Approaches to Learning Essay Examples for Free

Approaches to Learning Essay Examples for Free

Rote learning involves memorizing facts and figures. This can be effective for short-term memory, but it usually isn’t the best way to learn something long-term. The second approach is active learning, which involves engaging with material in a way that helps you understand and remember it. Methods for active learning include discussion, debate and hands-on activities.

The third approach is reflective learning, which involves analyzing what you’ve learned and how it applies to your life. This can help make connections to see the big picture. Whichever approach to learning is the best fit for you, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Our essay examples can help you write your own papers.

Enhancing Learning Through an Inclusive Environment at Arnold Middle School

Creating a Visually Empowered Learning Environment I believe my classroom might use upgrading at Arnold Middle School, where I am a third-year social studies teacher. My students will benefit significantly from the new surroundings and equipment, which will help foster the feeling of belonging and stimulate the learning process. To...

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Student Presence in the 2020-2022 Pandemic Era

Introduction The 2020-2022 education system has seen a shift in the presence of students due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools and universities have had to adapt to the new circumstances and, as a result, a hybrid approach of both in-person and online learning has been adopted. This...

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Why Face-to-Face Is Better Than Online Education

Introduction Currently, there are many opportunities for people to gain knowledge. One of the consequences of the global pandemic and lockdown was the popularity of online education. However, despite some of its advantages, it does not have the same effect as face-to-face education. Therefore, face-to-face education is better than the...

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Bilingual Education: Insights, Models and Policies

Introduction Bilingual education educators are fluent in their pupils’ native language and can help them transition from their native language to English. In contrast, ESL teachers cannot speak the students’ original language and instead concentrate on executing the best technique for immersing pupils in English. Both bilingual and ESL education...

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Online and Face-To-Face Learning

Qualitative Article The context of the study is the COVID-19 pandemic, a worldwide event that caused widespread health concerns. The researcher used a combination of online and face-to-face learning to study how this type of learning affected the participants, who were college students (Singh et al., 2021). The research used...

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E-Portfolios as a Tool to Enhance Student Learning

E-Portfolio E-portfolio is a deliberate compilation of student’s work that demonstrates the their efforts, growth, and accomplishments in one or more areas (Slepcevic-Zach and Stock, 2018). Therefore, for a graduate student, it is a collection of apprentice’s work that is maintained electronically and can be used for assessment, exhibition, and/or...

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Online Learning vs. Traditional Courses

Introduction Online learning has become the primary source of knowledge in regard to academic education and various skill-based courses. One of the reasons why the shift occurred was the COVID-19 pandemic and the government regulations that limited individuals from attending public gatherings, including physical classes. As a result, the solution...

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Learning and Guided Note-Taking Evaluation

Abstract The purpose of this action plan was to achieve the goal of efficiently curriculum design for a room of learners based on the teacher’s understanding of what works and, more importantly, what functions as expected for the current group of pupils in the classroom. This action plan aimed at...

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Online Learning and Classroom Observation

Introduction Technology has given teachers and learners various options to attend class. There are online or physical attendance options available for the students. In this observation, the online classroom experience was practical for several reasons. The instructor demonstrated a good command of the subject, gave feedback, and encouraged the active...

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Talking About Tools-Investigating Learning

The research problem that was investigated in the article was how the use of police tools could stimulate learning through various discourses in police practice. The methodology used in this study involved the collection of data through a field study that entailed extensive interviews and observations. The interviews were conducted...

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Synchronous Online Education: The Main Challenges

The study of Khalil and others (2020) presents three main categories of challenges students encounter during synchronous online education: methodological, technical, and behavioral difficulties. Methodological issues with the online learning process include the low-quality assurance of teaching, the inadequate digital skills of lecturers, and the problematic educational process’s structure. According...

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Online and In-Person Learning: Benefits and Drawbacks

Introduction Online learning and traditional learning are two types of education, and both satisfy standards for quality education and training. Learning is one of the main subjects of conversation in families with children and among those who are interested in what is occurring with the educational process today. Currently, there...

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Kinesthetic Learners in Online Higher Education

Introduction The modern education system of the United States aims at helping young people to become influential members of society committed to progress and development. One of the ways to achieve this goal is the use of the learner-centered approach where the needs of every student are met (Celli &...

