School Discipline: “Zero Tolerance” Policies

There is no evidence that zero-tolerance enhances the school environment or security. Suspension and expulsion have not been proven to be successful in enhancing students’ behavior. Although interruption in school systems is inappropriate and must be discussed in academic achievement continuingly, facts do not support the notion that school violence is out of authority or on the rise (Layton 2021).

Crucial and fatal violence accounts for a small percentage of school interruptions, and information has continuously shown that school violence and disturbances have remained relatively stable, if not slightly decreasing, since roughly 2000 (Layton 2021). Thus, this essay aims at analyzing the implementation of ‘zero tolerance’ policies, their role in improving discipline in public schools, and the effects caused by racism during its application in various institutions.

Consistency, also known as purposes of diagnosis or adherence, is essential in any cognitive and behavioral intervention’s execution. Nevertheless, there is no proof that physical punishment has improved school disciplinary continuity. Suspension and expulsion rates were significantly higher between education systems (Layton 2021). This alteration did appear to be attributable more to academy and employees’ character traits (for instance, school discipline ideology, excellence of school-based management) than it is to behavioral tendencies or perceptions.

Schoolchildren who break school policy will be removed, creating a more positive learning environment for those who persist. According to a central premise of the zero-tolerance policy, the withdrawal of unruly kids will result in a safer environment for others. Despite the exploratory nature of the supposition, information on a variety of educational climatological metrics has revealed the inverse results (Layton 2021). School systems with greater levels of school exclusionary discipline have lower student engagement scores, less satisfying school governance mechanisms, and splurge a ridiculous amount of time on matters concerning discipline.

More importantly, a new study indicates a link between those with school suspension and expulsion and overall educational success, compared with the general population factors like socioeconomic background. Even though such research results do not prove causation, it is hard to argue that physical punishment fosters more favorable learning climates once linked to more critical educational performance. Zero tolerance is quick and decisive and has a dissuasive influence on education for certain forms of punishment, significantly improving conduct and work ethic. The ideology of zero tolerance is based on the idea of preventing potential inappropriate behavior (Layton 2021). The effect of any repercussion on future performance is the defining feature of efficacious punitive action.

Instead of decreasing the probability of disturbance, an academic suspended sentence has seemed to anticipate investment returns prices of inappropriate behavior and disqualification in those reprimanded. Educational suspended sentences and eviction are modestly associated with a greater chance of school dropout and failing to complete a degree in the big scheme of things (Layton 2021). Guardians overwhelmingly support enacting zero-tolerance regulations to ensure school security, and educators feel much safer recognizing that misdemeanors will be punished severely.

The evidence that has been provided for this hypothesis is largely inconclusive. According to media stories and survey responses, family and community engagement enhanced discipline punitive measures when they believed their kid’s safety was in jeopardy. Areas surrounding higher education institutions, on either hand, frequently respond if they believe educators’ right to schooling is being violated or is in danger. Even though some educators would use administrative sanctions to review their behavior and attitude, the proof shows that suspended educational sentences and dismissal are unproductive and biased overall.

The school-to-prison infrastructure is linked to zero-tolerance policy initiatives and underfunded schools that are overpopulated, under-resourced, and strongly separated, but it is also the consequence of social-political patterns. Schools that use a zero-tolerance approach to prosecute minor disciplinary infringements exacerbate the academy to prison path. Having such an authority’s presence in the area and depending on suspensions and expulsions for minor offenses. Educators are either apprehended at community colleges or, instead, their transgressions reported to police, as well as what seemed to be once discipline problems for teachers and administrators are now named acts of violence.

Juvenile and law enforcement, and judicial structures are used to criminalize educators. Instructors who are suspended or excommunicated but not taken into custody face a high risk of later prison sentences. Many people associate attending school with going to prison, both metaphorically and literally. The media-fueled crime, violence, and “super-predators,” an extremely penal law system for both juvenile offenders and adults. The rise of the incarceration industrial-military complex all contributes to the school-to-prison flow path.

According to past studies, school officials treat minority kids differently than white pupils. According to nationwide information recorded by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, dark-skinned students are expected than white kids to be excluded from school in the 2015-16 academic years (Layton 2021). Black school participants are estimated to account for 8% of students enrolled and 25% of participants who got an out-of-school disqualification (Morgan et al. 20). The fundamental goal of Horace Mann and the educational reforms was to put local school districts under consolidated municipal control and create some level of reliability throughout the municipalities over a national activity. They felt that public education would be transformed into a potent instrument for communal integration.

The transitional justice concept is used at Bruce Elementary School, and it concentrates on mending the wrongs caused by community participation. This transitional justice is an example of how reformers are seeking to address traumatic and tragic school policies. “We must work with each other to come find a solution to heal the broken relationship when a scholar makes an infraction that affects the community (our institution),” Moss writes. Parent meetings, parental monitoring, time-out, and weekend punishments, according to Moss, are all alternatives available to long-term expulsion from school.

Work Cited

Layton, Julia. “U.S. Public Schools Are Suspending Millions of Students, With Little Reward“. Howstuffworks, 2021. Web.

Morgan, Paul L., et al. “Are U.S. Schools Discriminating When Suspending Students with Disabilities? A Best-Evidence Synthesis”. Exceptional Children, vol 86, no. 1, 2019, pp. 7-24.

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ChalkyPapers. (2025, January 2). School Discipline: “Zero Tolerance” Policies.

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"School Discipline: “Zero Tolerance” Policies." ChalkyPapers, 2 Jan. 2025,


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ChalkyPapers. 2025. "School Discipline: “Zero Tolerance” Policies." January 2, 2025.

1. ChalkyPapers. "School Discipline: “Zero Tolerance” Policies." January 2, 2025.


ChalkyPapers. "School Discipline: “Zero Tolerance” Policies." January 2, 2025.