Benefits of Education Essay Examples for Free - Page 4

Benefits of Education Essay Examples for Free

Colleges Role in Preventing On-Campus Holocaust Denial

Anti-Semitism can be found in many social life spheres, even in those that should be distinguished by neutrality, objectivity, and tolerance. Thus, academia became one of the frontlines for anti-Semitists, where they employ nonsensical arguments regarding the existence of genocide of Jews during World War II and, in this way,...

Words: 1105 Pages: 4

Assessment Audit and Analysis for the Indian Prairie School District 204

Purpose, Assessment Type, and Usage Indian Prairie School District 204 (IPSD 204) has a set of six primary assessment tools used to evaluate different aspects of student behavior and achievement. The first is the Cognitive Abilities Test or CogAT. It is used for measuring the complexity of students’ thought processes...

Words: 1102 Pages: 4

Phonological and Phonemic Essential Skills Importance

Early childhood ability to read words precisely and fluently requires explicit knowledge of the word structure. For this to be possible, children must acquire phonological and phonemic awareness through their teachers, which later helps them attain critical literacy skills. This essay aims at discussing the importance of phonological and phonemic...

Words: 672 Pages: 2

The Dangers of Students as Consumers

Recently, notions of students as customers have been becoming more prominent, especially in higher education. In countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, attendance at an educational institution can be costly. As a result, students that voice their dissatisfaction can wield their position as consumers and threaten to...

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Esol Teacher Observation

The lesson to analyze was held by the Language Arts and Social Studies teachers at King Middle School in Portland, ME. 27 % of students at King Middle School are English Language Learners who attend classes with native speakers (EL Education, 2018). As a rule, English learners used to be...

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Reign of Error by Diane Ravitch

Education plays a crucial role in society; thus, all its members should struggle for high-quality education. However, citizens of the United States have different views on how to achieve it. Some of them argue that the privatization of public education is essential, while others disagree and state that improvements in...

Words: 556 Pages: 2

China: The Educated Giant. The Value of Education

The value of education is growing steadily every year. Most modern employers pay great attention to the level of education of potential employees. This is a critical characteristic because it gives an understanding of the knowledge already gained by a person and also his or her abilities to learn in...

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Formative Assessment Impact on Student Achievement

Assessment Types Grade Level: K-3 State Standard: NCLB Objective Formative Assessment 1 Formative Assessment 2 Summative Assessment 1 Implementing an individual approach and help each student improve their knowledge and thus, meet the standards. Observation Face-to-face interview with the teacher Tests 2 Developing readiness for self-education in boys and girls...

Words: 758 Pages: 2

Taking a Gap Year: Benefits for Students

Taking a gap year before joining a university or a college is gaining popularity across the globe. Students need a time break before joining campuses to understand the world around them. A gap year helps students to enjoy real-world experiences that transform them to be innovative and critical thinkers. In...

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“Making the Grade” by Kurt Wiesenfeld

In “Making the grade” Wiesenfeld begins by asserting that if students don’t like their grades they argue with him by wanting to “trade” them for something better. Wiesenfeld believes that the students do not really care about the academic purpose of study or the love of knowledge, but to pursue...

Words: 825 Pages: 3

Application of Evaluation Skills: Personal Review

Evaluation skills provide the necessary competencies to make decisions on the quality of work and assess if it meets the required standards. One of the primary goals of evaluative techniques is informed judgment (Tai et al. 2018). In my future career, I intend to use these skills in self-assessment. For...

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Technology Use in Education During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic that caused global lockdown has caused significant damages to economic, social, political, and other domains of human life. Education has become one of the largest and most impacted sectors since a rapid shift from conventional facility-based learning to remote technology-driven one entails significant system complications. In line...

Words: 552 Pages: 2

Education as the Light: Free Community College

Education is a crucially important aspect of any person’s life in the modern world. Children of any race, gender, and income are encouraged by parents, mentors, and society to be persistent in studying. Starting from basic knowledge gained in primary school, the person begins to develop their worldview, accumulate wisdom,...

Words: 938 Pages: 3

School District Assessment Audit and Analysis

Explanation of the Purpose, Assessment Type, and Usage CogAT or Cognitive abilities test exists to assess the student’s ability to think and solve a variety of problems. The assessment requires the completion of verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative assignments. It includes a combination of open-ended and forced-choice questions. CogAT allows identifying...

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Ken Robinson’s Opinion on Creativity and Education

The capacity to be wrong is lost by many children when they enter adolescence and adulthood, as stated by Robinson (2006). This speaker argues that the ability to be wrong is the basis for creativity, while modern education does not allow children to make mistakes. Indeed, this statement seems to...