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Distance Learning in the UAE Higher Education

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has become the major reason for the growing impact of distance learning in all educational levels worldwide. The momentous shift from face-to-face to online learning model has significantly influenced the global educational system, and it took a lot of time and effort for the students and...

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Kinesthetic Learners’ Scientific Attitude

Introduction The reviewed article is written by Nugraha et al. (2020) and entitled “An analysis of the relationship between students’ scientific attitude and students’ learning style in junior high school.” The purpose of the study was to “profile the relationship of scientific attitude level and learning style preference” of junior...

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Enhancing Education Through Professional Learning Communities

After reading the last three chapters in the book PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design, it is possible to strengthen an understanding of the successful professional learning community (PLC) characteristics and improvement practices. According to Fisher et al. (2020), it is not enough for educators to focus on...

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E-Learning Through Blackboard on Classroom Instruction

The research will be dedicated to the examination of perspectives of e-learning through Blackboard on classroom instruction. The significance of this study is determined by the current role of e-learning in the education system. In the present day, more and more educational facilities, especially higher education institutions, implement e-learning to...

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Experiential and Collaborative Online Learning: Annotated Bibliography

Bressler, D, M., Bodzin, A. M., & Tutwiler, M. S. (2018). Engaging middle school students in scientific practice with a collaborative mobile game. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(2), 197-207. The article is concerned with the use of a mobile application as a part of online education. The sample consisted...

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Effective Teaching Strategies for Kinesthetic Learners in Online Education

Abstract It has been acknowledged that students tend to have different learning styles that have an impact on the way they process information. The VARK model is one of the most utilized frameworks for categorizing individuals into visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic learners. Quite numerous techniques and approaches...

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Transition to Distance Learning: Research Proposal

Summary of the Research Project The goal of the study is to ascertain the advantages and disadvantages of university students switching to distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic-related quarantine regulations. The study puts forward the following hypotheses. First and foremost, the success of the shift to remote...

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Online Teaching and Learning in Primary Schools

Overview In Saudi Arabia, online learning and teaching are witnessing uncontrollable growth. The demand for e-learning in this country has grown by over 479 percent, according to a study done between 2005 and 2009 (Aljaber, 2018). There has been a rise in students joining high school, a fact which has...

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Digital Online Learning Impacts on Blacks and Latinos

Background of the Study The COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill in many aspects, including the economy, education, and other critical sectors. In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the disease a worldwide disaster, which led to the suspension of physical learning, which prompted schools to...

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The Ideation Process and Its Application to a Study

The Ideation Process Ideation refers to a creative process involving the generation, development, and communication of new concepts, which are understood as the primary idea, which can be visualized or deducted in terms of empirical values. Ideation involves various thought cycles, ranging from innovation, development, and finally to actualization, which...

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The Reflection on “Getting Started: Learning Stories”

Observation and Description Parents and educators frequently fail to notice small details that could determine a child’s life. It is possible for someone to excel in music, sketching, communication, and spatial thinking. However, these skills are not readily apparent in young children because of their clumsiness. As a result, Observing...

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Student Orientation Program Aspects Analysis

Introduction Student involvement should take place with the help of appropriate conditions promoted for the effective assimilation of knowledge. Incoming learners entering a new environment for them need support to socialize successfully and gain access to all the necessary information. This work is aimed at presenting and evaluating the effectiveness...

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Online Learning Impacts on Blacks and Latinos During Covid-19

Background The current study explores digital online learning in the context of the effects Blacks and Latinos face during the COVID-19 pandemic. The World Health Organization’s pronouncement of the COVID-19 as a global issue resulted in the suspension of physical learning, which, in turn, paved the way for remote learning...

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Comparative Education and Its Historical Development

It is significant to remark on the phases in the historical development of comparative education. The first phase was the stage of description and borrowing, when scholars collected data on education to form the practice of spreading education and finding the best teaching methods. At the same time, at this...

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Methods of Students Engaging in Learning Process

Constructivist Learning The idea of introducing children to the concept of thinking out loud as the means of engaging them into the learning process appear to be rather inspiring. Therefore, extrapolating the specified findings onto a larger context of learning and building the relevant skills, one might suggest that the...

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The Think-Aloud Approach to Learning

Constructivism in learning is a technique in which students build up knowledge rather than acquire it from the source. They reflect on the given information and construct their assumptions and associations. The think-aloud approach helps people monitor their thoughts by thinking out loud. The think-aloud process slows the process of...

