being a concern gender disparity, the targeted individuals make the entire process be a form of racial discrimination against Black male students.

Performing an analysis on establishing the flaws associated with Black students is essential to assist the education system in the U.S to focus on this group. African American students have been affected by their family, environmental and cultural issues, which have inhibited them from performing well in school. Similarly, they would drop out of school due to poor performance. Their inability to attain a grade essential for them to pursue a college education is a burden to the entire U.S education system (Pearson, 2019). It is essential for the U.S government’s education system to be concerned and focus on this group to ensure their learning increase tremendously.

There is a need to eradicate racial segregation to ensure equal opportunities available to all learners in the U.S. More than 80% of Black students attend schools possessing minimal resources to accomplish their learning activities (Pearson, 2019). They are disadvantaged since 60% of them come from low-income earning families unable to facilitate their education needs (Pearson, 2019). Racial segregation needs to be eradicated if the number of Black students is expected to rise in the future (Bracey, 2017). Segregation is a barrier and a hindrance seeking to provide one group with an advantage over the other, creating a gap between Blacks and Whites.

There arises the need to enhance the recruitment process, bolster preparation and improve working conditions for teachers. The process of hiring teachers has been encompassed with various issues which tend to be a barrier to more Blacks taking the career (Kelly & Torres Lugo, 2017). There exists a salary gap between Whites and Blacks. Similarly, colored teachers have been exposed to discrimination from their counterparts within the same discipline. In addition, the inability of the U.S schools to employ a Black educator discourages the majority of individuals falling within this category. Over 40% of schools in the U.S fail to employ an educator because of the black color (Pearson, 2019). These statistics and the problems experienced in the recruitment process demoralizes and discourages Black people from taking courses related to the teaching profession in the U.S.


The shortage of Black male educators

Only 2% of male teachers are represented in the U.S education system. This is associated with negative experiences such as racial discrimination they faced are blamed for their shortage. Similarly, suspensions and high rates of dropouts contribute to their shortages because the majority of them fail to graduate. The failure to diversify the U.S education system contributes to their low numbers. The discrepancies arising from selection bias and discrimination lock them out of teaching careers. Lastly, the lack of essential policies to foresee their inclusion into the teaching profession hinders pursuing their studies.

Importance of Black male teachers

Black male teachers are role models in their community and locality. Secondly, they are better placed to nurture and encourage Black students. Thirdly, they possess and can treat students with dignity despite facing and possessing challenging experiences. Fourthly, they deal with students in a dignified manner and are less likely to suffer prejudice of low expectations. Fifthly, they undertake their roles effectively as stipulated by their jurisdiction. Sixthly, they are in a position to accept facts regardless of their personal opinion. Seventhly, they are better placed to support, nurture and be compassionate of the racially abused students. Ninthly, they are considered to be bright when it is related to tests. Tenthly, they are capable of designing methods suiting the needs of students. Lastly, they are the best listeners to their audience: students.

Importance of HBCUs to primary and secondary education

HBCUs are crucial to primary and secondary education since they aim to increase the number of minority under-represented groups. Similarly, it trains and equips teachers with relevant skills for the teaching profession. In addition, it avails partnership programs and facilitates continuity in the advancement of professionalism. HBCUs further set benchmark levels to ensure competition and creates a compromise using standardized exams to avoid eliminating a particular group (Sanders, 2020). It further expands the ability to understand outside the learning environment. HBCUs encourage support to the education system from other sources and provide teachers with the freedom to choose what suits their students. It avails requirements necessary for an educator’s performance and makes adjustments to the teachers’ preparation programs.

Critical undertakings from the case study

Reformulating policies into making them race-neutral and conscious is necessary. It seeks to increase opportunities for Black male teachers and diversify the teaching profession workforce. Altering the education system to accommodate more Black students is crucial. Reformulation of policies touching on matters relating to discipline and racial disparity and evaluating the problems faced by Black students is vital. The elimination of racial segregation elements to avail equal opportunities, improve and enhance the entire recruitment process was found to be a crucial aspect.


In conclusion, the U.S is experiencing a shortage of Black male teachers in their education system. This shortage has been linked to biased suspensions, bad policies safeguarding the selection and placement of teachers, and racial disparities, affecting the payment and resource allocation. Despite the attributed shortages of this group of professions, they possess a vital part in the society which seeks their input. Black male teachers possess experiences and shortcomings they faced during their quest to learn. They are better placed to encourage and support their fellow Black students and all learners arising from a different race. They tend to possess essential attributes lacking from the White teachers who may be bold and indifferent towards Black students.

HBCUs are essential to both primary and secondary education systems since it is geared towards making every student regardless of their race are provided with necessities to conduct their study. HBCUs seek to eliminate the racial discrimination and disparities emanating within the U.S education system (Sanders, 2020). Doing so creates equal opportunities for all students to access quality education and be supplemented with the necessary resources for choosing and completing their desired course (Ingersoll et al., 2019). Similarly, it eradicates the hindrance and obstacles arising when seeking employment. The motive of HBCUs is geared towards increasing the number of male Blacks’ educators who may have been faced with challenges and experiences forcing them to shelf their ambitions to study (Bristol & Goings, 2018). It further focuses on other aspects which may be underlying outside the learning scope as it seeks to understand the decrease in Black male educators.

Therefore, the realization of the dream to ensure many Black teachers are engaged in the U.S education system requires evaluating all factors tied to teaching. These factors will be necessary to determine and formulate the best solution relevant for eradicating the witnessed disparities and discrimination against Blacks. Teaching requires understanding the needs and requirements of every learner. It further requires treating students regardless of their race with dignity, respect, compassion, and care.


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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 13). How Colleges Prepare and Support Black Male Teachers.

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"How Colleges Prepare and Support Black Male Teachers." ChalkyPapers, 13 Oct. 2023,


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ChalkyPapers. 2023. "How Colleges Prepare and Support Black Male Teachers." October 13, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "How Colleges Prepare and Support Black Male Teachers." October 13, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "How Colleges Prepare and Support Black Male Teachers." October 13, 2023.