The Research Methodology and Question Relationship


The qualitative research methodology in the research article best captures the research question. The qualitative research question correlates the extent of prospects and challenges in investigating credit card fraud in the Vall Region. In this scenario, credit card fraud is the independent variable, while the prospects and challenges are the dependent variables (Motseki, 2022).


The methodology for the research question is a naturalistic inquiry, which aims to get a comprehensive knowledge of the prospects and challenges in the investigation of credit card fraud. Furthermore, it focuses on explaining the event’s cause concerning the research question. Because of this, the qualitative research methodology has used several systems of inquiry, including biography, historical analysis, grounded theory, discourse analysis, and case study.

The quantitative data gathered to study the quantitative research question is supported by public opinion to describe the research thoroughly. The quantitative data is based on statistics from a systematic review of 2018 HIV and associated factors in the criminal justice system (Brewer et al., 2022). The effectiveness of the research methodology in the research question, however, integrated both qualitative and quantitative research methods resulting in a greater understanding and expanding the research’s breadth (Brewer et al., 2022). The quantitative research question has been employed successfully in the quantitative research methodology. Most of the information utilized in research comes from databases maintained by the state and several non-governmental organizations. The data is accessible at request, rendering it the most favored research methodology.


It is possible to correlate or co-variate effect and cause using quantitative data. However, the qualitative technique is also used because of the gaps in the evidence and the untrustworthy data. The concern of determining whether the methodology is acceptable and effectively explains the question while reducing flexible alternatives that emerge from employing the two research methodologies should be asked for each specific research topic that has been established.


Brewer, R., Ramani, S. L., Khanna, A., Fujimoto, K., Schneider, J. A., Hotton, A.,… & Harawa, N. T. (2021). A Systematic Review up to 2018 of HIV and Associated Factors Among Criminal Justice-Involved (CJI) Black Sexual and Gender Minority Populations in the United States (US). Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-46. Web.

Motseki, M. (2022). Prospects and challenges in the investigation of credit card fraud in Vall Region of the Gauteng Province, South Africa. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 27, 959–967. Web.

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ChalkyPapers. (2023, October 24). The Research Methodology and Question Relationship.

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"The Research Methodology and Question Relationship." ChalkyPapers, 24 Oct. 2023,


ChalkyPapers. (2023) 'The Research Methodology and Question Relationship'. 24 October.


ChalkyPapers. 2023. "The Research Methodology and Question Relationship." October 24, 2023.

1. ChalkyPapers. "The Research Methodology and Question Relationship." October 24, 2023.


ChalkyPapers. "The Research Methodology and Question Relationship." October 24, 2023.