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Homeschooling as Alternative Mode of Education

Education takes many forms all over the world, from traditional to formal modes of schools. Most people are aware of formal education that takes place in schools from elementary to university level. However, homeschooling is a widespread mode of education that existed before human civilization and continues to grow in...

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Teaching Reading Strategies Aspects

Four Teaching Strategies The first strategy used for teaching students to activate prior knowledge is picture walk. This technique presupposes that a teacher uses pictures to explain text concepts. In order for this approach to work, a teacher has to read the text to understand key ideas. Then, the teacher...

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Outdoor Math Connected to Science

Introduction When it comes to teaching children new material, teachers need to understand that the best approach to reinforcing the learning process and memorization is through entertaining processes. For example, teaching children through playing or other activities that might pique their interest can be beneficial. Learning colors, shapes, numbers, and...

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Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication

Communication is part of our lives. There are different types of communications. They include but not limited to synchronous and asynchronous communication. Although different, each is useful especially to a college-level writer. Basically, communications aids people to share ideas, learn and can decide on a number of issues either directly...

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Teaching Methods in the Classroom: Reflection on Observations

Ethnography of Three Classrooms Ms. Kami Spampinato’s seventh-grade class appears to include students of different ethnicities. The teacher is a white female and presents with an active teaching style, wanting to engage her students in participating. Several Black and Hispanic students are present in the class, although the majority appear...

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Lifelong Learning: Methods and Sources

In this discussion post, I would like to discuss the learning methods and sources. First of all, I would like to analyze my learning style, which McMinn puts in the eleventh position on his list of prerequisites for lifelong learning. The author suggests that some people may continue seeking a...

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Understanding Critical Thinking to Create Better Doctors

Introduction It is crucial to understand that people and various situations in life are different and require unique approaches in the modern world. An article written by Zayapragassarazan et al. (2016) discusses critical thinking in medical students and doctors as a facilitator of better decision-making during emergencies. The article provides...

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Andragogic and Pedagogical Learning Approaches

Abstract Various learning approaches exist in the educational world, allowing educators to choose which approach to use. Often, the learning approach to be used by any institution for learning will significantly depend on the targeted learning audience. In most cases, age determines the kind of approach to be used for...

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Taking a Gap Year Between High School and College Is an Intelligent Choice

When students take a year off between high school and college, it is known as a gap year. Despite the commonly recognized title, the period taken in between high school and college may be shorter or longer. Some students just take a semester before beginning college, while others delay their...

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Online Education Perspectives in Namibia

Introduction Covi-19 pandemic is a global pandemic that recently emerged from Wuhan, China, in late 2019. The pandemic has adversely affected nearly, if not all, sectors, including the health, business, political, and education sector in this case. This has led to higher education institutions like universities and colleges to forcefully...

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Online and Face-To-Face Learning: Comparative Analysis

In the present day, following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, most operations are being conducted online to control the spread. The education sector is one area that was greatly affected by the pandemic, which disrupted learning amongst learners (Zhang et al., 2020). Most countries opted to learn online, where...

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Online Learning as Effective Educational Tool

In modern realities, for a successful and influential professional activity, art educators should utilize all the opportunities provided by information technology. Significantly, the COVID-19 pandemic is a fundamental challenge to educational methods; however, it demonstrated that education works in digital format and quite effectively (Daniel, 2020). Online platforms are ideal...

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Online Education: Advantages and Disadvantages

The popularity of online education continues to gain momentum, especially against the backdrop of the current pandemic. The main task of educational institutions is to find the most effective way to provide content and materials for students. The discussion remains, which is still better: classical learning at school, where everyone...

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Retrieval Practice in Learning

There are three main processes in human memory; storage, recalling (retrieval), and encoding. Teachers are highly involved in developing a methodology that will enable students to learn new things and remember. Retrieval practice is an effective method for learning as it helps students remember what they had previously known. The...

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The “Human Learning” Book by Jeanne Ormrod

The human brain is a sophisticated mechanism that can discover, analyze, and retain information that could fill up millions of books. This prowess indicates that the mind’s retention capacity can defy the technological devices we depend on, such as personal computers (Ormrod,2016). The book “Human Learning” identifies several mechanisms of...

