Nowadays, words like google meet and google classroom are more popular than the mentioned of physical learning. This was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that altered many things. However, students should not forget the importance of physical learning as it has many benefits found in this research. Classroom learning has a setting that reflects society. It is governed by rules and regulations that have both fun and serious elements with teachers acting as a guiding light to their learners. The level of knowledge and exposure that a classroom setting has is unmatched. This helps learners shape their minds and turn them into responsible human beings. However, with the constant development in technology, every individual has witnessed an increase in online learning. This research was done with a survey that proved that South Texas Community College learners prefer attending physical classes compared to online learning. This research is very important as it deeply explains the key reasons as to why learners prefer classroom learning as preferred to online learning.
The research objectives consisted of various primary factors that paved the way for this study’s purpose. Some of the objectives that responded to the survey questions. They include:
- To establish the reasons why students prefer classroom learning.
- To establish why many learners dislike online learning.
- To establish the negative and positive impacts of classroom and online learning.
- To establish which is the most effective form of learning in various colleges.
This research survey took place at South Texas Community College, whereby students were asked various questions concerning the research topics. From the research sample of one hundred and eighty students, there was a response rate of 71%, representing one hundred and twenty-eight students in a class of four hundred (Getie 16). Apart from the survey conducted in the college, online sources were used to precisely analyze the collected data to achieve accurate data. Students were questioned about the reasons why they did or did not like about classroom or online learning. The survey sheet was circulated in person during the classroom learning period. Once the survey was completed, the questions were analyzed to examine whether they were answered correctly and completely. The table below shows the sample size that was used in this survey.
Sample Size
A convenient sampling technique was used to select the one hundred and eighty students who participated in the research. Moreover, according to Perz et al, a convenient number of sampling size is above 10% of the population in one classroom (Perz et al, 5). This population was divided into two strata that is female and male.
Table: 1
The sample size of 71% was huge enough to show the primary reasons as to why students prefer physical learning to online learning.
After conducting the survey and collecting data, the analysis of the information was done so as to achieve the most accurate results. The data were categorized into three responses: disagree, somewhat agree, and agree. Those were the responses that were expected from the survey questions. Some of the questions asked included why students prefer learning in a class instead of online learning. After complex and intensive research was done, it was concluded that the majority of the students prefer classroom learning to online learning. This is because it enables them to study well with other learners. It also enables them easily ask questions since the response is readily available. More precisely, it is because it forces them to take their assignments and tasks more seriously. Below is a graphical representation that shows the data that was analyzed (Getie 16).

Reasons Why Students Prefer Physical Classroom Learning to Online Learning
Many students prefer physical classroom learning because it creates a face-to-face environment for teachers and students. They also dislike online teaching as it relies heavily on internet connection and electricity, which can b interrupted by other unexpected factors. Still, at the same time, the study showed that online learning is flexible and gives students and teachers extra time to work on other activities. However, physical classroom learning reduces distractions, and a student can focus on their studies. Moreover, many factors in a face-to-face classroom bring positivity and better concentration. This is because of the academic environment that surrounds every student in that class. Some of the questions include the following;
Interactive Learning
Face-to-face classroom learning makes interaction possible with various teachers. This also helps learners in asking questions that enable them to understand their tasks in a better way (Shim and Lee, p.105578). Nevertheless, it allows the learners to interact more with their classmates. This helps in building up team-building as well as working skills. For instance, students are able to brainstorm ideas in case any task becomes difficult. However, the feedback can be positive or negative, but if the feedback is negative, they can always work harder to achieve the right and desired results. Moreover, a face-to-face tutor is also available after school hours if the student wants some help with anything.
Respect is one of the essential factors that are offered in a physical classroom setup. Respect for one’s own mental and physical health is very indispensable. Students will borrow such a factor for other working and social environments. Learners also gain recognition for their achievements as well as their efforts. This motivates them to put more effort into their tasks even in the future (Cayubit 589). Moreover, physical classroom learning helps students learn how to talk to other people and show respect. This is learned through different classroom activities that show pupils how to relate with other students. For instance, through presentations, group assignments and projects, and story sharing.
Discipline is a vital part of learning as it ensures that students learn many things in the class. Some of the things they learn good manners and how to behave properly in a social setup. For instance, they are able to learn how to get ready for school, wake up on time, act properly in a class, and get to school on time. Moreover, discipline teaches a lot of things that will be helpful even in real life situations (Getie 16). Proper leadership skills are one of them since the student will know how to relate with people as they did in their classroom. On the contrary, if learners are not disciplined, they can never be good learners or even goal-setters. None of these skills can be achieved if the learning style is through online learning.
This study investigates deeply into the benefits and disadvantages of online and physical learning. It is evident that the benefits of physical learning outweigh those of online learning. The reasons drove the research as to why one learning style is preferred over the other. One of the primary benefits of physical learning is reliable feedback from the tutors. However, from my research, I would recommend more people to research the benefits of online learning that many people tend to overlook.
Work Cited
Cayubit, Ryan Francis O. “Why learning environment matters? An analysis on how the learning environment influences the academic motivation, learning strategies and engagement of college students.” Learning Environments Research 25.2 (2022): 581-599.
Getie, Addisu Sewbihon. “Factors affecting the attitudes of students towards learning English as a foreign language.” Cogent Education 7.1 (2020): 1738184.
Perz, Catherine A., Brent A. Lang, and Rick Harrington. “Validation of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale in a US College Sample.” International journal of mental health and addiction (2020): 1-11.
Shim, Tae Eun, and Song Yi Lee. “College students’ experience of emergency remote teaching due to COVID-19.” Children and youth services review 119 (2020): 105578.