Online learning has been known for multiple benefits during its existence, especially due to its convenience. However, classroom learning has some benefits that the former cannot replicate for a number of reasons. Some of these benefits are personality development, engagement, entertainment and socialization skills. These benefits are impacted by crucial...
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Abstract The U.S. higher education is affordable to many young people but only due to the existence of the student loan system. However, since the tuition costs continue to rise, it often takes longer for many graduates who are either financially illiterate or have low entry salaries to repay their...
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The research study was published by the Psychological Science: Sage journal. Moreover, the authors of the paper did not receive any funding. The author’s primary methodology used an experimental design based on two aspects. The two aspects included a focus on IC as a potential variable to define critical thinking...
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Introduction Psychological and cognitive health-related concerns have been a worry for a considerable time, but corresponding healthcare institutions and administrations have shown little attention and involvement. To reach high rates of mental health, jurisdictions have taken insufficient steps to guarantee that individuals’ mental difficulties are adequately addressed. The current state...
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Not having to go to school every day and studying in one’s pajamas is the dream of every student. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant shift in the organization of work and studies through the integration of social distancing, which had both positive and negative results....
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Track system in education refers to the scheme where students are put into close monitoring ranging from their movements within the institution to their performance. Three tracks are available for each student: academic, technical-vocational-livelihood, and sports and the arts. According to exam results or relative academic aptitude, students are divided...
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Introduction When assessing containment as a faculty characteristic, an educational leader might consider how faculty members can keep their personal opinions and emotions in check while engaging with students, colleagues, and others in the educational setting. An assessment of selfishness might consider how much faculty members are willing to put...
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A smartphone is a mobile phone capable of executing multiple computations and tasks like a personal computer. With the advancement of technology, the smartphone has been equipped with a powerful operating system in combination with numerous beneficial applications and the ability to exchange data at high speeds. Thus, running web-based...
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The modern world can be viewed as a highly digitalized society with numerous opportunities for interaction provided by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Recent advances in science and the evolution of the Internet have transformed the world into a platform open for discussing any possible topic. However, it is vital...
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Introduction The application of human performance technologies (HPT) in a learning environment is a skewed and specific research topic that requires careful investigation within the available research literature. For the purpose of this critique, five research articles published no later than 2015 were selected. The authors of the articles have...
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Business expansion is a complex and responsible task requiring appropriate strategies and planning. Primarily, decisions should be based on the selection of a proper balance between the necessary additional resources and investments. In other words, one needs to strike an equilibrium between existing opportunities and the goals that have been...
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Johnson, J. L. (1997). Commuter college students: What factors determine who will persist or who will drop out? College Student Journal, 31(3), 323-332. The study described in this article used multivariate statistical techniques to examine the factors that differentiate students who stay in school and those who leave an institution...
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School Shooting Problem The safety role of educational leaders is significant even if they may not be doing the task physically that needs security measures. An institution’s leadership sets its standards and principles and has the authority to impose safety regulations. The increasing shootings in schools have sparked discussions about...
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Introduction Development and Learning in Organizations is an International Journal that covers organizational behavior, information sciences, and human resource management. The journal targets modern managers who want to guide their companies’ development. In addition, it investigates academic and non-academic sources to stay current on the best ideas and advancements. As...
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Soft skills are tools and technologies that allow people to be productive and successful in various areas of professional activity. They primarily affect social and managerial abilities, such as adaptability, teamwork, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, creativity, and others. Soft skills play an important role in professional development: for example, they...
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Introduction The modern school is the result of huge changes that have taken place in the education system in recent years. In this sense, the educational activity of the school becomes not only a part of the social life of society but also its avant-garde, the bearer of innovative transformations....
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Introduction Bailey-Walker (2018) claims that special education programs for African American boys often result in teaching below grade level or nonexistent altogether despite their best intentions. These accomplished African American males, who were labeled as special education students throughout their K-12 schooling, were the focus of this phenomenological narrative. The...
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The Author’s Central Argument of the Article Technology, specifically digital tools and social media to which they provide access, has gained particularly large significance in the lives of the younger generation. Though the ability to explore technological innovations is essential for children and adolescents, the process may become a distraction...