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Expressive Language in Schools

Expressive language is fundamental and essential to the development and growth of a child. During a child’s growth stages, they develop from being independent of parents to their independence. From an early age, children try to communicate by expressing themselves in different ways to their parents or teachers. Although teachers...

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Influence of Emotion on Learning and Memory

Emotions influence many different aspects of people’s personalities, and it is necessary to understand their impact to avoid facing any possible negative outcomes. The impact of emotions on learning and memory cannot be doubted, as the connection between emotions and memory was proved nearly 50 years ago, and the topic...

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The Constructivist Learning Theory

The Journal of Curriculum and Teaching is an academic peer-reviewed journal that publishes papers on learning and education and explores possible global and local initiatives. The studies in this journal are freely available for viewing and downloading. One of the journal’s most popular articles is Fernando and Marikar’s work on...

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Researching of Infant-Directed Speech

Undoubtedly, when talking to their minor children, most parents opt for using so-called baby talk, which implies the usage of higher pitch and the expression of a wide range of emotions. However, this type of talk is used not only by parents but by caregivers or relatives who are strongly...

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Developing Academic Skills: Time Management, Literature Searching, and Evaluating

Time Management Time management skills encompass a wide range of abilities that will assist people in effectively managing their time. Managing time effectively can help people advance in their job (Ghiasvand, Naderi, Tafreshi, Ahmadi, Hosseini, 2017). Scheduling the day allows to finish duties on schedule, stay focused during key meetings,...

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Online Education: Causes and Effects

The onset of COVID-19 has affected social, political, and economic relations profoundly, virtually introducing a new reality. Among the various spheres that saw the impact of the pandemic, education has been one of the most prominent examples. Most measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus sought to reduce...

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Teaching Arts: Approach to Learning

The teaching approaches described in the reading are the teacher-controlled, student-centered, and inquiry-based approaches to learning. These approaches narrow into responsive education, productive and creative expression of teaching arts. The learners get to understand skills and nature through learning and responding to them in the response-based approach. A productive approach...

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Direct Instruction and Constructivist Learning

Direct instruction and constructivist learning represent two essential teaching methods that are broadly utilized in practice. These two methods rely on different principles and pursue diverse goals. The central concept of direct instruction is that the teacher provides explicit instructions and guidance to students (López et al., 2017). By contrast,...

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Researching: Impact of Online Learning

Almahasees, Z., Mohsen, K., & Amin, M. O. (2021). Faculty’s and Students’ Perceptions of Online Learning During COVID-19. Frontiers in Education. Web. The integration between the internet and education has led to the provision of necessary future skills. Through online teaching approaches, online, enhanced, and blended, instructors turn education into...

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The Educational Process: Strategies and Approaches

Introduction The problem of equality in the educational process is relevant in the modern school system due to the inappropriate evaluation of children’s abilities and strategies to develop better learning approaches. The nature of the community has a significant impact on children’s development since early education settings are frequently among...

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Online Learning During Pandemic: Pros and Cons

Harefa, S., & Sihombing, G. L. A. (2021). Students’ perception of online learning amidst the Covid-19 pandemic: A study of junior, senior high school and college students in a remote area. F1000Research, 10(1), 1-15. Web. Harefa and Sihombing (2021) investigated and assessed students’ impressions of the usefulness of online learning...

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Promoting Inclusion: Small Group Discussions for International Law Students

Introduction The changing social dynamics in today’s society have led to more diverse backgrounds in the student community. In American universities, four in ten students are of mixed race, while two in five students come from foreign countries (Fossum, 2020). The rising population diversity has created a compelling awareness of...

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Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Topic Sentence The COVID-19 has disturbed and crushed many processes in education, and there is a need to investigate whether online education reduces high school students’ language learning efficiency. Agung, Antonius Setyawan Nur, et al. “Students’ Perception of Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the English Students...

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Effective Learning Strategies in Higher Education

Preliminary Analysis It is important to note that the purpose of the research is to analyze the practical translation of effective learning strategies identified by cognitive psychological findings in a form intervention program. The latter was applied to stimulate the practice of effective learning strategies, foster reflection, and create better...

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Elementary Teaching Science Course Outdoor

The advantages of the outdoor science course experience are closely connected with the idea of knowledge application in the real-world setting and bringing educational content to life. Outdoor education, however, is a concept commonly used to describe a wide range of planned events in various outdoor settings. The video “Bringing...

