This project establishes a learning issue in research for a solution. The core emphasis of this project is the low engagement levels in student online learning zones. The objectives for the project include how lack of student engagement affects online learning. As depicted in the chapter of this study, three specific objectives are fundamental to note. First, difficulties with learning asynchronously, student engagement with the content/curriculum being provided, student isolation, and its effects within online learning. This chapter shall be organized in an orderly manner that will help a reader focus on understanding the challenges within online learning. The study starts with an introductory section which is tackled under this text.
The second section of the research work involves coverage of project components. Under this sub-section, the audience will get a detailed brief of the study from the preceding parts. Additionally, it covers an important element that is worth following and getting aware about. Methods and strategies with approaches for dealing with the challenge shall be discussed in this part. The other sub-section that the project will cover is the project evaluation. In this part, a reader will know how the study shall be evaluated for success. Under this part, it will be possible to know how the success will be weighed after implementing the recommendations of the project. The next part will be project conclusions that shall cover the fundamental points in summary form from the research. In this part, all the sensitive points will be briefly analyzed to shed light on the problem. The last part will be planned for implementation. Under this section, the reader shall see various key suggestions in solving this problem in the learning environment.
Project Components
This part showcases a description of the entire components of the project by highlighting what was done in previous chapters. It will include an analysis of the curricula, program, and other descriptive components centered towards solving this problem. The methodologies applied in getting a solution to the problem will be stated in this section. Hence, it is essential to monitory closely this part as it gives guidance towards learner engagement in digital learning through various observations which are required to be observed for the mutual benefit of the students.
The historical context of this project is based on chapters one and two which have been covered comprehensively. The project started by highlighting the lack of learner engagement in computer-centric learning. The problem was expanded to insinuate that there have been negative impacts such as low retention of key areas of study that are covered through online tools. In this part, a student will be given what is referred to an as a sub-standard physical relationship with the teacher due to the few incidents of interaction as compared to face-to-face (F2F) learning that has been in practice for a long while (Das & Bhuwandeep, 2021). From chapter one, the project laid a pivotal role in determining the positive impact of student online classes when it comes to academic and co-curricular cues. Therefore, the main problem, in this case, is low levels of student engagement that makes studies to be implemented to a non-satisfactory note.
The other notable part in the study was the rationale of the project. The justification on why the research is relevant in academic paraphernalia relates on the impacts and potential room for rectification by utilizing the current measures and scope that will be applied progressively. The rationale of the project is to see how the challenge can be combatted. Additionally, it is vital to say that the study has been derived after a close monitor of execution of issues when it comes to academic knowledge through online tools (Jackson, 2019). Thus, there is an existing issue of low student engagement that has probed the study to be researched broadly. The other rationale is the gap existing on how student learning through online means can be integrated to produce the desired outcomes. The key goal of the study is to give approaches and plans that can be affected to reduce the problem while improving the studies.
The project covered literary work by other scholars on the same issue. First, it was identified that there is a correlation between student engagement and online learning. The study suggested that if online learning s conducted without the desired reach, there are high chances that students will not be engaged well. The project covered the statistics of online learning whereby, it was discovered that a significant number of learners have access to modern tools that facilitate online learning. However, the problem is that majority of the students prefer F2F methods rather than online ones.
Through the literature review, the study showed that technology may be a challenge when it comes to the reliability of the internet and also the compatibility of the gadgets. Also, learning synchronously was a major issue that was highlighted by the project on basis of the bond that is created in the F2F method. Other challenges that the review highlighted were isolating levels where learners usually lack that in-person training by the teacher or interaction with other students while in class. Therefore, the above captions the historical context of this project.
The approaches that can be utilized to solve this issue are clear from what the literature evaluation raises. Through the problems that the literary coverages focus on, some strategies can be used to solve the issue of online student engagement. First, students and their instructors need to relate the ties between digital learning and also student engagement (Kelly & Lock, 2021). That can be based on what outcome will be achieved in the general interaction while studying. The other strategy is to make online learning a necessity in modern classes more so during the current pandemic.
