The Aspects of Learning Styles

Learning styles is an ever-changing field with multiple intelligences having revolutionized. Educators have varied ways of presenting information to the students based on the learner’s level of understanding. Numerous intelligent challenges offer an environment in which human beings can process data based on how it is presented. Students might struggle with specific learning activities; however, if the teacher provides a different approach, they might comprehend various information and grasp fractions based on the presented learning technique. To constantly improve performance, there is a need to understand the environment and support students based on their retention abilities. Learning styles is ever-changing based on the changes in technology and market labor demand.

Due to the need for inventions in new learning styles, the theory of multiple intelligence resonates with many educators. It supports the idea of discouraging one approach to education which might invariably leave some students behind. Learning should be done in a manner of inclusivity such that all students move at the same phase. This improves performance and motivates students to compete (Leasa et al., 2020). The quality of education is based on the student’s ability to comprehend the academic environment of the real economic world.

Howard Gardner’s highlighted various types of human intelligence based on the theory of multiple intelligences. These include verbal-linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, and Visual-spatial intelligence. Students may have different bits of intelligence, thus allowing them to process information differently. The application of technology-based learning techniques helps in providing an inclusive learning style (Passadino, 2021). Multiple intelligences represent different intellectual abilities based on how an individual approaches the range of activities.

Learning styles is an ever-changing field that has accommodated various techniques of the modern environment to improve the students under stability. Learning style is cognitive ability, emotions, and environmental factors. Learners may have different preferences when it comes to learning styles. For example, visual learners prefer observing things, and teachers catering to visual learners should regularly make handouts and use presentations. Auditory learners prefer when the subject is reinforced by sound (Khamo & Johnson, 2019). This learning style is primarily dependent on the student’s ability to comprehend information.

Traditionally, intelligence was believed to be predetermined and fixed, despite students’ efforts, one could not grow or increase their intelligence. People accepted this theory which predetermined one intelligence based on social and cultural determinations. The current world accommodates every student irrespective of cultural notations and social perceptions. Learners possess various intelligence capacities; however, each individual has a vital intellectual area (Nard & Rani, 2018). Teachers must incorporate learning tasks that support more intelligence to improve performances and enable students to be more successful.

Learning styles have been adopted to provide an environment of inclusivity and encourage students to perform well based on the prescribed learning outcomes. For example, the use of bodily-kinesthetic focuses on body language to communicate and create awareness. This allows students to improve their performance based on their areas of professional interest. It may seem impossible to teach all the learning styles such as linguistics, logical mathematics, musical and intrapersonal styles, however as educators move into using a mix of media, it becomes easier.

Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory can be used for curriculum development and planning course activities. This helps embrace modern learning styles by considering each student’s strengths and weaknesses in various intelligence. Educators should decide on the better means of presenting course material given the subject matter and individual class of students. The nature of learning styles determines the students’ performance and consideration of appropriate methods, activities, and assessments.

Different modern learning styles can improve student performance based on their capabilities. For example, the aural and writing techniques are based on the learner’s ability to comprehend information. The development of the new learning styles is based on environmental changes, which include technology and professional goals. In these learning styles, teachers can add alternative activities that could replace or supplement ones (Cimermanová, 2018). This will create opportunities for students to use different types, thus developing more advanced learning and success.

The changes in the learning styles are driven by the desire to accommodate every student and improve their performance. Most aspects of learning come naturally, which can lead to success if students examine their professional desire. The diversity of students engaged in education continues to expand. Students come to learning institutions with varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds from a multitude of training programs and with different learning styles.

Limited research correlating learning styles to the possible learning outcomes has hampered applying learning styles theory to the actual classroom setting. Understanding learning styles may be critical as classroom size increases and technological advancement molds students in various learning institutions. Changes in learning styles are driven by the desire to accommodate multiple students in the learning environment and performance improvement based on foreseen goals. The application of different learning styles is the critical approach to realizing academic goals for all students. This can only be achieved by integrating positive measures to improve performance and create an avenue for academic success.


Cimermanová, I. (2018). The Effect of Learning Styles on Academic Achievement in Different Forms of Teaching. International Journal of Instruction, 11(3), 219-232.

Khamo, A., & Johnson, A. (2019, July). Literature review of multiple intelligences. In Global Learn (pp. 195-200). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Leasa, M., Corebima, A. D., & Batlolona, J. R. (2020). The effect of learning styles on elementary school students’ critical thinking skills in natural science learning. Ilkogretim Online, 19(4).

Nard, A., & Rani, P. (2018). Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences and Academic Achievement of Students: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Education, 11, 41-53.

Passadino, D. (2021). The Theory of Multiple Intelligences in a Special Education Music Classroom. Liberty University.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, December 6). The Aspects of Learning Styles.

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"The Aspects of Learning Styles." ChalkyPapers, 6 Dec. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'The Aspects of Learning Styles'. 6 December.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "The Aspects of Learning Styles." December 6, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "The Aspects of Learning Styles." December 6, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "The Aspects of Learning Styles." December 6, 2024.