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Mental Health revolves around emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Mental Health is important from childhood to adulthood as it helps a person determine how they relate to others, handle stress, and make healthy choices. Well-being is particularly important to children as it influences how they cope with trauma and physical...
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Introduction There is much debate regarding school uniforms, including whether students need them, how strict the rules should be, and what design should be used. Some think having a form takes away children’s individuality and limits their ability to express themselves. Others believe that making students wear uniforms in school...
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Introduction Metacognition, or the ability to understand one’s way of thinking, remains a critical skill for students to improve their learning habits and school performance. It directly affects one’s ability to plan, evaluate, and adjust activities in such a manner that benefits them the most. In other words, it is...
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Introduction Student discipline and motivation significantly impact academic performance and teacher job satisfaction. One can argue that the issues of classroom discipline and student motivation are multifaceted, and the teacher’s professionalism should be combined with administrative support in order to create a healthy educational environment. This paper examines key challenges...
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Introduction Disruptive behavior in class is a rather common and concerning issue for educators. Primarily because it negatively affects the student’s academic achievements, deprives them of appropriately studying the school material, and may later result in failures at exams and tests. Teachers need to know this problem and the ways...
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Introduction Every child develops at their own pace and implements different strategies in their learning. Children of the same age often vary in their achievements, predicting later outcomes in their academic lives (Bergin & Bergin, 2019). Thus, children acquire basic arithmetic operations such as addition at different rates and using...
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Due to the difficulties that students of color face in schools, Dr. Muhammad Khalifa wrote the book “Culturally Responsive School Leadership (CRSL),” which focuses on how school leaders can respond to the educational needs of minoritized students. Khalifa identified four key elements that contribute to culturally responsive school leadership. These...
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Parents have a responsibility to shape their children’s future by choosing to take their children to private or public schools. Public schools are funded by the state and federal budgets, while private schools are funded by the tuition paid by the students making them more expensive relative to public schools....
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Introduction Grades are used to evaluate students. Thus, it is important that they accurately reflect their achievement and that all students’ work is marked consistently. College professors do not always have enough time for an accurate and fair assessment. Unhappy students may protest in ways that make teaching harder. Some...
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Introduction Parents typically do not recognize the necessity of teaching sex to children early in school, rendering the subject extremely divisive. Sexual identity is a critical component of young people’s healthy development. Sex education can be defined as studying sex and sexuality and examining principles and concepts related to these...
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The main peculiarity of literature on connections between digital technologies and education is that it gives mixed results when it comes to generalized conclusions. In practice, it always depends on the context because even a significant number of hours in front of the screen may not affect the mental health...
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Teacher Interview Summary The questionnaire was answered by a teacher from Pearland ISD, teaching at the elementary level, precisely 2nd grade. She states that she converses with parents daily with an emphasis on conduct and pupils’ behavior, and at least once at the beginning of the year, if not concerning...
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Introduction Mandatory financial education in school translates into enhanced financial skills and knowledge, improved credit management skills, and decision-making ability. Today, we will discuss the following points concerning financial education in school. First, we will review what constitutes a financial class and what topics are covered. Next, we will talk...
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Introduction Educational institutions offer opportunities for students from different backgrounds to acquire knowledge and skills. An enabling environment must be created to ensure that all students have a chance to achieve their respective goals. School policies are paramount in creating safe and effective environments for students to learn (Coelho &...
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Foundations. The University of BuProMan needs substantial adjustments to its functions to improve its effectiveness. The FE7 framework will be employed in the University’s fundamentals to examine the reasons for the University’s drop from first to fourth place. Strategic goals include academic and research profile enhancement, collaboration, regional and worldwide...
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Horseplay is a rather common and dangerous issue for a lot of schools. While it may have light-hearted intentions, it is oftentimes a cause of serious injuries and fights. This action ranges from slightly shoving someone into a locker, holding a pencil on one’s seat or a punch in the...
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Scholarly papers may describe the results of experiments or research or be more theoretical, offering new research approaches or conceptual frameworks. Hallinger’s (2013) paper provides a conceptual framework for conducting systematic reviews so that the description of the results meets the standards for publications. The author focused on educational leadership...
