“ADMN-3015 Job Search Project” is a significant project that allows students to identify and organize the necessary knowledge about job search processes. It is known that networking is an effective method of strengthening business ties, and a business card is the best means to represent a specialist. Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Tesla are companies where a student would like to work and develop. Job Search Tracking is one of the essential and significant strategies for tracking applications. Applying online is an easy way to get a job, which can be done through Indeed, LinkedIn, and CareerBuilder services. As a rule, the main interview questions include open, closed, hypothetical, and non-standard types, and skills presentation is better done using action verbs. This paper aims to reveal the main elements of compiling personal information about an employee, the procedure for finding a job and passing interviews, clarifying details about companies, and processing the received data in a single essay format.
Business Card
Networking: Importance
The importance of networking are expressed in searching for hidden opportunities, access to career growth, re-evaluation of qualifications, and other aspects. Networking enables one to get the best recommendations, learn new aspects of the industry, and evaluate individual strengths and weaknesses. Creating and strengthening solid connections through networking is the way to success for a person in obtaining a new position and moving up the career ladder. This saves time and effort; networking can be a powerful instrument for professional development.
Business Cards
In general, a business card is a great way to tell about a specialist, their professional data, and business qualities. As an effective networking tool, they can disseminate brief but essential information about an employee, their primary specialty, phone, address, and other details. In most cases, outwardly attractive business cards leave an indelible impression about a professional, allowing expanding connections and getting new job offers.
The Business Card

Researching Industry
After doing brief research using the Internet, I want to work in such successful companies as Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Tesla. Currently, I am interested in the managerial type of position that I would like to implement in the specified firms. In my opinion, I have all the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities that could help me get the desired job in these corporations.
Apple is an American company that develops and manufactures electronics, software, and online services. In this place, one can note a bright atmosphere, positive working relationships, an excellent system of benefits and incentives, and guarantees for promotion. In my opinion, it is an innovative, progressive firm in which those who want to unleash their creative potential and create a unique product would like to work.
Google is an American corporation with a worldwide reputation and recognition. Basically, the company specializes in projects and services on the Internet; the most famous “offsprings” of the firm are “Google Search,” “Google Maps,” “YouTube,” and much more. I think that working at Google provides a basis for expanding horizons and worldviews; the experience gained in this organization opens up new career opportunities for people.
It is known for sure that Amazon is the world’s largest American organization that sells all kinds of goods and services via the Internet. In my view, Amazon is one of the most attractive places to work for young specialists and experienced professionals. The firm provides a wide range of opportunities to turn innovation into reality and create a better future, breaking the status quo.
Netflix is a prominent American corporation that supplies movies and TV series based on streaming media technology. In recent years, the entertainment company’s projects have been gaining more and more popularity among the general public. Hence, I would especially like to work at Netflix since this company is famous for its unique corporate culture and philosophy, which continues to develop, expand and progress the industry.
Tesla is a firm specializing in the production of electric vehicles and the development of new technologies for the accumulation of electricity. Today, it is one of the most successful companies, with ambitious plans, progressive marketing strategies, and strong leaders. In my opinion, Tesla provides a unique and valuable experience, which would allow me to move up the career ladder or get other worthy positions.
Job Search Tracking
The importance and necessity of job search tracking are expressed in accelerated and simplified systematization, comparison, and classification of information. Job search tracking provides a more profound and comprehensive view of the work done and the expected outcomes (Brill, 2022). Details about the companies, desired positions, submitted applications, and other aspects, in a sense, supply aid and support in order not to lose the right way and go in the proper direction. Having compiled a table, specialists will immediately be able to highlight such essential points as deadlines, the results of applications, and responses from managers. This will also allow a person to successfully complete weekly goals, see progress, and correct noticeable shortcomings in the job search process.
The following table lists the main elements demonstrating the fundamental data about five companies, the desired position, the time of application submission, and the response of recruiters.
Applying Online
A Summary
In order to apply online, one must fulfill several primary conditions. Firstly, before applicants go internet space in search of work, they will need an electronic copy of a personal resume, ideally in Microsoft Word format. Secondly, in this case, people must have a work history and a list of recommendations to access all the vacancies and the documents that will allow specialists to work in their country. Moreover, there are four main ways to apply for a job online: through the company’s homepage, from an employment website, from a recruitment company, and an online job bulletin board.
One should remark that the most popular free job search sites are “Indeed,” “LinkedIn,” and “CareerBuilder.” Furthermore, these sites are user-friendly, convenient, and easy to use. Firstly, an intuitive interface and a discreet design allow people to focus on the crucial points. Secondly, these sites have various functions, categories, and criteria for selecting suitable vacancies, such as quickly searching and sorting vacancies according to certain principles.
Indeed is considered one of the leaders in the field of hiring and job search in the world; more than 250 million unique users visit this site every month (“About Indeed,” n.d.). Applying for Indeed is a simple process, requiring a person to go to the home page of the site, enter the necessary data in the “What” and “Where” text fields, and start searching for vacancies. Having selected the desired vacancy from a proposed list, an applicant should apply directly on the website or the company’s website, having previously configured a resume.
LinkedIn is the world’s largest network for establishing business contacts. LinkedIn is considered by people to be a social network for establishing business contacts rather than a place for the unemployed. One can find a similar applying process to Indeed on LinkedIn by clicking on the chosen vacancy from the suggested choices, entering the necessary data in pop-up windows, and finally sending an application to an employer.
