Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader

In my opinion, professional development is one of the most important spheres in one’s life. At the same time, this is a process that requires working on self-improvement constantly. I understand that it is impossible to become a high-class professional in a short period. Nevertheless, being hard-working might be rewarded: I believe that career progress results in one are preserving and improving their professional skills under the changing requirements of the modern world. Hence, in order to remain a competitive and highly paid specialist in the labor market, constant professional development is necessary. This applies to all occupational spheres but is particularly significant for my profession because schools are institutions where certain changes are implemented every year. Speaking about my professional goals, they are holding the positions of an instructional leader and eventually, a principal.

I have set these objectives because instructional leadership and being ahead of a school are interesting and multi-task occupations. Being a leader includes defining the major vectors of development for a school, managing curriculum, and lesson plans, allocating resources and controlling the work of teachers (Ross & Cozzens, 2016). In the office of a principal, a person is usually responsible for running the whole institution (Ross & Cozzens, 2016). This responsibility involves implementing additional programs that will contribute to students’ personal and educational growth, ensuring security, and reporting to the controlling bodies. A principal also hires and fires teachers and other staff members. All these tasks and obligations seem challenging but appealing.

In my opinion, I will be good for the above positions because I have several qualities that are necessary for them and am ready to work hard. Leaders and principals should be communicative and know how to interact with people which I manage to do. Besides, I have the leadership skills and know-how to work in a team. Instruction leaders and principals are also required to be knowledgeable and learn continuously (Ross & Cozzens, 2016). I am going to work hard to improve my education level and always be aware of all the innovations.


Ross, D. J., & Cozzens, J. A. (2016). The principalship: Essential core competencies for instructional leadership and its impact on school climate. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(9), 162-176.

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ChalkyPapers. (2022, February 1). Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader.

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"Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader." ChalkyPapers, 1 Feb. 2022,


ChalkyPapers. (2022) 'Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader'. 1 February.


ChalkyPapers. 2022. "Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader." February 1, 2022.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader." February 1, 2022.


ChalkyPapers. "Professional Goals of an Instructional Leader." February 1, 2022.