Additionally, it is essential to embrace technology as a universal tool by designing handsets that can configure various requirements into the exact application for that matter. For example, a school can ensure that it creates digital protocols that are conversant with all the devices used such as phones, laptops, and general computers. Additionally, to make a class interactive, there is a need to create weekly discussions whereby, students can get online and start giving their opinion concerning a given matter (Martin & Bolliger, 2018). For example, it can be through a zoom class where learners are giving critiques to their fellow learners’ postings in a progressive way.
Another approach that can be put in place while trying to foster changes in online learning is a commitment through an extensive focus on the matter. This can be through exchange programs where learners are given different coaches and tutors who can be alternating while the unit is being covered (Nayir, 2017). Thus, learning asynchronously will be achieved and that will be a key milestone to reach under this matter. Additionally, another approach would be to check on the curriculum, by this means curriculum integration can be split to expand on points that require the selected methodologies of teaching. For example, units that require deep practice in scientific tests and other laboratory work can be put on a collaborative base with private labs that can offer the same service. That means students will set time to go and look for a specialist in a given subject who can guide them as they take notes on what the cover and sed it as notes to their instructors.
There are other approaches that the project reveals into adjusting this problem based on what key issues were spotted in chapter two. Some tips can reduce student isolation through the presentation of a substantive approach through augmented tips that offer room for extra work. when a student is challenged to create their time on academic matters, it will be a strategy that will offer an advanced reach that can reduce boredom. Thus, a professor for this matter will find what inspires students through assessments and key interactive policies. In this case, setting goals to help students stick to the context will make a way to enhance the level of engagement (Suryaningsih, 2021). The lessons also need to be broken or split to show there is room for contemplating, digestion, and reflection. Through this gesture, a student will see the value the teacher has given them and be encouraged to have a vigor in online learning
Project Evaluation
It is important to explore whether or not the project will be successful by measuring several factions that are essential in holding the relevance of a given study. The first key issue to evaluate will be the level of satisfaction of students with the online classes. In this case, the statistics must change to indicate that the number that is comfortable with such engagement is high and interested in online matters (Suryaningsih, 2021).
Additionally, the project’s effectiveness shall be tested by checking the increase of learners who will be capable of doing better intellectually by considering that the engagement will be entirely academic. In this perspective, the analysis shall be based on the preferred methodology that can be utilized for online class learning. The activities that are done while students engage in online learning shall be evaluated (Theroux & Kilbane, 2019). For example, if many parties are having tasks that are carried online, that would be an indicator that student online engagement has been perfected.
It is important to measure the number of enrollments that are evident in online classes. If learners are registered in high numbers, it means that the methodology is effective and that people have been recommended by their friends to embrace the activity (Theroux & Kilbane, 2019). By checking the rate of enrollment, the evaluation shall be done to investigate why the students prefer to study online and not a face-to-face method. Monitoring the leaners who have been inducted into online education paraphernalia is significant as it displays the likelihood for success.
The other way in which the project’s main areas would be evaluated is the compatibility of technology with the users. If many learners are capable of getting into school portals and generating content there, it means that the curriculum has been changed to encourage. One of the key determinants of this matter is the aspects of technology that require one to be competent in perusing online through research and other technical approaches. First, some devices that are used to access online materials shall be an indicator of how online business has been able to get into the tips of many students (Das & Bhuwandeep, 2021). For example, if schools can get a way of allowing some programs to be offered through the access of various elements through a smartphone, then it means there will be a likelihood that online learning shall be an active engagement.
To evaluate the usefulness of the venture, it is significant to observe the levels of synchronous learning fostered by students. It means that the study developers will evaluate how students and teachers conduct their online business as far as academics are concerned. If students express their personal experiences with online learning, that would be a key point to ensuring that evaluation is undertaken effectively (Jackson, 2019). For example, if a lecturer can agree on a specific time with students and maintain consistency, then that would be an achievement. Hence, to evaluate the accomplishment of the scheme, the developers must check the linear flow of work by key parties.
It is vital to evaluate how students feel when it comes to online engagement. Here, it is important to reflect on whether or not scholars feel isolated. That is because from chapter two, which presented a literature review, it was discovered that students feel more isolated and sidelined in online education. Therefore, during evaluation, it is important to check the way learners are active when it comes to class participation. One way to reduce isolation is having a special online platform that enables learners to get educated by lecturers and coaches privately (Martin & Bolliger, 2018). That may also include a student-to-student persepctive. During measuring the project’s success, the level of bond that will be created shall communicate whether or not the study’s main provisions have helped get a solution on the matter.