CareerBuilder is also one of the reliable and proven sources of vacancies and advice for job seekers globally. It is especially popular among both job seekers and employers. In addition, CareerBuilder is practically no different from its “competitors” from the applying point of view. Thus, it offers an applicant to fill out a special questionnaire and make a resume, then use the search to select the suitable vacancy and try to “surprise” a firm with brief information about a specialist.
The main characteristics that distinguish online applications from mailed applications include the time and speed of data processing, quality of service, as well as functionality. Firstly, online applications greatly simplify and speed up a candidate’s work by automatically sending out responses to vacancies. At the same time, the “classic analogue” requires more actions, effort, and time. Secondly, the online apps guarantee increased flexibility, scalability, and uninterrupted operations, while their “counterparts” can more often have various failures and errors, especially when sending messages to a specific mailing address. Thirdly, online applications, as a rule, include special, more convenient functions for tracking sent and received messages, as well as “selected” employers. Nevertheless, mailed applications cannot boast of such a vast abundance of advantages.
Firstly, online applying is an effective, productive, and efficient process that provides a quick and convenient search for the vacancy from a wide variety of available choices, as well as an easy way to interact with a potential employer. Secondly, applying for a position via the Internet can be an unsuccessful option, unlike the “traditional” resume submission, since a person risks facing fraudsters, more competition, and computer and network failures. In this case, there is no personal interaction between an applicant and an employer, which does not allow them to evaluate each other and identify the main advantages and disadvantages.
Researching Interview Questions
Five Websites
The following table lists the names, links, and the websites’ brief descriptions of helpful information about the interview.
The 1st Question
“Tell me about yourself” is one of the most common and most well-known questions for many job seekers and recruiters. In my opinion, despite the “typical and basic” component of this issue, it is still relevant in 2022 and will certainly be used by employers even in 10 years. Undoubtedly, the employer is interested in whether the candidate’s experience and career preferences are suitable for the chosen vacancy, and therefore this is often the first thing that is asked at the interview. Response for the question: “I graduated from university, worked in a marketing agency, and realized that I want to develop further in this direction.”
The 2nd Question
“Why do you want to work at this company?” – an equally vital question at the interview, whether for the position of director or employee. I think it is impossible to do without it because today, almost every successful company has its values, mission, and ideals of doing business. Thus, many organizations seek people who can further promote and develop established traditions. As practice shows, from the answer to this question, a recruiter wants to understand what a person wants from work and whether a candidate’s desires coincide with the company’s aspirations. Response for the question: “I think that my values coincide with the company’s ones. In addition, I have extensive experience in the business environment and, therefore, will help the firm achieve high results in the marketing direction.”
The 3rd Question
In this case, it is worth mentioning the following question: “Tell me about a time you made a mistake.” Therefore, this question is relevant and appropriate because the employer is interested not only in the successes and achievements of the candidate but also in the ability to cope with failures and break dead ends. Moreover, the answer will not go unnoticed: honesty and the ability to look at yourself from the outside are important soft skills. Response for the question: “At my last job, I tried to do a project independently, but soon I realized that I needed the help of colleagues. Hence, due to the collective problem solving, we successfully completed the project.”
Personal list of Skills Inventory
The following table lists the websites’ addresses, a brief description, and personal opinions about the importance of these sites.
My main professional qualities are the desire to mentor, guide, and train people. In other words, I like to teach what I already know, share ideas, and “absorb” new knowledge from colleagues. With this skill, a specialist can effectively interact with colleagues to avoid misunderstandings and achieve coordinated actions in a team. Thus, a team and a company meet all expectations related to deadlines, estimates, and other aspects of the projects being carried out.
In my work, I am often guided by the skills of investigating and study of certain phenomena. Such skills are necessary for everyone because an employee of any profession will do their work better if they analyze its conditions and looks for the most effective ways to perform it while remaining within the framework of their official task. In addition, this determines the creative approach in the profession.
Developing and improving skills, abilities, knowledge, abilities, and competencies are the main tasks every specialist should be guided by to achieve success and good results. This invaluable skill allows a person to strive for perfection, learn from their own and others’ mistakes, memorize from them, and act in the right direction. In addition, it allows one to overcome fears and move towards a better future.
In turn, the performing skill should be considered as a means of mastering talents in a specific area and achieving goals and objectives, going to the finish, no matter what. These abilities often include time management, motivation, and organization of work processes, which is only half of the required skill set. As a rule, many leaders use these skills to perform professional duties and competent team management.
In my opinion, in any company, it is impossible to do without the skills of organizing more updated, modern and new working conditions. In particular, these abilities are clearly expressed in the era of technological progress and a developed market system. In addition, these talents will allow a firm to successfully and painlessly adapt to new conditions and stay afloat, even due to external and internal threats.
Thus, the author touched upon topics related to the analysis of business cards, research of well-known companies, and the study of a job tracking table, online applications for job search, typical interview questions and interview experience, and the determination of individual qualities. The student learned that networking is a great way to expand business ties; a business card serves as a traditional attribute reflecting important information about a specialist. Apple, Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Tesla are the companies the author would like to develop at the moment and to start working there, it is recommended to use job search tracking. One should also not neglect the help of Indeed, LinkedIn, and CareerBuilder; these online solutions are an effective way to find a dream job. Before going for an interview, an applicant must understand the typical interview questions and correctly formalize the resume’s skills line using action verbs. One of the most exciting and valuable elements of this project for me is part 6. In the most accessible and understandable form, it allows one to understand the most frequently encountered questions at interviews to better prepare for them in advance and make the best impression on an employer.
About Indeed. (n.d.). Web.
Brill, M. (2022). The importance of tracking your job search application. Web.