Good Behavior Game in Classroom Settings

The factors that influenced the student’s decision were the fact that the other students were present and the fact that his behavior was not addressed right away. Hence, if the teacher was to address Tyler’s delinquent actions at the beginning of the lesson when he began to make beeping sounds and refused to stop, his behavior would not have escalated into poking other students. In contrast, the teacher proceeded with the lesson despite Tyler not following instructions, which resulted in him harming others and obstructing the normal flow of the lesson. After working with the resource teacher in solitude, he returned to the classroom and behaved well, which also suggests that his behavior could have been addressed in this manner from the beginning. This essay will analyze Scenario One and suggest potential ways of addressing Tayler’s behavior.

The most effective way to handle this situation is through preventative actions. For example, Raymond (2017) recommends using prevention, for example by applying the Good Behavior Game (GBG) method. This approach can be used for students of any age, including those in the kindergarten. GBD implies dividing students into groups and awarding marks to the group that follows the classroom rules (Raymond, 2017). Evidently, this approach has to be used by the teacher consistently and from the beginning of their interactions with the students to help them understand the norms of behavior in the classroom.

The selected interventions are universal and can be applied to various settings. Moreover, Raymond (2017) suggests that GBG is applicable for students of all ages and learning abilities, which makes it a universal practice. In summary, this paper analyzes Tyler’s behavior and recommends using GBG in a classroom setting consistently to address the delinquent behavior of this student.


Raymond, J. (2017). Classroom management procedures with students who engage in delinquent behavior. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2025, January 2). Good Behavior Game in Classroom Settings.

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"Good Behavior Game in Classroom Settings." ChalkyPapers, 2 Jan. 2025,


ChalkyPapers. (2025) 'Good Behavior Game in Classroom Settings'. 2 January.


ChalkyPapers. 2025. "Good Behavior Game in Classroom Settings." January 2, 2025.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Good Behavior Game in Classroom Settings." January 2, 2025.


ChalkyPapers. "Good Behavior Game in Classroom Settings." January 2, 2025.