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Peer communication between students in the classroom is important not only for their academic progress but also for their safety. Even in cases where bothering other students does not convey a negative message, the act adversely affects the particular student’s concentration and understanding of the learning materials and distracts their...
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The scientific process is the primary approach for acquiring and examining biological information. The primary feature of the scientific process is reproducibility (Devezer et al., 2019). One must design a replicable, falsifiable experiment to determine the relationship between the completion of assigned homework and final course grades. To achieve that,...
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Encouraging learners to develop core knowledge and skills in the target area by asking questions and identifying connections between the core concepts is vital to the further development of the necessary skills. Specifically, inquiry-based learning allows students to gain an intrinsic and, therefore, much more profound understanding and idea of...
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Introduction In order to understand society, it is necessary not only to perform the mechanical application of scientific methods but also to show the specific quality of the researcher’s mind. Sociological imagination is a tool that allows a researcher to understand people’s social structures and behavior. This is the ability...
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High-quality instruction and learning on a wide range of subjects linked to sex and sexuality comprise sexual education. It looks at values and ideas around those subjects and aids in developing the skills necessary for managing one’s own sexual and reproductive health as well as interactions with partners and the...
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Introduction The issue of school uniforms becoming mandatory in educational institutions has garnered significant attention and resulted in heated debates with its supporters and opposition providing strong arguments why they champion their positions. In her article “Dressing Diversity: Politics of Difference and the Case of school uniforms,” published in the...
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Introduction It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that there are disagreements in the school team. Otherwise, the confrontation can continue and become a common problem, and even interfere with fulfilling the primary goal of learning – acquiring knowledge. Therefore, simple steps should be followed to manage...
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Professional evaluators may play several roles in the field of education. One of the curious descriptions of an evaluator’s role is “a critical friend,” someone who provides feedback to organizations to foster learning and developmental change (Fitzpatrick et al., 2011, p. 17). However, the implementation of this function varies dramatically,...
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Groups are dynamic and complex and need proper integration of several aspects at individual and team levels for effectiveness. In the “Book of Skills” by Lawrence Shulman, the main topic of reading is how skills are applied to the first session group engagement and the leadership factors considerations for contracting...
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Introduction In the globalized world of today, education suffers retention difficulties, as many countries struggle to accommodate the ongoing educational expansion. The author of the present work aims to conduct a research study that will touch upon the social types of retention issues, which prove the need for social change...
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Abstract First-generation college students’ experiences, habits, and perceptions of the relevance of extracurricular enrichment activities are examined in this presentation to determine whether or not they will continue their education and complete their degree. The characteristics and practices of academics, as well as extracurricular activities, such as involvement in Upward...
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Case Summary This case describes the situation facing Providence’s School District (A), which low-performing schools and increasing racial tensions have plagued. The district has just hired Susan Rosegrant to help lead the charge for reform. One of her first tasks is to develop a plan that allows her to build...
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Summary The idea of a dress code in the academic setting has been debated for a substantial period of time, with little result produced. While some schools set rigid standards for their dress code, others trust learners in their choice of clothing. In her article, Anderson (2002) suggests that a...
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Long-term Problem(s): The COVID-19 Pandemic negatively influenced the overall education sphere and caused a decline in students’ academic achievements nationwide. The pandemic also unevenly impacted minority, low-income, and disabled students. The distant education measures taken to combat the negative influence of COVID-19 pandemic affects emphasized the border between regular students...
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Introduction Indigenous education in Canada comprises education for Indigenous learners at all ages and levels and learning about the Indigenous cultures or knowledge, language, and history for all learners in educational systems. The journey of Indigenous people towards self-determination for Indigenous education in Canada remains a primary challenge for the...
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Introduction The COVID-19-related college loan pause in the U.S. temporarily alleviated the student debt crisis without addressing it. The U.S. student loan system is associated with various negative trends. Student loans facilitate Americans’ access to tertiary education, which keeps the demand for them elevated. However, the current system can undermine...
