Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom

Alfred Adler, a Viennese psychiatrist, conceived and developed the Adlerian theory of personality to explain the inseparability of the human personality. This research’s sole objective is to comprehend the human mind, mental qualities, and the causes of human behavior. “Human nature” refers to a collection of dynamic and innately ordered human characteristics. These traits influence individuals’ motivations and actions in a manner unique to them (Emmons & Belangee, 2018). In general, students do not naturally connect themselves to particular concepts. A teacher should be aware of the personality differences that result from their frequent use of interpretive paradigms. It is essential to emphasize that all children feel inferior during their formative years because they surround themselves with people who feed their inferiority complex. Consequently, implementing Adlerian theory in the classroom will facilitate effective learning while enhancing discipline.

Approaches based on Adlerian work are helpful in a classroom setting to improve the quality of teaching and learning while preserving order among students. In order to facilitate more effective learning, it is essential to provide learners with encouragement and direction as they work toward realizing their full potential (Emmons & Belangee, 2018). According to this hypothesis, human people have an innate need to feel like they belong somewhere (Emmons & Belangee, 2018). Similarly, the need to feel like they belong can motivate youngsters to act in specific ways. It is essential, for this reason, to keep a close eye on the child’s actions and to treat them with consideration. Application of the theory in a classroom setting, students are better equipped to reflect on their performance and correct any erroneous assumptions they may have made regarding themselves. They will therefore be more focused, eager to learn, and disciplined in the classroom.


Emmons, J. M., & Belangee, S. E. (2018). Understanding the discouraged child within the school system: An adlerian view of the school-to-prison pipeline. The Journal of Individual Psychology, 74(1), 134–153. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 25). Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom.

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"Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom." ChalkyPapers, 25 Oct. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom'. 25 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom." October 25, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom." October 25, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom." October 25, 2023.