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Inspiring Excellence: Elementary Science Teaching Experience

Overview The demonstration of animals to learners improves their perception and understanding of elementary science. Thus, it allows students to gain theoretical information and explore learning through their sense of touch. In this way, the teacher could illustrate the difference between animals to the children. At the end of the...

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The Comprehensive Intervention Model

Therefore, society needs to have learners who can seek solutions to problems, and communicate effective solutions. Appropriate intervention can be used to assist students with struggling literacy. Coins that students who struggle to read need intensive reading interventions (Wanzek 2018). The intervention for struggling students should be based on a...

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Adlerian Theory of Personality: The Use in Classroom

Alfred Adler, a Viennese psychiatrist, conceived and developed the Adlerian theory of personality to explain the inseparability of the human personality. This research’s sole objective is to comprehend the human mind, mental qualities, and the causes of human behavior. “Human nature” refers to a collection of dynamic and innately ordered...

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The Flipped Classroom Article by Bishop & Verleger

Jacob Lowell and Dr Mathew provide comprehensive research on how tutors can increase the students understanding in class instead of using lectures. The flipped classroom is a guide to the new design of tutoring that aims to break the rigid form of learning that has been up to date. The...

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Outdoor Learning Influence on Young Children

Introduction Education is a field and a collection of constantly evolving processes to meet the criteria presented by the ever-changing world. With the development of new approaches towards student engagement, interactive learning, and ethics, it is also necessary to gradually transform how educational institutions work with their students. The facilitation...

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The Outdoor Learning Benefits and Effectiveness

Introduction Education is a field and a collection of processes that are constantly evolving to meet the criteria presented by the ever-changing world. With the development of new approaches towards student engagement, interactive learning, and ethics, it is also necessary to gradually transform the way educational institutions work with their...

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How to Study More Effectively?

In order to study effectively, it is important to build some particular studying habits. After analyzing the studying habits of my friend, I could see that he does not have an effective plan for himself. In order for the friend to achieve better performance, a more effective study plan is...

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Students’ Learning Styles in the Classroom

Annotated Bibliography Anggrawan, A., Ibrahim, N., & Satria, C. (2019). Interaction between learning style and gender in mixed learning with 40% face-to-face learning and 60% online learning. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(5), 407-413. The present article reports on a study exploring the relationship between students’ learning...

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Online Education and Digital-Based Teaching Strategies

Problem The development of technology has brought certain changes, such as innovative approaches and instruments. Online education is becoming increasingly widespread in the USA and across the globe (Idrizi et al., 2018; Palvia et al., 2018). For example, it has been estimated that by 2015 the share of this type...

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Online Learning and Differential Learning

Introduction In the age of information, the demand for knowledge and education is growing. This creates a need for revision of the educational strategies currently employed is schools. External factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, make online learning a necessity. Hence, the paper discusses pros and cons of online learning...

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Sensory Processing Disorder & Learning Approaches

My experience with sensory processing disorder stems from an early time when my parents explained that the condition affects the ability to respond using the five senses. Although I did not know the name of the disease, my parents clarified that children were more likely to suffer from the condition...

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Distance Learning in Kuwait as Response to COVID-19

Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many challenges that have affected many life spheres, and education is not an exception. The disease preventive measures result in the fact that distance learning is considered an optimal educational option, meaning that multiple educational establishments should do their best to implement this approach....

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Traditional vs. Online Education: Pros and Cons

When the COVID-19 pandemic affected the world, which caused large-scale lockdowns due to the need to provide more security for people, the problem of competition between traditional and online education became the most urgent. The practice of the last two years, when the pandemic happened in the world, demonstrated that...

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Professional Growth Planning and Self-Reflection

Self-reflection aims to help teachers improve their teaching and learn more about how professional practices affect student and teacher learning. Establishing a professional growth plan that either develops or hones professional practices and leadership abilities can help achieve professional aims. In order to successfully develop a professional growth plan, a...

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Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Contexts

Introduction The concept of self-regulation refers not to an academic performance skill or mental ability but rather a process of self-direction through which learners turn their cognitive abilities into academic skills. Within such a context, learning is viewed as a process in which students engage for themselves proactively instead of...

