Fogler and LeBlanc outlined four steps that are crucial in understanding and defining the actual issue. The first step is to analyze all the available information regarding the problem and its aspects (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2013). The second step is consulting with knowledgeable people and using Socratic questions for fact extraction (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2013). The next step is to examine the problem in person since second-hand accounts may be wrong (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2013). And finally, all data must be compared for discrepancies and likenesses (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2013). Only if the facts appear to be true, the issue can be defined.
Fermi analysis can be useful when defining a real problem. It allows people to narrow the scope of their search for solutions through viable assumptions within a short time span (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2013). The steps of this analysis call for continuous analysis of the assumed data, as well as the logic behind each decision. As a failsafe, a person is prompted to attempt to try to make another guess to see if the conclusion will be similar to the first one.
Since the company has already tried to improve productivity and it does work at the maximum capacity, the issue lies in the waiting time perceived by the passengers. To identify the problem via the statement-restatement technique, one needs to consider a high number of complaints regarding long waiting times to claim baggage (Fogler & LeBlanc, 2013). People were unsatisfied with the length of the standard unloading procedure. Passengers were finding themselves bored during the otherwise reasonable amount of waiting time. Passengers had to be provided with the means of entertainment during long waiting times. The second solution can be derived from the Duncker diagram that is presented in Figure 1.

Fogler, H. S., & LeBlanc, S. E. (2013). Strategies for creative problem solving (3rd ed.). Pearson.