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Education: Cost and Resources

Introduction Like any non-profit organization, public school has to operate within rather strict limits of their budget; hence, it is vital to allocate costs most optimally. While purchasing goods and services, the administration must carefully assess offers made by different suppliers and find the best price-quality ratio. This paper aims...

Words: 642 Pages: 2

Study Analysis: The Impact of Appearance on Learning

Study Analysis This study analysis explores the research on how appearances affect learning. Shana Carpenter, Miko Wilford, Nate Kornell, and Kellie Mullaney conducted their research in 2013. The topic is important because its results can inform educational institutions on how to develop teaching strategies. The research topic follows the cognitive...

Words: 1114 Pages: 4

Maria Montessori: Education as an Aid to Life

Introduction In the current essay, the question of how education is an aid to life, according to Maria Montessori, is addressed. First of all, a brief overview of Montessori’s biography is presented. Secondly, a summary of the Montessori method of education is provided. Thirdly, the method is considered in further...

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The Necessity of Reducing College Tuition Fees by Increasing Taxes

Parents and learners always think about how much education would cost at their selected colleges. Tuition fees typically vary depending on the course and the school that a student attends. However, tuition costs keep rising due to the massive number of individuals competing for a college degree. Higher enrollment rates...

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Psychological Studies: Educational Experiments

The research of Dias et al. (2019) was conducted at the University of Porto, Portugal. The main goals of this study were to determine people’s motivation to engage in protest or apathy and to understand the role of emotions in these processes. There was no monetary compensation for participation in...

Words: 333 Pages: 1

Sleep Deprivation and Learning Outcomes Among Students

Patrick, Y., Lee, A., Raha, O., Pillai, K., Gupta, S., Sethi, S., … Moss, J. (2017). Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive and physical performance in university students. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 15(3), 217–225. Web. This paper focuses mainly on the effects of a night’s sleep deprivation on university students’...

Words: 601 Pages: 2

Teen Life After College Description

Nowadays, the idea of education being the fundamental requirement for everyone to succeed in the world is a controversial topic. College graduation is the first step towards facing the real-life world, entering the job market, and surviving in a competing environment. It is assumed that schools form a particular individuality...

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Differences Between Education and Learning

This week’s readings present some exciting ideas on the differences between education and learning. Burbules (2013) distinguishes between the two mentioned concepts and states that the process and outcomes of learning are more focused on a student’s inherent curiosity, needs, and interests. In comparison, education is viewed as a system...

Words: 561 Pages: 2

Data-Informed Decision Making

Interview How does assessment data drive instruction and lesson planning? What data collection methods are used to track and monitor student progress? Assessment is an important part of the teaching process as it enables teachers to identify students’ progress and adjust the curriculum and material to learners’ needs, as well...

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Aligning Standards to Assessments

It may seem that learning standards should be the same for students across the country. In reality, state-level and local authorities have the power to establish expectations that are different from those in other states, which creates certain heterogeneity (Piasta, 2014). In particular, the ways of how such inter-state differences...

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Internet Use and Well-Being among College Students

The article Internet use and well-being among college students: Beyond frequency of use reflects on the use of the Internet and the well-being of college students. According to Gordon et al. (2007), learners experience a critical shift in ideologies when they enroll in institutions. It is a change to adulthood...

Words: 549 Pages: 2

Commercialization at the Expense of Analytical Skills

There has been a stable trend of commercialization of education over the course of the last decades. Molnar and Boninger (2015) argue that there are two primary drivers behind it. The first is the deficit of state funding, which compels schools to seek additional sponsors and resources. The second is...

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The Implementation of Mobile Technology in Education

Introduction This progress report describes the work that I have done about the implementation of personal mobile devices for educational purposes and will illustrate the present and future work. In this report, I review the practical uses in a public setting—schools, colleges and universities, as well as some educational courses....

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Innovative Engagement to Pursue Parent Involvement in the Community

Today, perusing innovative engagement with different groups of parents is getting more and more important. Such tendency may be explained by a number of factors including coping with complicated economic conditions that destructs parents from the real needs of their children including education. In the following paper, I aim to...

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Discussions About EDU & ECE: Is It Good?

Assessment The most common form of standardized assessment is a test created to measure the performance of students. However, with the advent of standardized testing, many schools become held accountable for the achievement of the students, as well as there has appeared pressure to emphasize academic skills and predetermined learning...

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Mind on Fire Critical Thinking Exercise

Introduction Due to high demand for a well educated generation, Brown and Alder emphasizes on the implication of education from Thomas Friedman’s word ‘flat world’ where it is clearly pointed out that all societies in the globally have the potential to interconnect with each other and be competitive. They give...

