Reflecting the Learned Concepts

Watching the videos has introduced me to new ideologies on learning math and science, which I previously did not recognize. Specifically, I learned that mathematics and science arouse curiosity, requiring students to question concepts and gain new insights into the course. This element is evident in children’s learning process, where they constantly ask teachers for illustrations and in-depth descriptions. Consequently, teachers need familiarity with scientific knowledge to impart them with the necessary skills (PBS NewsHour, 2018). In case of inadequate knowledge, the students should perform extensive research to build their understanding. I could apply this concept in my mathematics and science studies by seeking assistance from lectures understand the confusing concepts. I can as well look up the information from academic sites to advance my practical application of these subjects. Additionally, the video raises my curiosity and introduces inquisitiveness to enhance my ability to and apply the learned concepts to the real-world scenarios. I could achieve this through practical activities in the laboratory and performing multiple mathematical expressions on a daily basis to advance my expertise in the subjects. Overall, practical application is vital to succeeding in mathematics and scienece.

Based on the teaching outcomes in pre-school education and future requirements of science, I think that taking full math or science courses online does not reap the expected results. Science requires learners to get hands-on skills, familiarize themselves with the practical aspects of the course, and demonstrate their ability to navigate the world of science. For instance, building the mathematical concepts in measurements require junior learners to understand the object attributes and correlation with other objects (Davidson Films, 2012). This learning process is similar to university education, where lectures give directions and ensure students follow them. However, online classes eliminate this practical aspect and limits learners’ ability to grasp important concepts in science and math required to understand the real world.


Davidson Film, Inc. (2012). Building mathematical competencies in early childhood [YouTube Video]. Web.

PBS NewsHour. (2018). Many pre-school teachers are scared of teaching STEM. Here is a solution that might help [YouTube Video]. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 16). Reflecting the Learned Concepts.

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"Reflecting the Learned Concepts." ChalkyPapers, 16 Oct. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Reflecting the Learned Concepts'. 16 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Reflecting the Learned Concepts." October 16, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Reflecting the Learned Concepts." October 16, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Reflecting the Learned Concepts." October 16, 2023.