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Introduction The forces of globalization, modern technologies, and social medial platforms are revolutionizing human activities and goals. Different fields are integrating information communication technology (ICT) to improve service delivery and transform the experiences of most of the targeted beneficiaries. Web 2.0 tools and systems are becoming resourceful in learning environments...
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Misbehavior and refusal to comply with school standards in students is expected to be discouraged, yet the strategies and approaches toward shaping the target population’s behavior must be selected with the learners’ best interests in mind. However, “shadow discipline” as a practice of using cruel punishments that har students in...
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Introduction Social changes in many societies often take place faster than knowledge development. The matter causes significant contestations among the radical and conservative groups. However, harm proceeds when persons in power neglect reality based on uninformed opinions and dogmas. Accordingly, the sexual education topic in the U.S. is at this...
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The SARS-COV-2 pandemic has influenced multiple domains on various levels, including the field of education. The research analyzes how Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) affects students. Since online education is usually the topic that researchers examine when conducting studies, research regarding ERT is necessary to analyze the current state of education...
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Nowadays, social skills have become an integral part of any area of people’s lives. They help communicate effectively with people, improve the quality of this communication, empathize with people, and interact with them. Qualitative studies consider specific people in specific situations. Such aspects as the everyday interaction of people, which...
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Introduction It is important to note that one of the most critical student success strategies includes time management. As a student, one directly and profoundly knows how time can be a major limiting factor when studying, learning, and performing academically. Time management is a skill and competence to properly manage,...
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Introduction School uniforms have long been a subject of heated debates. Despite the uniform’s aid in addressing specific issues related to inequality, bullying, and concentration on studies, various types of evidence prove that those positive effects may be diminished under certain circumstances. Moreover, numerous scholars and activists believe that mandatory...
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Although some countries and regions have made tremendous gains in enhancing gender equality, people worldwide still face challenges constrained by patriarchal hetero orthodoxy due to discrimination and inequality. Gender inequality in the US has been prevalent in many dimensions, including the military ban on transgender people, the debate around gender-neutral...
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Introduction To a great extent, a data-driven audit refers to inspecting various events or monetary transactions to uphold compliance, completeness, and accuracy with relevant regulatory prerequisites or enacted laws. A data-driven audit will be conducted at Thomas Edison EnergySmart School (TEECS) in Franklin Park, New Jersey, to acquire essential insights...
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The debate surrounding school uniforms has been exhaustively long and lacking in conclusive ideas. While some arguments concerning the use of uniforms as a requirement have been quite substantial, the statements concerning the adverse effects are just as convincing. A recent article, “Should students have to wear school uniforms?” (2021),...
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Social inequality is a significant problem affecting many segments of the population. Opportunities can be limitless if the environment provides at least a minimal chance to realize them. Under conditions of inequality, a person cannot even try to develop because he or she is held back by the need to...
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Pyne, James, & Grodsky, Eric. (2020). Inequality and Opportunity in a Perfect Storm of Graduate Student Debt. Sociology of Education, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 20-39. The authors centered their study on the connection of graduate and under-graduate student debt with social stratification. The notion of allowing more privileged students...
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The problem of financial support during the recent COVID-19 pandemic was a complex issue that affected numerous spheres of society, including education. The editorial “Boosting research without supporting universities is wrong-headed” (2020) by Nature covers the aforementioned problem extensively. The key argument made by the journal is that when allocating...
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Introduction Darryl Robinson wrote the article “I went to some of D.C.’s best schools. I was still unprepared for college.” in collaboration with The Washington Post, published April 13th, 2012. Robinson talks about how he was an intelligent child and “attended some of the District’s better schools.” The critical aspects...
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An NGO called Foreign Scholarship, which intends to have locations worldwide due to the excellent work they lead, has its main office in Toronto, Canada. The foreign scholarship facilitation initiative aims to give students access to international scholarships at colleges and institutions across the globe. This proposal amply illustrates the...
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Introduction Gender inequality in higher education has been persistent despite deliberate measures implemented to reduce it. It is a challenging issue across all workplace settings (Jayachandran, 2015; Thébaud, 2015). However, in higher education, it has been identified as a particularly troubling issue (Clauset, Arbesman, &Larremore, 2015; Duong, Wu, & Hoang,...
