K-12 Education Homeschooling Alternative


Notably, education is an integral factor that is critical to shaping a youngster’s intellectual ability. As children are exposed to the relevant curriculum, they acquire new knowledge and become creative. Additionally, with the obtained intellectual ability, they can secure employment and sustain their daily needs. Homeschooling can be defined as the process of exposing children to education while at their homes without necessarily having to take them to public schools.

Presently, many parents are turning to homeschool, concerning the child’s depicted benefits when they undertake their education programs at home. Equally important, the method has been vivid to enable a child to learn comfortably and obtain the relevant knowledge without traveling to the learning institutions, due to the face time sessions that they engage with their instructors (Gavin 1). Parents are solely responsible for the children’s education at home. Although many people say that public schooling assures the child’s intellectual and physical wellness, the paper will support homeschooling as a better option for K-12 education due to the physical, emotional and psychological wellness of a youngster.

The History of Conflict

Ultimately, there have been concerns regarding the best choice of the educational curriculum for K-12 education. Many parents have been on the preference of letting teachers take control of their children’s intellectual ability. Nevertheless, a considerable portion of the guardians have foregone the system and opted for homeschooling as the best educational method for youngsters. Numerous researches have proven the primacy of home teaching and public schooling, and each of them has been asserted to have relative advantages and repercussions to the child.

The safety concerns of youngsters being exposed to a home-based curriculum of education produce excellent children’s results. A child is occasionally depicted as being in their joyful state and positive in every family’s occasion. In public schools, school bullying is vivid due to the youngsters being combined from multiple diversities. Consequently, intimidation instills fear, which depreciates the cognitive ability of a youngster being bullied.

Home tutoring leads to the child’s physical, emotional, and psychological wellness due to the parent offering primary care to them as they learn (Walsh 14). Interestingly, numerous parents have been asserted to have superb teaching skills and intellectual knowledge that show a child excelling in education. In some circumstances, there have been cases of children being harassed sexually by their instructors (Walsh 14). Home lessons assures the safety of a child from all negative environmental factors.

Counter Assertion

Homeschooling provides a better process of having alternative educational approaches. A child must attend and comply with the set curriculum in other teaching methods until they finish off their semesters. Teaching at home provides a parent with a flexible means of changing the teaching mode to their youngsters’ advantage. If a child responds negatively to various subjects, the parent can identify the weakness early and take the necessary measures of modifying a youngsters’ stronger unit codes (Walsh 14). The philosophical method of homeschooling enables a child to perform better in their educational progress.

Home lessons provide a better understanding of the educational progress of a child. All through a youngsters’ home experience, they can be monitored according to the family’s culture instead of a government-controlled system (Ray 50). A parent can have full authority to articulate the family’s beliefs with the relevant curriculum that their student is experiencing. The latter is possible for the parents’ subjects to assert that they are parallel to their beliefs and culture. Additionally, a youngster reflects the beliefs from the intellectual understanding that they acquire at home, which they creatively incorporate to solve various life’s shortcomings.

The combination of family beliefs and intellectual ability provides a better problem-solving technique. Equally important, a child can have a positive attitude toward society by maintaining positive relationships when interacting with peers during their free sessions. Homeschooling remains to be a positive approach towards building the foundation of family beliefs concerning the intellectual understanding that a child incorporates.

Assertion and Proof

Children exposed to homeschooling methods have been depicted as performing well in their grades. From statistics, such children score fifteen to thirty percent higher when compared to youngsters attending public teaching (Ray 50). The overwhelming performance escalates the need for every parent to adopt teaching their children at home. Notably, the students’ high performance can be linked to the full attention that their guardians give to a child.

Comparatively, in public schools, precious sessions are lost when attending to the class’s queries. A perfect example of illustration can be reflected with the time disorientated when one peer is in front of the class trying to demonstrate their understanding of a certain mathematics concept while other children in class mimic make fun of stories. Homeschooling provides a better platform for attending to a youngster and solving the areas they assert of not understanding. Equally important, there have been positive results after a child is shown how to attend to their weak areas, which get modified into their bold areas due to ample time being given to the depicted weak topics.

Home tutoring provides a natural environment in which capabilities can be customized. The abilities can be reflected in talents such as acting, singing, and swimming. Notably, when every child is attended to positively, they perceive capabilities that later become a center of triumph in their life. Later on, a youngster gains the advantage of the depicted talent sustaining the needs they require. Consequently, homeschooling provides a better environment to customize the talents with the relevant curriculum (Ray 51). A perfect example may be reflected in the little need of a youngster specializing in political theories, whereas their talent is swimming.

Instead, a parent may adopt the practice of exposing a youngster to sciences and arts which quip them with skills parallel to their talents. Indispensably, the homeschooling method provides a better approach to shaping a child’s educational experiences with their abilities.

Children being taught at home with their parents involved provides a better way of attending to children with special needs. Notably, youngsters depicted as having certain weaknesses that are either physical or mental require special care. When such children are exposed to public tutoring, their self-esteem levels tend to be low due to the peers not interacting often with students in need of special education (Ray 50). As such, low self-esteem has the limitation of leading to a negative output reflected in poor grades. Homeschooling provides a better curriculum for attending to such children due to the family bond reflected in their educational experiences. Equally important, a child’s well-being can improve because they are given ample time to ask for something.


The paper has provided basic arguments involving homeschooling being a better method for K-12 education. The depicted advantages have been oriented to aid the child to succeed in their education. Equally important, the homeschooling method has been identified to lead to children’s psychological, physical, and emotional well-being. Experts have considered each method’s significance concerning the learning environment impacting the youngsters’ cognitive and physical ability. As such, parents analyze each method’s benefits, and in turn, they consider their child’s wellness about the learning curriculum. Homeschooling has numerous benefits to a child’s growth and development. Indispensably, it is parallel to every parent’s joy, seeing their child grow happily.

Works Cited

Gavin, Larsen. “Should You Try Home Schooling?” Dance Spirit, vol. 18, no. 7, 2014, pp. 92-93. Web.

Ray, Brian D. “Customization Through Homeschooling.” Educational Leadership, vol. 59, no. 7, 2002, pp. 50–54. Web.

Walsh, Mary. “Homeschooling and the Price of Freedom.” Human Events, vol. 57, 2001, p. 14. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2025, January 11). K-12 Education Homeschooling Alternative. https://chalkypapers.com/k-12-education-homeschooling-alternative/

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"K-12 Education Homeschooling Alternative." ChalkyPapers, 11 Jan. 2025, chalkypapers.com/k-12-education-homeschooling-alternative/.


ChalkyPapers. (2025) 'K-12 Education Homeschooling Alternative'. 11 January.


ChalkyPapers. 2025. "K-12 Education Homeschooling Alternative." January 11, 2025. https://chalkypapers.com/k-12-education-homeschooling-alternative/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "K-12 Education Homeschooling Alternative." January 11, 2025. https://chalkypapers.com/k-12-education-homeschooling-alternative/.


ChalkyPapers. "K-12 Education Homeschooling Alternative." January 11, 2025. https://chalkypapers.com/k-12-education-homeschooling-alternative/.