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The Audience of Undergraduate Students Analysis

The analyzed audience consists of undergraduate students, who can be divided into freshmen and seniors according to their knowledge and experience. The “Lion” of the first segment may be the group leader or the most respected person among students, while in the second segment, this role can be given to...

Words: 385 Pages: 1

Learning Environment and Its Impact on Overall Success of Students

The learning environment is one of the primary factors that influence the overall success of students. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that it corresponds to the general criteria of assessment and, consequently, the needs of teachers and children (see Appendix). The best technique allowing for evaluating the learning environment...

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Balancing Priorities Urgent Tasks

Introduction Urgent tasks are responsibilities, the specifics of which do not allow them to be postponed to a later time, such as the need to take a call or send an email. Important tasks are cases that do not require immediate decisions, but that contribute to achieving long-term goals. First,...

Words: 396 Pages: 1

Standardized Testing and its Purpose

Education is a starting point of any human being and it begins even before a person is born. A genetic predisposition, as well as everything that is heard in the womb is used by the brain to form personality and unique nature of each person’s individuality. It is extremely important...

Words: 833 Pages: 3

Correct Help for Students to Assimilate the Material

Introduction Currently, the education system of each country is undergoing significant changes. On the one hand, the amount of knowledge about the world is growing, and there are a lot of topics and objects that can be studied. In addition, the educational process itself is constantly changing, which makes it...

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Professional Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy and Current Trends Being an educator is a challenging task since it includes many aspects that go beyond actual teaching. In my opinion, besides giving students essential knowledge, a good teacher also takes part in bringing them up as individuals and citizens, supporting them, and establishing a friendly...

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School Libraries Effects on Student’s Achievement

Introduction Overview of the Study Student achievement is the key to any learning institution. The value obtained from learning activities is highly dependent on the environment and the materials available to the student during the learning process. Learning like any other job requires the use of the right technique tools....

Words: 5392 Pages: 20

The No Child Left Behind Act

Introduction The “No Child Left Behind” act concerns the improvement of the standards of learning across public schools in America. It requires schools to test student performance every year by way of examinations. Every state is mandated to provide these tests to all pupils of each grade in order to...

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Personal Philosophy of Education

Introduction Philosophy of education is made up of statements that an individual considers as of importance and worthwhile concerning education. Philosophy involves the unconscious and conscious search for wisdom which always guides us in how we focus our future (Klemke, Kline, & Hollinger, 1986). It also involves specific guidance on...

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The Importance of Training and Development

Introduction The importance of training and skills development is an aspect which importance cannot be denied in the organization. In that regard, the benefits of training, in addition to acquiring skills and knowledge, can be seen in such aspects as the increase of motivation and confidence, providing recognition and the...

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Influence of Education in the Current World

Education plays a vital role in today’s world and does not merely imply bookish knowledge; rather it involves the complete social and academic development of children and students so that they develop the ability and potential to face the world with confidence and make a substantial contribution to society. This...

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College Students’ Living Arrangements

In the modern workforce of today, college degree holders have a definite edge as the scope of jobs available to them is larger and the salary/perks are higher. The prospect of partaking in a college environment is exciting as it spawns a new distinctive chapter in the life of a...

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Online Assessment Systems in Education

Introduction The technology of today allows people to change the way they perform tasks. There are different ways by which technology eases the everyday tasks that people complete. Various fields have numerous ways by which they can utilize technology. In the field of education, technology has allowed educational institutions to...

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Should Students Buy or Lease a Car

Introduction Students are highly facilitated in their mobility when they have a car at their disposal. Students have two options to acquire a car, i.e., buying or leasing. Renting a car provides only time-bound mobility. Normally, financial resources at disposal of students are limited. Available financial resources play a major...

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Interaction in Online Learning Environment

Introduction Online learning has been embraced by many learners and it is fast becoming an accepted mode of gaining education in many learning institutions (Farahani, 2003). Online learning is an open and flexible mode of learning where learners can engage in the acquisition of knowledge while at the same time...

Words: 2083 Pages: 8

Quality Early Childhood Program

Introduction The chart developed for this paper represents ten components of a successful and efficient early childhood education program that would prioritize the needs of the young learners but also answer to the requirements of their parents. Components Reference List 10 Components of High Quality Child Care for Infants and...

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Assessment Approaches in Education

The Purpose of Assessment in Education Assessment in education has several roles that it plays in ensuring that the performance of students meets the standards that have been laid and are attainable. The educational assessment has purposes that include “auditing of schools, national monitoring, school leaver documentation, awarding of national...

