Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization


Education is a critical component; therefore, educating the next generation to be as open-minded and empathetic as possible is vital for building a great community. Everyone should strive to get an education as it has an enormous impact and contributes much to society. Well-educated individuals can better stand out from the crowd and accomplish their objectives. There can be no better indicator of human progress than an educational system that instills in its children an understanding of the past and an aspiration for a better future. It is also critical for a stable economy to have well-trained workers who can get cognitively and technically appropriate occupations. Therefore, education is crucial for civilization to advance, as it enables individuals to establish their own opinions, reduce poverty, and empowers them to contribute back to their communities.

Creation of Opportunity to Develop Opinions

The advantage of education is that it teaches individuals how to acquire and improve systematic and logical thinking skills and make independent judgments due to one’s education. When one grows up, they are confronted with many complex challenges, including repaying college debts, seeking employment, purchasing a vehicle and a residence, and providing for one’s family. Individuals who have grown up educating themselves ought to make intelligent judgments in the face of these numerous dilemmas. In addition to the ability to establish one’s own beliefs, most individuals are also adept at finding strong and credible arguments and information to prove and validate those opinions. Education is the only way to overcome a weakness. It provides various tools and methods to help us better comprehend and overcome the challenges. In addition, education gives us the mental agility to make the proper judgments and respond quickly when necessary.

Poverty Reduction

Poverty, especially in the developing world, is a significant threat to humanity’s existence in modern times, particularly in developing nations. Achieving sustainable economic development via human capital investment involves pursuing education in all forms as one of the fundamental components (Lange 397–420). Education enables people to understand themselves better, improve the quality of their lives, and raise their productivity and creativity, therefore promoting entrepreneurship and technological innovation. Furthermore, it plays a crucial role in assuring economic and social progress and enhancing income distribution, raising people out of poverty if done right and successfully. Success in a country’s educational system nearly invariably translates into economic success. For example, there is a tendency for property values to stabilize as incomes rise and more money is invested in the neighborhood. Another advantage to the economy is a well-functioning commercial system.

Education is the foundation for eliminating poverty and the expansion of economic opportunity. As the total level of education rises, so does the competition for jobs, and so does the capacity for firms to fill crucial positions with more skilled employees. Stable employment and revenue for the community result from improved organizational performance. Poverty may be reduced by providing more people with access to education. The ability to read, write, and perform basic math has been shown to positively impact the wages of those excluded as it boosts the economy’s return on investment.

There is a direct correlation between education and poverty, as the more educated a population is, the fewer people will be considered poor. This is because education provides knowledge and skills that lead to higher income. Education directly impacts poverty reduction by raising salaries and income (Liu 63163–63177). Education’s indirect influence on human poverty is significant since it makes it simpler for people to meet their fundamental needs and boosts their living standards, lowering their poverty level. Education has a positive impact on women’s reproductive choices, family planning behavior, and their use of healthcare and public health services. It is widely accepted that these necessities boost productivity and earnings, hence lifting people out of poverty.

There are two ways to look at the connections between education and poverty: First and foremost, investments in education enhance the skills and productivity of low-income families. Secondly, it raises the general quality of life and increases the income level. Macroeconomic indicators show that impoverished nations have low educational attainment, whereas microeconomic indicators show that many children from low-income households do not attend school. Poor children are not in school for various reasons, both financial and otherwise. Male children, for instance, are seen as a potential source of revenue via child labor, whereas females often assist their mothers in domestic chores and in caring for younger siblings.

Furthermore, several irrational societal standards and pretended religious doctrines actively hinder girls’ education. As a result, a person’s earning potential is reduced, and poverty is passed on to future generations. Having a low level of education is a significant contributor to living in poverty, and even having a high level of money will not be enough to alleviate this problem. It is also important to note that education is crucial in satisfying necessities (eradicating poverty), so education and basic needs are mutually reinforcing. Many wealthy individuals in poorer nations continue their university studies, which costs twenty to fifty times more than elementary education, to increase their tertiary degree, which has a considerably lower societal return on investment (Sanz 53–66). For this reason, governments in developing countries are placing more emphasis on primary education to decrease poverty at the lowest possible cost.

Giving Back to the Society

Education has a significant impact on a society’s development and advancement. It is one of the most critical factors in determining whether or not a culture will evolve. An educated population may make substantial contributions to arts, literature, science, technology, and other areas to help build a well-balanced community. A stable and safe society is essential to their well-being to educate individuals. They are more likely to participate in initiatives that benefit both their community and society as a whole (Mantri 855–862). In addition, educated individuals contribute to the neighborhood by creating programs to assist the less fortunate, encouraging children and teenagers to study, and engaging in other social activities. The following are ways in which education benefits society;

  • An educated population is vital to any democracy’s success since free and informed citizens are the only ones capable of exercising their right to vote. Because of this, education is the most important guarantee of a healthy democracy.
  • Education is essential to the stability of a society’s geopolitics. Terrorists might utilize free education to radicalize people if no intelligent educational system was open to everyone. In other words, one of the most significant benefits of education on society is geopolitical stability.
  • In today’s global economy, education is the key to success. One of the most significant consequences of education on society is teaching individuals the abilities they need to compete in the global economy and generate technology commodities sold in the open market.
  • Teaching tolerance and reducing conflict between different communities in an urban environment may be achieved through educating people about each other’s cultures. Many disputes may be reduced by educating society members about other individuals who dwell in the society or its surrounding states.
  • Educations help improve society, which can help people learn and grow; therefore, education may be a strong weapon to improve the world.
  • Education is vital because it teaches people how to avoid making the same errors they did in the past. A good education enables people to learn from their mistakes and avoid doing them again in the future, so it is necessary to have an education.
  • Women and other minorities are getting educated before being granted equal rights in society. Education is vital for women and other minorities to acquire fundamental civil rights. It is crucial to show respect for women and other minorities when teaching.
  • One of the most significant benefits of education in a community is that it gives individuals hope that they may better their situation in life.

