Reflections on Growth in GPS 200


Many would not dispute the fact that self-reflection is one of the most crucial parts of learning. Without thoroughly thinking about our studying, particularly how to study, we would never fix poor habits and reinforce the great ones. Therefore, not only does this cognitive thought process enhance academic achievements, but it also helps to promote personalized learning. It involves managing stress, evaluating the expected outcome and growth, and using own knowledge to guide future inquiry. After hours of education and research, everyone might begin to understand that perception of how to think is more vital than the enormous amount of pursued information.

A Developing Learner

Managing Stress

Undoubtedly, the result of constantly hectic lifestyles is usually stress. A developing sense of anxiety, unease, and frustration may become unreasonable causes of unproductive study. Stress itself is “the experience of a perceived threat (real or imagined) to one’s mental, physical, or spiritual well-being, resulting from a series of physiological responses and adaptations” (Seaward, 2020, p. 2). Thus, the method of causing continuous corrections to somebody’s life while they are in a challenging condition by applying numerous strategies and approaches is stress management. The very first step in stress management is recognizing the stressors in daily life and the overall approach to education. Apart from this, finding an engaging activity that helps you distract yourself from the learning system and routine is equally essential.

The Growth and Changes

Nowadays, self-analysis may well sometimes be underestimated by humans who desire to achieve their goals either in complex projects, ordinary life, or just learning. Consequently, failure is one of the most common reasons why people are likely to consider quitting. Scarcely do we analyze our mistakes and reconsider remaking our tasks or exercises, including proper examination. The way to success performs through the unfortunate experience in our lives and the number of our attempts. There is no more reason to regret trying something that might have brought benefits. According to Petroski(2018), “the most successful improvements ultimately are those that focus on limitations – on the failures” (p. 3). Thus, a dismal failure should not be regarded as the extreme point where the process ends.

As a result, being a learner requires consistent research, the ability to deal with everyday issues, and, inevitably, self-analysis. Accordingly, remaking varied exercises and modules has its advantages, helping you understand what you might have missed and what you should consider arranging genuinely. At the start, I deemed that failures had been limited circumstances that must be avoided. Then, the insight came that mistakes provide a person with future success and progress in their personality. Similarly, the recognition of the reasons why we may endure troubles usually provides us with reflection on ourselves as individuals who need further advancement. Knowing how we study and in what conditions we develop is vital because “our success depends on the range, depth, and quality of the learning we achieve” (Gibbons, 2002, p. 9). Overall, the apparent growth of myself as an individual learner due to the constant self-analysis and capability to perceive omissions and issues might be observed.

A Developing Researcher

“Rabbit holes”

One of the advantages of educational research is that it adheres to a systematic structure. Reading thoroughly about the subject, on the other hand, takes you more than half the way towards being an expert in this area. In order to define your viewpoint, you must be supported by solid evidence and facts. Only then will you be able to formulate a solid conceptual model. Moreover, suppose you have a smidgeon of mere curiosity. In that case, you will be able to identify a specific region inside the range of information that is either under-studied or not explored at all. If the feeling that you are veering off topics or moving much further into a specific detour emerges, you might well discover a “rabbit hole.” Therefore, to avoid them, you have to examine certain questions when embarking on any investigation.

The Research

As I may concern, a research paper aims to gather evidence and facts about a theme. Through books and scholars, you interpret the discovered elements in your writing. The information that you selected is one of the things that will be demonstrated in the summary paper. Another one is the data and examples of other individuals’ knowledge of the particular topic. Moreover, producing the research is about your relationship with other authors and your tutor or professor. Doubtlessly, the central objective is to present your thoughts as self-evident to the reader as possible, which may necessitate you to rearrange backward and forward between revision phases multiple times before submitting the writing. Thus, it is not only crucial to investigate which parts of the information we possess and do not own, but it also should be acknowledged what we have to clarify.

In summary, the research includes proper investigation and previous preparation. Furthermore, the feedback that you may receive from a tutor is critical to consider. Also, you should be able to focus mainly on the central problem while regarding subthemes to the subject because “this helps narrow one’s own topic while at the same time keeping an open mind to neighboring themes” (Welter & Urbano, 2020, p. 150). It will definitely help you not to get caught in a “rabbit hole.”

A Developing Writer


Feedback is the most excellent method to sample how that interaction is growing because writing is almost always a discussion between the writer and the reader or your tutor. Even though it is your chance to conduct an advisory referendum, criticism requires careful consideration due to the reason that it deals with subjective judgments. Additionally, your tutors may provide and even help you with the research and desirable information.

Writing exercises

Some people may consider practice as one of the essential parts of learning. Sometimes, you have to exercise in order to reach success repeatedly. For instance, the more you practice writing and researching, the better you will enhance, and more outcomes will be gathered. Consequently, it is not the only vital point to remember that the writing should “be right, be tight, be clear, be active, be smooth, be quick” (Filak, 2018, p. 13). Overall, the completion of research writings should consist of frequent exercise and discipline to accomplish profit in arranging it.

Many people may well deem that feedback is beneficial for students who are trying to reveal their potential in writing. Hardly does it appear that without any practice, a learner obtains his or her aims. Besides, when writing academic research, the help and feedback from your tutor might be the best one that you could ever receive because your mentor should comprehend various aspects of the writing accomplishment and research.


The amount of information possessed does not mean anything if you have no clue how to proceed with it. One of the enduring high-level principles that should be taken to future academic learning is understanding the concepts of stress management and the process of evaluating failures. The best expression to describe it is: I cried for hours, I cried for days, I cried for years, Then I learned how to live with the pain. You may never distinguish where and which aspects you aspire to progress, but you should remember how exactly it may be produced.


Filak, V. F. (2018). Exercises in media writing: Basic writing. CQ Press.

Gibbons, M. (2002). The self-directed learning handbook: Challenging adolescent students to excel. Jossey-Bass.

Petroski, H. (2018). Success through failure: The paradox of design (Princeton science library, 92). Princeton University Press.

Seaward, B. L. (2020). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Welter, F., & Urbano, D. (2020). How to make your doctoral research relevant: Insights and strategies for the modern research environment. Edward Elgar Publishing.

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ChalkyPapers. (2022, October 28). Reflections on Growth in GPS 200.

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ChalkyPapers. 2022. "Reflections on Growth in GPS 200." October 28, 2022.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Reflections on Growth in GPS 200." October 28, 2022.


ChalkyPapers. "Reflections on Growth in GPS 200." October 28, 2022.