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Experimental Designs in Education

Using Campbell & Stanley’s (1963) description, what type of study are the researchers proposing? It is apparent that different kinds of the study can be implemented since the experiments might need to involve various types of participants, fields of operation, study design, and expected outcomes. Firstly, the kind of the study...

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The Role of Academic Engagement

Introduction The attachment that students have to their school work which is also known as academic engagement has been identified by many researchers to be of significant importance especially if it is related to parental involvement in academic education. School attachment refers to the extent to which students feel they...

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Parent Education Program and Its Importance

Cooperation between stakeholders is important in education. The state has been advocating for this and has implemented several Acts. For instance, the No Child Left Behind Act, which requires that the state consults and involves parents when developing and implementing educational programs (NCLB Action Briefs 1). Parental involvement refers to...

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Financial Aid Salary Application

Introduction Modern technologies such as the Internet are revolutionizing the way different activities are undertaken. The invention of different application programs is something that has supported the goals of many business organizations and institutions. Such apps streamline information sharing, communication, decision-making, and problem-solving processes. The proposed project seeks to introduce...

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The Project Management Plan for Page Middle School

Strengths Reviewing the Project Management Plan for Page Middle School that involves one-to-one laptop initiative, it is important to note that the major strength of the plan is its detailed vision and presentation. In other words, at every stage of the change preparation and implementation process, there is a precise...

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Learning, Career, and Education System Changes

Introduction Learning has a profound influence on one’s process of thinking, development, and professional disposition. By interacting with the learning process, learners gradually discover the most suitable career for them. Education should transform learners into critical thinkers. Any kind of learning that emphasizes on the passive acquisition of knowledge without...

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Effective Teamwork: Characteristics and Stages

Describe Teamwork Teamwork refers to individual contributions brought together towards achievement of common purpose. In respect to this, group purpose is given priority over individual needs to strengthen the interactions and relationship amongst members. Teamwork often comprises of individuals that have got passion to attain a given objective of solving...

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Classroom, System-Level and Leadership Assessments

Classroom Assessment Large-scale assessment programs are the foundation for the modern education reform initiative. All types of assessments help to guide improvements in instruction and learning. The most common evaluations that have proven effective are quizzes, tests, and writing assignments. There are also other assessments that teachers use regularly in...

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Educational Partnership: Teachers, Students, Parents

Summary in English In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the field of education, its development, and the impact on other spheres of life are important topics for discussion. During the last decade, the UAE education has undergone considerable changes and improvements, and it is necessary to understand if students and...

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Students Discipline Plan and Behavior Management

Introduction Discipline is an important factor which determines a student’s reaction to learning, and how one relates with both teachers and fellow students. Discipline is formed through the behaviour a student exhibits in class, and that influences their performance outcome and learning skills. There are various ways a teacher can...

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Positive Learning Environment in the Classroom

Abstract Teacher conceptualisation of behaviour problems is paramount in choosing what measures to use to avert exigent classroom behaviour. If instructors perceive learners’ conducts as suggestive of the poorly organised classroom, they may look for means to restructure the class setting to exploit conditions for the occurrence of apt behaviour...

Words: 3601 Pages: 14

School Uniform Policy

Children are the future of human society, and this is why we have to develop effective solutions to problems that they face. When it comes to school, there is a variety of problems concerning the social status of the students, crime, and a lack of willingness to study. There is...

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Public Schools and Uniform Policy

Abstract The paper is aimed at addressing the problem of school uniform implementation and reviewing positive and negative opinions on it expressed in six credible sources. The arguments for implementing uniform policy in public schools include opinions on its effectiveness for decreasing bullying at schools, increasing the level of discipline...

Words: 665 Pages: 3

Higher Education and Student Affairs

Introduction In higher education, there are many departments that aim at distributing different services and support for students. Academic growth, personal development, and recognition of needs and expectations are the main tasks to be performed. In this constantly changing world of technologies and new standards, student affairs play a significant...

Words: 1106 Pages: 5

Dhahran Ahliyya School’s Success Factors

Introduction Development of the educational sphere is one of the priorities in many countries including Saudi Arabia. The challenges of the modern globalized world unveiled some weaknesses in the educational system of the Kingdom. Thus, according to a survey, many Saudi teachers are not interested in their subjects and are...

Words: 1933 Pages: 8

Parental Involvement in Education & School Events

Parents’ Involvement in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Individualized Education Program is a system that is accorded to children with special cases to access quality education and learn effectively without prejudice. IEP ensures that teachers and other associated service providers are conversant with and understand a child’s disability. IEP is...

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