Traumatic Impact on Academic Performance

Traumatic pressure can have an impact on the academic performance of students, especially minoritized students. Therefore, it was decided to conduct a study to determine how resilience-building assets may mediate the negative effects of stress. This study’s goal has been successfully accomplished, which will allow the results to be used in practice. In cases where a strong relationship was found between academic performance and stress, mixed-effects regression models were used. School-level differences were taken into account during the assessment of resilience assets. It was found that there was no correlation between experienced trauma and low attendance, but it was found that girls at risk of traumatic stress were more likely to have a low GPA. The use of resilience-building techniques increased the GPA, and the most effective measures included the individual’s internal assets, in-school support, and self-efficacy. It has been found that resilience-building initiatives can protect against the impact of trauma on academic performance.

Since at the time of the article’s creation, few studies have paid attention to the effect depending on the bidders’ tender, it was decided to conduct the study under analysis. Participants in the survey were ninth-grade students in 2016-2018 at 37 West Coast schools (Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2022). The first goal was to examine the relationship between traumatic stress risk and academic performance. This included evaluating factors such as grade point average and attendance. The researchers also planned to assess the extent to which resilience assets can reduce the impact of trauma on academic performance. The hypothesis of the study was that female students at risk for traumatic stress were more likely to have a lower GPA. Then, this hypothesis was subsequently confirmed by the scientists’ findings. The article’s authors also suggested that resilience-boosting assets partially mediated the positive relationship between traumatic stress risk and academic performance. This hypothesis was to be tested among both female and male students.

During the study, community partners conducted a survey about risk and sustainability. The UCLA Resilience Check-In online platform was used, developed to support population-based assessment (Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2022). Questions in the survey included whether students had sought help or received counseling about safety. Researchers were aware that grade 9 performance predetermined high school graduation, which is why students in that year of study were chosen to participate in the study. Failure to read the questionnaire in English or Spanish was why researchers refused to let some students participate in the survey. The data were collected in a large urban school district on the West Coast. The majority of those who participated in the study identify themselves as poor and Hispanic. Academic records from the 2016-2018 school years were obtained in order to estimate the students’ grade point averages (Ijadi-Maghsoodi et al., 2022). Specific surveys were also used to determine the resilience assets of participants.

A limitation of the study is that the chronological sequence of the indicators collected does not preclude the possibility that resilience-building assets preceded the risk of traumatic stress. In addition, some of the studies that served as the theoretical basis for the article analyzed used data only from white students and therefore may not serve as an entirely appropriate basis. Beyond that, the study being analyzed is insufficient to discover the types of traumatic stress experienced by minority students in the district. However, it is still fair to note that, for example, the findings of scholars regarding trauma and poor academic performance correlate with similar findings from prior studies.


Ijadi-Maghsoodi, R., Venegas-Murillo, A., Klomhaus, A., Aralis, H., Lee, K., Rahmanian Koushkaki, S., Lester, P., Escudero, P., & Kataoka, S. (2022). The role of resilience and gender: Understanding the relationship between risk for traumatic stress, resilience, and academic outcomes among minoritized youth. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, December 23). Traumatic Impact on Academic Performance.

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"Traumatic Impact on Academic Performance." ChalkyPapers, 23 Dec. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'Traumatic Impact on Academic Performance'. 23 December.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "Traumatic Impact on Academic Performance." December 23, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Traumatic Impact on Academic Performance." December 23, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "Traumatic Impact on Academic Performance." December 23, 2024.