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The general population for this study is the community of paraeducators and general education teachers who interact directly with paraeducators in their work practices. Paraeducators are additional school professionals who provide support to teachers and children with special learning needs (Mauro, 2021). In fact, paraeducators in this study will refer...
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Introduction The problem of student loan debt should be discussed for two reasons: firstly, the ability to get higher education has an impact on the person’s future financial and social status, and this ability depends on the cost of education. Secondly, having debt may be detrimental to the person’s mental...
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This study explores the need for Home Economics and similar courses to return to the curriculum for middle and high school students in America. At the moment, rethinking and re-introducing these subjects en masse into the country’s educational system will help address several social problems, including obesity and high credit...
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College tuition is a rather common topic for discussion nowadays. With issues like student debt, quality of education, and extra expenses, there have been multiple arguments for it being either free or paid. Both sides express some valid concerns, as they fear how either of the options may affect future...
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Introduction Bullying has a lasting effect on its victims, including profound mental impacts. The general definition of bullying is repeated behavior with the intent of physical or phycological harm to a person. It can range from verbal insults to physical violence. Bullying also aims to control some aspects of the...
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Plagiarism has been an issue for every student for centuries and has existed at all times. However, not always plagiarism can be attributed to academic dishonesty. First of all, this is because many relevant works have been written on some topics. Therefore, it is difficult to avoid plagiarism, even if...
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In art, the focus is on forms and their relationship to each other. The representation of different objects can be achieved in various ways, and from my point of view, the variety of materials used is the only proper way to competent teaching. My concept is that different artifacts (both...
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Equal protection for K-12 students based on their level of English language competency is essential in prolific studying. It is impossible for a student who does not have a sufficient level of English language competency to succeed in academic studies because they cannot understand the things that are discussed in...
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Some people are often treated differently from others, and such discrepancies emerge from the school system. About 9 million students in the UC face academic inequalities due to coming from social minority families (Camera). Society seems to be more concerned with homework and grades rather than noticing the discrimination produced...
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Schooling is an essential process that equips young ones with proper knowledge and skills for career development. During the middle school period, I attended an institution located in a suburban. Leaning in such an environment was hectic, following a number of challenges from within the classroom to the administration. The...
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To adopt creative movement and dance (CMD), it was necessary to organize classes dedicated to it. Qualified teachers helped children understand what creative movement and dance are, told them about their benefits, and taught them this form of dance step-by-step. It was not going fast, as at first, children are...
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The education system in the US is a complex entity that changes and alters based on the external and internal environment. The factors that can impact it induce the social climate, economic shifts, innovation, and legislator premises. Legislation and, more specifically, court cases exemplify precedents that can further impact the...
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A school might be a sizable structure with several classrooms or simply one room where individuals can learn new things. A perfect school should include all the amenities, including tutoring centers, computer laboratories, and libraries, to mention a few. These amenities will assist students in passing exams, learning new material,...
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The topic of this paper is adolescent sex education and the moral aspects associated with it. The sexuality of students is one of the most important factors of individuality and should be taken into account. Development in the child’s personality qualities socially conditioned and corresponding to his sex, necessary for...
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Introduction Organizations exist in complex and dynamic environments that obligate occasional changes and strategic updates to keep up with trends. Similarly, they are exposed to several unavoidable factors that limit their advancement towards goals. However, the effectiveness of an institution’s management and administration reflects on its performance, meaning that poor-performing...
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Imagine wanting to pursue a particular career your entire life, and especially admiring one of the greatest professionals in the field. You intend to follow your dream and go to college when you learn that your idol has never actually graduated. It is likely that you will start contemplating whether...
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Modern education has many disadvantages, including high tuition fees. Many students are forced to pay off student loans for years after graduation, and this situation is not normal. The high cost of education is a problem for most Americans, including those from all classes and cultures, except perhaps the elites....
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In Long-Term Trends in Private School Enrollments by Family Income, the authors described private elementary school enrollment trends based on data from a series of national surveys conducted from 1968 to 2013. The study was based on representative datasets that contained people’s responses to questions important to the analysis. The...
