Dimensional Children’s Environment Project


The teaching environment is used positively as a tool for learning through the arrangement of the building and natural surroundings. Psychological investigations have proven that learning is most successful during active class participation, repeated dialogue and response, and interrelation with the surroundings. The knowledge of playing gives the educators and guardians suitable strategies for teaching the children (Taufik et al., 2019). During the children’s early stages of development, they tend to communicate with artistic work. This creative communication is enhanced by the adults providing them with art materials. This report presents the two or three-dimensional ideas on an exploratory journey into the creation of children’s arts.

Health and Safety Features

Designing space for children’s free exploration gives the educator or parent room for responsive engagement. Children are explorers, and they use their senses when exploring, including tasting for their understanding. Educators and guardians can do a lot to promote children’s safety for exploration like strangulation, falling, drowning, burns, death, or injury. As the children are still learning about their safety, baby furniture and equipment will help. Burns are prevented by keeping away matches, hot meals, and drinks from their reach and checking the optimum temperature of the water bath.

Electric safety is ensured by using power guards and installing electric equipment by a licensed electrician (Taufik et al., 2019). To prevent the death of children, medicine, chemicals, and potential poisons are kept at a high level in a locked cabinet. Ropes, plastic bags, and cords will be strangulated and kept out of reach of children by design. Water safety includes fencing the pools and supervising the bathing of the children. CPR training and a first aid kit are recommended in the event of an emergency before calling the doctors for further medical attention. The design should include clear pathways and open, lowered shelves for toddlers to reach their playing things. The materials used in constructing the learning environment and manufacturing children’s play items must comply with child safety regulations. It is recommended that natural light be used to view the environment better. The use of bins and enough hand washing equipment are advised for maintaining children’s hygiene.

Nutritional Practices

According to Taufik et al. (2019), studies show that a balanced diet contributes to children’s growth and development. Good nutrition practices also improve children’s academic performances, strengthen body immunity, and increase social activity. Children tend to be picky connoisseurs, so they can throw away what they don’t want to eat (Taufik et al., 2019). As a result, the environment design must connect the feeding habit and learning without exhausting the educator or guardian. The design should be based on children’s eating habits and nutrition guidelines.

Developmentally Appropriate Learning Centers for all Domains of Learning

Early childhood play generates information by engaging in self-selected, consolidating experiences at their absolute levels of development. The learning center consists of sleeping, eating, diapering, playing, and toileting. The toddler’s classroom has spaces to continuously explore their surroundings and newly evolving skills. The preschool classroom space is identical to the toddler, but it does not include a diapering area. Art, fancy up, block, music, and the library are all encouraged learning centers in preschool (Taufik et al., 2019). The design and structure of the learning center impact the children’s actions, behavior, and feeling. The playing area also greatly influences children’s social relationships and interactions. The educator’s philosophy guides the design of the learning center. The learning environment should be well-organized, comfortable, and welcoming for the child’s psychological, emotional, group, and physical development.

Opportunities for Imaginative Thinking

Drawing has been used to study children’s development stages. Teachers and psychologists recommend drawing as a method of children’s communication (Taufik et al., 2019). Children can investigate two dimensions of experience by drawing art with crayons, sketching on frames, or designing paper visuals. These two-dimensional drawings can be a fundamental source of details about the children’s preferences for several ventures. Children can be given three-dimensional materials to see what they can make with trial and error (Taufik et al., 2019). This allows the children to use the concept of length, width, and height as a challenge. The use of music and drama ignites the children’s interest and imagination.

Teaching Philosophy

The value taught to children is that they should use their creative thinking when manipulating artistic objects. Educators must go beyond what is visible to create a deep understanding of the fundamental principles and children’s reasoning, questioning, and curiosities in such a setting. The parent is the child’s first mentor in education, and the teacher assumes the role of researcher and engages children in relevant activities and conversations.

The Rationale for Specific Materials and Layout

Even though children learn primarily through play, it is equally important to plan for other areas of learning. There is a space for a group activity, privacy, and display in the preschool classroom design. The privacy area is used for private gaming and relaxing, while the display area is used to store toys, books, and items used regularly. In the meeting area, group activities and learning skills are carried out.


The variety of components that comprise a learning environment can be overwhelming. This exercise promotes creativity, vocabulary growth, and comprehension of stories’ plotlines. This practice also promotes language development and aids children’s socialization. Playing is very crucial for children during the early development stages. When planning children’s learning environment, one of the most crucial concerns is certifying their health and safety. Children can use multiple materials for planning, modeling, sketching, painting, and designing exciting features of their creative fantasy environment. The earlier the child is exposed to three-dimensional knowledge and awareness, the high the possibilities of completely unlocking the child’s creative capabilities. This program also trains the children to deal with real-life challenges such as complicated thoughts and multifaceted matters. The educators are experiencing difficulties integrating existing early childhood learning programs with two and three-dimension learning programs.


Taufik, T., Suminto, S., Ibrahim, R. and Abdullah, H. (2019). Learning through play: Improving the reading skills through the joyful phonetics of preschool children. The Open Psychology Journal, 12(1), 1-18.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, April 5). Dimensional Children’s Environment Project. https://chalkypapers.com/dimensional-childrens-environment-project/

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"Dimensional Children’s Environment Project." ChalkyPapers, 5 Apr. 2023, chalkypapers.com/dimensional-childrens-environment-project/.


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Dimensional Children’s Environment Project'. 5 April.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Dimensional Children’s Environment Project." April 5, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/dimensional-childrens-environment-project/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Dimensional Children’s Environment Project." April 5, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/dimensional-childrens-environment-project/.


ChalkyPapers. "Dimensional Children’s Environment Project." April 5, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/dimensional-childrens-environment-project/.