Project Conclusions
From chapters one and two, there are core points that can be associated with student engagement when it comes to online learning. The first key area is the satisfactory levels of the learning mode to both the tutor and the learner. Here, through the parts covered so far, it is evident that most individuals can get educated simultaneously while studying online. Relating from the literary findings, the main challenge comes as a result of distance that is evident on this matter (Martin & Bolliger, 2018). When learners cannot be able to see and talk to their lecturer in person, it becomes hard to achieve some matters academic and that may probe one to seeking other alternatives that may be costly. Through the areas covered so far, technology has been a point of concern as not all students can have access to computers at the right time. If the learners can get the devices, then connectivity would be a key challenge which means online learning can be challenging.
If the current system of education will not adjust the curriculum to the required state, it will be impossible to have clear and concise engagement levels from both academic parties. Changing the curriculum to allow room for distance learning is important. For example, a test must not confine students into practicing issues that seem to be odd with online learning. For the students doing online classes, they should be able to undertake special assignments from private laboratories that are affiliated with their schools (Suryaningsih, 2021). This may apply to those learners in technical subjects or those who are in polytechnic taking programs that may require a bit of manual tutoring and mentorship. Therefore, the curriculum should be adjusted to guide a person from far to be able to grasp concepts that are being portrayed in the area of learning.
Another important aspect is that learners may not desire to have a low note as long as education transmitted online is concerned. The literature review shows that most people like to attend online lessons but with instructional technology. Therefore, that calls for an important approach that will enable the learners to feel valued and treasured by the respective schools. Under the Coronavirus pandemic, the level of online learning increased by a notable margin that meant a milestone when it comes to embracing digital learning. Although the infection has impacted many adversely, it has created zones for critical thinking that researchers have been able to form collaborative bases into enabling alternatives for studying (Theroux & Kilbane, 2019). Therefore, the project is an epitome of a long journey towards accomplishing an effective strategy of boosting online learning.
Plans for Implementation
As the main problem with online learning is student engagement, it is important to venture into elements that would make students feel powered when using the method. This project proposes a plan on what can be done when it comes to engaging students well online. The plan also includes a research gap that needs to be filled on this matter. First, all learning institutions need to boost their digital platforms (Martin & Bolliger, 2018). This is probable through the management of units that are done using the current metrics powered by technology. If an institution wishes to have online education, it should develop a digital tool that is vast in guaranteeing that there is common understanding between the parties. The information will be shared through the project developers and be escalated using mainstream and social media for awareness
Additionally, there is a need to research how online learning can offer a full-baked skill to a learner. The reason why this is important is that when a learner is not nurtured on what is referred to as person-to-person approaches, they may lack competency that gives confidence when working. Therefore, the project has noticed a gap that need to be filled on presenting ideas and facts about the usefulness of online education (Jackson, 2019). The project also challenges learners to have an understanding of why online learning requires consistency and preference. The purpose is that instructional expertise by use of digital context may lack forward-moving academic scenarios. When learners and tutors concur about the metrics of online education, learners’ engagement will come automatically.
Das, P., & Bhuwandeep. (2021). Leveraging level of student engagement for online class design in management education. Journal Of Education for Business, 7(8), 1-11.
Jackson, S. (2019). Student questions: A path to engagement and social presence in the online classroom. The Journal of Educators Online, 16(1), 7.
Kelly, K., & Lock, E. (2021). That syncing feeling: An exploration of student engagement in an online environment. Student Success, 12(2), 5.
Martin, F., & Bolliger, D. (2018). Engagement matters: student perceptions on the importance of engagement strategies in the online learning environment. Online Learning, 22(1), 22-25.
Nayir, F. (2017). The relationship between student motivation and class engagement levels. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 17(71), 59-78.
Suryaningsih, V. (2021). Strengthening student engagement: how student hone their soft skill along with online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic? Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, 18(1), 1-15.
Theroux, J., & Kilbane, C. (2019). Experimental online case study for a breakthrough in student engagement: description and results. Online Learning, 8(4), 90.