Since well-educated persons are better suited for primary economic output, education helps society economically in several different ways. A high-powered economy requires a well-educated workforce capable of cognitively and technologically demanding occupations, and education is necessary. Due to technological improvements and globalization, it has become more critical than ever to invest in physical and human resources and guarantee that everyone has the required skills to prosper in today’s global economy. It is also crucial to support and defend free speech and unfettered inquiry in higher education at all levels, from kindergarten to doctoral study. So many aspects of culture benefit from education, including the following.

A well-educated population is more likely to be active in their communities and to have the skills necessary to provide for the community. Educated employees can have more information on various aspects, including healthy practices and trending practices in various sectors such as technology, farming, the education sector, and other sectors. This will help the community better lives as they receive the necessary needs. For instance, a community that contains healthcare professionals may provide cheaper services to the community. Therefore, this guarantees that people have access to inexpensive healthcare, which helps to reduce the risk of epidemics in the community. All of this contributes to a stronger sense of community and mutual respect among members of society. There is a correlation between education and a feeling of belonging in society, in general. For better or worse, the more educated a population is the more opportunities and development opportunities.

Counterargument on Poverty Reduction

In the broadest sense, education encompasses any activity or encounter that impacts an individual’s mental, emotional, or physical well-being. In a more general sense, education refers to the purposeful transmission of society’s wisdom, knowledge, skills, and values via educational institutions. Schools and school-like contexts are the primary focus of education, whereas non-formal and informal socialization techniques are less influential in this context. A whole new set of assumptions will have to take place if education as a whole is to be taken into account. The education system must take a step back to see it as an endeavor that has always engaged humans in some manner and has been given a particular turn by the numerous other issues that often surround it with some perspective. To put it another way, more profound knowledge of the educational process may be gained by considering a more comprehensive range of factors.

Education is not much more important than ever before during social unrest and transformation. Education is a problem that is seldom studied from the perspective of civilization, but then the makeup of human culture is rarely observed (Datzberger 124-139). It is engaged in every aspect of an individual’s life, yet they prefer to ignore this reality. As far as anyone is concerned, no one is aware that the various enterprises within one culture are related. Because instructors and salespeople are not involved in trade, no one is aware of this.

On the notion that they are universal, rather than just local, single activities acquire their unique peculiarities and pass them on to others. Much though they exist, civilizational histories are uncommon, seldom read, and even less often examined. It is also typical to hear anecdotes about certain institutions, such as the history of education. Building a new society to train young people for their future vocations and liberate them from the chains of poverty is essential to achieving our goals. If educational institutions continue to function under the same educational techniques and values stagnating and broken for decades, nothing will change in their operations. There has never been a better opportunity to develop new approaches for guiding young people to acquire the abilities necessary to be innovative problem solvers and decision-makers.

Taking standardized examinations to evaluate student performance has become more critical in educational settings. The uniformity of curriculum is out of touch with today’s workplace and economic reality. There would be no such thing as a standardized exam in the actual world. According to the United Nations, children from low-income families are considerably more likely than other children to be out of school. Furthermore, according to some research, even nine years of education in a typical developing nation does not imply that kids are functionally literate. As may be expected, poorer students often attend schools with lower academic standards, which means they do not have the same opportunities for work as their wealthy counterparts. However, although any education is indeed preferable to none, the fact remains that having a kid spend nine years in school without acquiring fundamental reading results in an upside-down cost-benefit analysis.


To effectively abolish poverty via education, developing nations may need to accept that, in the end, education will not be able to eliminate poverty. Education can provide youngsters with the skills they need to find work and become valuable members of society as they grow older. Understanding the boundaries of what schools can and cannot accomplish is essential to begin to comprehend the difficulties of attempting to make them better in the first place. It is also crucial to recognize that certain children may benefit more from a vocational curriculum than an obsolete academic curriculum and acknowledge that the term “schooling” may refer to various activities. To make matters worse, if schools and school systems are to be improved, they must be understood as organic, community-related creatures rather than a succession of identical clones. The presence of really dynamic innovation inside schools and communities is required if education is more than a remnant of colonial authority intended for the wealthy.

Works Cited

Datzberger, Simone. “Why Education Is Not Helping the Poor. Findings from Uganda.” World Development, vol. 110, Oct. 2018, pp. 124–139, Web.

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Sanz, Roberto, et al. “Higher Education in the Fight against Poverty from the Capabilities Approach: The Case of Spain.” Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, vol. 2, no. 2, 2017, pp. 53–66, Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 17). Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization. https://chalkypapers.com/rhetorical-strategies-in-discussing-education-for-civilization/

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"Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization." ChalkyPapers, 17 Oct. 2023, chalkypapers.com/rhetorical-strategies-in-discussing-education-for-civilization/.


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization'. 17 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization." October 17, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/rhetorical-strategies-in-discussing-education-for-civilization/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization." October 17, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/rhetorical-strategies-in-discussing-education-for-civilization/.


ChalkyPapers. "Rhetorical Strategies in Discussing Education for Civilization." October 17, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/rhetorical-strategies-in-discussing-education-for-civilization/.