Non Public School Legislation and Public School Funding


The role played by education in this present age cannot be ignored. So many legislations have been put forward to enable public school choice. In these legislations, the parents are given a responsibility to make decisions on behalf of their children. John and Denise (1992) point out that the parents must decide on the educational system that will best suit their children. This paper studies the legislation on schools choice in America and the role of the federal state on educational choice. This paper also deals with issues relating to the funding of such schools as impacted by the legislation. Public school choice legislations have a great impact on the curriculum standards and the overall testing system for the students.


Case legislation that encourages public schools choice is the “School Choice Act” of American nonpublic schools. The act aims at improving the student’s outcomes and liberating the students for freedom. In this act, every student has the equal right to education. In this legislation, the department of education shall be responsible for maintaining and holding proper revisions to achieve testing programs for the students in the private schools. Philip (2000) comments that the progress and success of the students in nonpublic schools shall be rated on a different scale against their ability and strengths. Nongovernment schools have a responsibility of submitting a letter of credit or simply a performance bond of close to three months tuition.

Past studies on public choice funding have taken a historic trend. The colonial era and the past studies show that there exists a desire and need for diversity in the funding of education; through public or private funding. In the past, when the government offered provisions in the funding of education, it included even private and religious schools. Up to the 1850s, the rule changed so that funding from the government could rarely be used in private schools. However, in the 1868 and 1900s different legislations were amended to deny funds to the religious schools. All the funds could just be used in the public schools. Legislations on the school choice are related to the school’s funding e.g. the financial reporting, the qualification of different teachers teaching different courses in the schools and how the schools board should carry out admissions. The legislation advocates for elaborate and detailed policies to be followed during the testing of students.

Amendments have always been proposed to the federal law to prevent the use of public funds on private schools. Issues of crafted vouchers have been influenced by the legislation. The voucher programs allow the parents to use all or part of the government funding to send their children to religious or non-religious schools. The standard private schools are required to meet all the safety standards and use non-discriminative processes as they handle educational matters. Also, the School Choice Act states that tax deductions will be used to pay for special expenses of the school-going children. Tax credit programs have also been used by the states. The legislation has impacted the schools in that they have to lead to educational diversity where uniformity in education is minimized. It has also led to parents’ accountability and informed choices on the admissions.


It is worth noting that educational freedom is evident in American schools. This source of funding makes the government responsible for funding the schools. The unique contributions made by the choice in nonpublic schools have made a positive impact on the funding of the schools.


John M. and Denise M. (1992). Parental Choice Options in Maine. Journal of Research in Rural Education 8(1), 43-45.

Philip V. (2000). More Than Grades: How Choice Boosts Parental Involvement and Benefit Children. Oxford: Cato Institute Policy Analysis.

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ChalkyPapers. (2025, January 16). Non Public School Legislation and Public School Funding.

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"Non Public School Legislation and Public School Funding." ChalkyPapers, 16 Jan. 2025,


ChalkyPapers. (2025) 'Non Public School Legislation and Public School Funding'. 16 January.


ChalkyPapers. 2025. "Non Public School Legislation and Public School Funding." January 16, 2025.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Non Public School Legislation and Public School Funding." January 16, 2025.


ChalkyPapers. "Non Public School Legislation and Public School Funding." January 16, 2025.