Number Cards Necessity for Students

Number cards are essential for students since they help them practice identifying, counting, and ordering numbers in a given range. The number cards entail playing the count say from one to twenty, illustrating the order of numbers, and teaching students how to cut and stick numbers with glue in a given order (Kemp & Poole, 2018). The students are then required to arrange the numbers in order in a given number line. When that exercise is completed, students get to explain the whole process to their classmates.

The essential step in this exercise is to warrant students grasp what is needed of them. As a teacher, it is also crucial that one has captured the process of the game so it would be easy to teach students (Kemp & Poole, 2018). Implementation of this practice is also successful when materials are lasting to review work done after class. By explaining the work to their classmates, students understand and correct any mistakes that may have been made.

One of the steps essential in assessing students’ outcomes is when they must explain the processes to their mates during the last step. In this instance, it is easy to figure between students who are well versed with the activity and those struggling with it. For example, those with numbers that are not in order may have difficulty counting or ordering them. Through this, teachers get to spend more time with the kids to ensure better understanding. It is also essential to let students teach their classmates as they might understand better.

Additionally, having mathematical tests help identify students who still have a problem with mathematical questions. The student’s performance in the upcoming tests reflects their ability in identifying, counting, and ordering numbers (Lempp, 2017). Having questions that require students to arrange numbers in a number line is a great concept when assessing the patterns in learning. Performance shows the rift in the understanding of different students.

Assessment of data would be helpful in the future planning and teaching of students. For instance, through the evaluation, it is easy to recognize students’ different strengths in class. Additionally, a teacher gets to understand specific areas that need more concentration, thus improving teaching techniques. For example, some students may be conversant with identifying and counting numbers in our center but fail to keep them in order. Every student may have their different weak points, and thus teachers get to see that through assessment.

While executing plans, teachers find more elaborate ways of explaining the number cards system. for instance, a teacher may choose to provide odd numbers with a particular color different from even ones (Lempp, 2017). This step may make it possible for students to differentiate and identify the numbers better. Additionally, teachers may incorporate additional learning periods that help tutor those who did not grasp every concept during the class period. Class presentations also help discover the level of confidence among students; thus, the teacher knows how to boost those who seem less courageous.

The concepts learned are essential in future learning practices. Teachers use this concept in their teaching practice by learning to identify how to teach every student according to their strengths. As mentioned earlier, teaching gaps highlight how well different students understand what they learned, letting teachers know those who need more help. In their teaching, teachers see the difference between slow learners and those who understand concepts quickly, hence providing better teaching methods. Additionally, when teachers understand the concepts, they find more accessible ways of explaining mathematics to students making it an easy subject (Lempp, 2017). This work is also essential in creating an interactive and free class environment among teachers and students.


Kemp, K., & Poole, S. (2018). MTSS & math: The elementary essentials. National Professional Resources.

Lempp, J. (2017). Math Workshop: Five steps to implementing guided math, learning stations, reflection, and more, grades K- 5 with video streaming. Math Solutions Publications.

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ChalkyPapers. (2024, January 11). Number Cards Necessity for Students.

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"Number Cards Necessity for Students." ChalkyPapers, 11 Jan. 2024,


ChalkyPapers. (2024) 'Number Cards Necessity for Students'. 11 January.


ChalkyPapers. 2024. "Number Cards Necessity for Students." January 11, 2024.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Number Cards Necessity for Students." January 11, 2024.


ChalkyPapers. "Number Cards Necessity for Students." January 11, 2024.