Justification of Area of Study: Education

I choose Education as an area of study because it opens me to vast areas of knowledge and will allow me to serve my society with understanding. The underlying philosophy informs my choice for this field based on Plato’s postulation that knowledge is a means to obtain individual and social justice. Besides, teaching facilitates my understanding of personal perspectives and comprehension of the external phenomenon. Tutoring also connects with the Biblical principles, where information equips a person with ability to perform their duties confidently. I believe this career of choice will enhance effective performance of my duties as an employee as it offers a quest for continuous learning.

Education is a means of achieving self-understanding and obtaining new knowledge for the society’s benefit. I have to make a positive contribution to humanity in my lifetime, and I can only achieve this by comprehending my purpose for living. Plato considers education as a means to achieve justice at the individual and community level. In this regard, Plato urges individuals to develop their capacity to the fullest level. Consequently, I seek to expand my intellectual capacity to understand my interpretation of the various principles that govern existence and use the skills to make society better. I strive to build apprehension toward my future career, self-proficiency and learning about the idea of good as proposed by Plato (Bakker et al., 2019). I look forward to an occupation as a teacher as this will allow me to help humankind by expanding their intellectual capacity.

As a teacher, I will positively influence my clients by exposing them to cognizance and promoting it to solve general problems. At the personal knowledge level, I seek to realize my capacities and abilities and exploit them to pursue my purpose on earth. The awareness of good is steeped in my religious philosophy as a Christian, where I must seek good for others in my actions and intentions. In this connection, my choice of Education as a career stems from its strong concept for obtaining individual and social justice.

Education helps me to pursue knowledge not as a culmination but to an end. I believe that knowledge is progressive, and I must always follow better ways of doing things. In this regard, I incorporate Steven Covey’s fifth principle that states, “Seek to understand, then to be understood” (Covey, 1991, p. 237). Covey, in this postulation, places the onus of existence on the individual who must seek facts about others. This law aligns with his perspective of adopting proactivity in life. Education helps me comprehend people, their history, character, and attitudes, enabling me to interact with them effectively. In my career path as a teacher, I am aware that I will associate with individuals with diverse persuasions and cultural bases, and I must understand their preparedness to learn as I engage with them. In this regard, Education will help me know how many individuals’ different perspectives inform their ability to obtain new knowledge. The principle will help me develop empathy towards my clients and increase my effectiveness as a worker.

My Christian faith informs my choice of Education, which placed knowledge acquisition as a means of developing workmanship. Christ exemplified the pursuit for knowledge as a child when He sat in the temple and discussed spiritual laws with the leaders. In his years of work, he obtained a teacher’s status because of His habit of dispensing knowledge to his disciples and members of the public. In this regard, I emulate Christ because he placed knowledge at the center of his occupation on earth.

Paul, in the scripture, also urges Timothy to study so that he pursues his career with confidence. In his letter to Timothy he writes “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (Bibles, 2018, 2 Tim 2:15). Paul appreciated that as a preacher, Timothy needed to study to dispense his duties without shame. In a similar vein, I believe knowledge is the basis for an individual’s career’s effective fulfillment. While I pursue knowledge for perfecting my teaching profession, I think this career path is foundational for every individual, regardless of their occupation. All professionals must engender an attitude of continuous learning to update their practice. I believe a career in Education prepares my clients and me with the necessary equipment to perform our societal duties with confidence as we pursue our purpose.

I am confident my career choice in Education helps me fulfill a personal ambition and provide service to humanity. Education prepares me to understand my role and purpose and enables me to achieve it excellently. My pursuit for knowledge stems from the philosophy of social justice that buttresses this career, and this will allow me to free others from challenges that emanate from diminished understanding. Besides, I seek self-improvement as a basis for understanding others in society through this career path. My Christian faith also promotes knowledge acquisition, and this inspires me further to pursue the teaching profession. I am confident that I have made the right career choice in Education as it is a means to attain social justice, enhances self-knowledge, and is consistent with Christian teachings.


Bakker, C., Dubensky, K., Harvey, L., & McDonough, G. P. (2019). The inadequacies of assigning “My philosophy of education” statements in teacher education courses. Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 26(1), 1-19.

Bibles, N. (2018). Holy Bible: King James version. HARPER USA.

Covey, S. R. (1991). The seven habits of highly effective people. Covey Leadership Center.

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ChalkyPapers. (2022, July 14). Justification of Area of Study: Education. https://chalkypapers.com/justification-of-area-of-study-education/

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"Justification of Area of Study: Education." ChalkyPapers, 14 July 2022, chalkypapers.com/justification-of-area-of-study-education/.


ChalkyPapers. (2022) 'Justification of Area of Study: Education'. 14 July.


ChalkyPapers. 2022. "Justification of Area of Study: Education." July 14, 2022. https://chalkypapers.com/justification-of-area-of-study-education/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Justification of Area of Study: Education." July 14, 2022. https://chalkypapers.com/justification-of-area-of-study-education/.


ChalkyPapers. "Justification of Area of Study: Education." July 14, 2022. https://chalkypapers.com/justification-of-area-of-study-education/.