The human brain is a sophisticated mechanism that can discover, analyze, and retain information that could fill up millions of books. This prowess indicates that the mind’s retention capacity can defy the technological devices we depend on, such as personal computers (Ormrod,2016). The book “Human Learning” identifies several mechanisms of information retention in an academic setting, such as meaningful learning, concept mapping, and elaboration (Ormrod,2016). My principle of information retention is concept mapping, because when I retrieve new information, I can draw new rationales by combining it with other relatable ideas.
Concept mapping, also known as the knowledge map, uses a diagram mainly in the form of a flow chart is drawn with a single topic and other characteristics of the same intertwined to capture various aspects of the same discussion. The single divisions must have a title that encodes multiple attributes of the topic. This is like saving many documents in one folder because even though the folder is one, it may contain different files such as documents, pictures, and even videos (Ormrod,2016).
Similarly, concept mapping enables a student to have a condensed data system with each name having several other threads to enhance memory. As Ormrod (2016) posits, concept mapping helps students encode information for a long time verbally and visually. This retention is possible because the system creates an interrelation between different arguments linking the related concepts together.
Human motivation is a broad topic that was challenging for me to remember in detail. Although the topic was not complex to understand, the problem was long-term retention because the topic was extensive (Ormrod,2016). Concept mapping has played a significant role in enhancing my retention of this topic. It allowed me to condense the broad information into a single dichotomy that enables me to remember each aspect of the topic (Ormrod,2016). For instance, I have this visual flow chart in my mind that explains the triggers of human motivation. The chart below represents my human motivation concept map, which has helped me break the topic down into less complex concepts that I can easily remember.

For example, emotions can motivate learning whereby the individual experiences a strong urge to discover new concepts (Ormrod,2016). Arousal is another concept in human motivation because external influences trigger a specific behavior. For instance, if other students keep teasing a classmate who is underperforming in academics, they can be aroused to go beyond their limits and study hard (Ormrod,2016). This action indicates that feelings may encourage individuals to go beyond their comfort zone to pursue excellence.
Additionally, purpose or personal goals can trigger learning and enhance information retention. For example, if a student has a target of getting an A-plus at the end of their course, this target can motivate active learning (Ormrod,2016). Lastly, expression can be a source of motivation because it involves non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and voice tone. If individuals realize that their communication system is ineffective, they can be encouraged to engage in extensive research to enhance effective communication, a form of learning.
The knowledge of the bible is integral because scriptures provide insights on why human learning or effective learning strategies are essential in improving standards (Ormrod,2016). As the bible mentions, fearing the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but fools ignore wisdom and instruction. This scripture means anyone who ignores the strategies to gain knowledge is bound to fail, meaning that concept mapping is wisdom granted to us by God so we can use it to become more knowledgeable, unlike the unwise who have no comprehension.
Ormrod, J. E. (2016). Human learning.8th ed. Pearson.