Special Area Teachers and Their Evaluation

Education as a sphere of human activity is highly valued in modern society. As a result, multiple kinds of research have arisen to improve the methods and approaches in this field. Numerous aspects of education are debated among competent scholars on the significance of their correct work. As such, the evaluation of teachers and students presents a complicated question in pedagogics. The special areas teachers receive particular attention from scientists; their evaluation is critical despite the difficulties of such a process.

The issue of special areas teachers’ assessment is caused by several complications coming from the nature of the knowledge they present to students. Namely, educators that attempt to teach their students somewhat creative matters or those dependent on physical abilities face the diversity of students’ capabilities (Sulaiman, 2020). The first category of teachers should view a unique student’s personality and could not be adequately evaluated.

The other concerns an individual’s natural fitness and raises the question of disabled students’ assessment (Snyder & Pufpaff, 2021). Moreover, teachers of such a profile come from different educational organizations and use different methods for which no unified evaluation program exists. Yet, according to Ornstein and Hunkins (2018), the process of teacher assessment is vital for their professional development. Since this reason cannot be omitted, it could be stated that all teachers should be evaluated.

The question of assessment is complicated enough for scholars, so they have various propositions for this cause. They argue that the special area teachers are different from others because of their differently structured education backgrounds and the issue of unequal distribution of abilities among students. However, these factors do not make the meaning of evaluation negligible. Thus, teachers of any category should be assessed but with standards coherent with their practice.


Ornstein, A., & Hunkins, F. (2018). Curriculum: Foundations, principles, and issues (7th ed.). Pearson.

Snyder, R., & Pufpaff, F. (2021). The current state of high stakes teacher evaluation for special education teachers. The Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship, 10(1), 1–21.

Sulaiman, D. M. A. A. (2020). Evaluation of field training for students of special education from the perspective of trainees and supervisors: A field study at Princess Noura University. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(4), 3643–3655. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 17). Special Area Teachers and Their Evaluation. https://chalkypapers.com/special-area-teachers-and-their-evaluation/

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"Special Area Teachers and Their Evaluation." ChalkyPapers, 17 Oct. 2023, chalkypapers.com/special-area-teachers-and-their-evaluation/.


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'Special Area Teachers and Their Evaluation'. 17 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "Special Area Teachers and Their Evaluation." October 17, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/special-area-teachers-and-their-evaluation/.

1. ChalkyPapers. "Special Area Teachers and Their Evaluation." October 17, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/special-area-teachers-and-their-evaluation/.


ChalkyPapers. "Special Area Teachers and Their Evaluation." October 17, 2023. https://chalkypapers.com/special-area-teachers-and-their-evaluation/.