Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a popular part of K-12 learning. It “fosters knowledge, skills, and attitudes across five areas of competence and multiple key settings to establish equitable learning environments that advance students’ learning and development” (“SEL: What are the core competence,” n. d.). The SEL Framework includes several competencies that are capable of delivering effective learning in an equitable environment. However, some of them seem to be the most important to consider.
I would like to include in my science lessons such an aspect as examining prejudices and biases. In my opinion, this step in the SEL framework is the most important, as it allows looking at a broader picture. The study of biases and prejudices provides a comprehensive understanding of the problems which a student may face in society. Moreover, understanding the reasons will help the teacher to more accurately determine the learning strategy depending on the student’s needs. In my opinion, consideration of this aspect is possible only through a personal conversation with a specific student, as well as through the study of statistics.
Another most significant aspect of the SEL framework, in my opinion, is developing interests and a sense of purpose. This competence is key since any work in the direction of K-12 learning is not possible without it. A sincere desire to achieve the highest possible result, as well as a belief in the need to create an environment of equality for learning, is the foundation of SEL. As part of my science lessons, I would like to explore this aspect from the point of view of the commitment that the learning process participants should show in relation to the SEL.
SEL: What are the core competence areas and where are they promoted? (n. d.). CASEL. Web.