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Whether an individual is to opt for an academic route or not has been a common topic of debate. On the one hand, the argument is that people can access multiple opportunities without spending a fortune on a college degree, which has been the case for certain successful business owners...
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The transition from pre-school to primary school is a difficult process that can be taxing on any child, not only on those with special needs. Now the situation is often such that the usual education system creates barriers for students with disabilities. For example, some school premises might not be...
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The assessment of the needs that the teachers in the target educational institution have at the current stage revealed their poor familiarity with the innovative approaches to curriculum development as well as lesson planning. Specifically, measuring the students’ academic achievements remains the focus of their lessons. Such a perspective, meanwhile,...
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Children’s Psychology Children devote more time to schools than to any other official institution. As a result, school systems play a critical role in child behavior, including adolescent connections and social engagements, educational success, cognitive advancement, stress management, behavioral standards, and moral progression (O’Reilly, Svirydzenka, Adams, & Dogra, 2018). O’Reilly...
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The case study presents the situation of a young boy named Danny who is struggling with classwork. Ms. Rodriquez, Danny’s teacher, values the role played by discipline and the involvement of family members in a child’s education. She discovers Danny is experiencing a challenge in handling mathematics and assumes that...
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Despite the fact that in modern American society, every person is given equal rights and obligations, there is still segregation in the education system along racial lines. The African American part of the population claims the same way of getting an education as everyone else. Segregation is prohibited by the...
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Introduction Recent financial management problems in higher education institutions have repeatedly come into numerous budgetary insufficiencies and rise in some crises. Education, not only at higher levels but also at other levels, is recognized as an essential investment for sustainable development and growth. In addition, proper strategic financial planning for...
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Introduction Finding bearings and knowing the way they want to go when confronted with a new circumstance, location, or experience is what orientation entails. Providing high-quality orientation sessions appears to be an easy task. Both the orientation specialists and the partners on the inside would see the value of an...
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Gifted students are defined as learners with the above-average intellectual ability to find and solve problems, learn and process information quickly and view various matters from different perspectives. These children have a unique character trait that includes a high level of curiosity, memory, inquisitiveness, concentration for long on projects of...
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Introduction Modern society is characterized by multiculturalism and the active process of its globalization. This factor determines the presence of representatives of entirely different peoples, traditions, and views in one place. Despite the fact that such vital concepts as diversity and inclusion are strengthened in this way, many problems are...
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Autism spectrum disorder often prevents the normal development of communication skills. Many children with autism are capable of developing some speech and language abilities. However, compared to healthy children, their language progress is slower. For example, they can quickly learn a large vocabulary in a particular area of interest. Young...
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Introduction In recent years, COVID-19 has significantly impacted traditional education and demonstrated the benefits and challenges of the online approach. This change initiated heated debates on the problem of learning, and many experts tried to identify which model was better. This issue is relevant since it is crucial to improve...
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Richard Rodriguez addressed the issue of bilingual education in the United States. His memoir suggests that he could not fully integrate into American society because in his private life where he mostly communicates in Spanish. For Rodriguez, public and private languages cannot coexist together as they hinder the cultural adaptation...
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Introduction Immigration, an ever-present feature of the existence of the United States of America, makes a significant contribution to daily living. In multiple educational facilities across the nation, the plurality of nationalities in an individual mirrored itself in a diversity of dialects and languages. Bilingualism in academic systems, along with...
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Common Core Standards are the academic guidelines adopted across a range of states in the U.S. These standards were implemented in order to prepare students for colleges and universities as well as to improve the level of academic awareness across the country. These principles are applied all the way through...
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The problem of the research article revolves around identifying employment motivations among workers of the public sector in order to develop proper and effective recruitment approaches. It is important to note that the authors utilize two theoretical frameworks, which are public service motivation or PSM, and the Moskos’ Institutional-Occupational (I-O)...
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Introduction. Differences Between the Two Research Paradigms Definition of Terms: Quantitative research elucidates phenomena per the numerical data. Qualitative research generates findings not derived from statistical procedures. Epistemological Differences: Quantitative research is informed by objectivist epistemology. Qualitative research is informed by constructivist epistemology. Qualitative research can be achieved through subjective...
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