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Classroom vs. Online Education

Regardless of how unnecessary or grueling it may seem in school or how useless the students think certain subjects are, education is truly the only process that keeps the world going. Without it, the civilization as it is today would seize to exist. Education is an ever-evolving field that adapts...

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Learning Styles and Their Central Characteristics

The presented proposal focuses on creating a list of the major learning styles, their central characteristics, similarities, and differences. The literature review includes the analysis of the four major approaches to different learning paradigms, such as visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic kinds (VARK) (Cimermanová, 2018). The methodology section...

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The Montessori Method and Its Benefits

Introduction The Montessori Method is among the best education methods applied in the learning system to ensure maximum benefit. The process provides the best opportunity for learners to acquire essential critical skills in their present and future academic lives. This method of education is specifically very significant since it gives...

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Co-Learning Environments: The New Approach to Learning

There are many co-working offices all over the US, but for studying, the only similar space is the library, where usually students have to be very quiet and almost invisible. College or university students who would like to engage and dig into the subject deeper should try the environment. At...

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A Cooperative Discipline in the Classroom

A cooperative discipline is a unique approach to maintaining order in the classroom and ensuring students benefit from learning. This classroom management program is based on three premises: students need to belong, their misbehavior stems from particular reasons, and students need to have a voice in decisions that affect them...

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Promoting Literacy at Home and at School: Family Literacy Night

Introduction Promoting literacy at home and at school is essential during children’s early developmental years. From the moment of birth to the beginning of formal reading and writing instruction in school, children develop emergent literacy (EL), the sum total of all knowledge, skills, and behavior related to reading and writing...

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Education: Internship, Reading, and Taking Courses

Introduction An educational experience is the activity of learning and can be in broad ways. They include taking courses, interacting with people, taking programs, reading, listening to lectures, and completing assignments and internships. The process focuses on authenticity, collaboration, and interaction to enable the learners further their knowledge and retain...

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The Connection Between Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design for Learning

In modern times, schooling is becoming more and more developed. Educational institutions use different programs and approaches to teaching future professionals to interest them in their future development. The most popular strategies are differentiated instruction and universal design for learning (DI and UDL). Although both methods share a common goal,...

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Online Learning vs. In-Person Education

Technological advancement has become a significant aspect of the fourth industrial revolution. Globalization is transforming major sectors, making life more interconnected, and increasing operational mobility in many industries, including education. Learning is a crucial part of a child’s life because it shapes their future living. The industry tries to accommodate...

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How Fun and Playing Helps Kids Learn

Introduction Young children enjoy playing, and it is a vital aspect of their development. Gaming entails a wide range of activities, such as socializing with peers, choosing their pastimes, and going outside for physical activity. Going to play can be lighthearted or serious, demanding or soothing, entertaining or somber, soothing...

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Multiplication and Critical Thinking: Lesson Plan

Description Introduction (5 minutes) The teacher will ask the students about the situations in which they must count multiple objects quickly. After the students share their experiences and agree that the specified task is quite exhausting, the teacher introduces them to the concept of multiplication as the means of counting...

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The Curriculum-Based Measurement Approach

Reading The CBM approach allows students to cultivate an interest in literature by allowing them to read works from many periods and genres. The students work through progressively difficult books that address a variety of key concerns and moral precepts (Missall & Hosp, 2019). Throughout the curriculum, the student gained...

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Social Interaction Interventions for Students with Autism in School

Introduction One of the most difficult mental developmental disorders in children is autism spectrum disorders (ASD), which represent a whole spectrum of developmental disorders characterized by various manifestations of the uniqueness of the emotional, volitional and cognitive spheres. According to most authors (Brain, Mirenda, Chang, Locke, Southall, Campbell, Sreckovic, Hume,...

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Instructional Methods in Online and Traditional Classes

There has been an emergence of blended learning within the last decade, where teachers are engaged in online and traditional classes. Through blended learning, experiential learning has impacted how teachers and students interact with educational content resulting in a dramatic shift in the entire education ecosystem (Heafner et al., 2019)....

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Teaching Discipline-Specific Literacies in Grades 6-12

Summary of Main Points and Arguments The primary reading for the class is Teaching Discipline-Specific Literacies in Grades 6-12, Preparing Students for College, Career, and Workforce Demands, Chapter 7, by Zygouris-Coe (2015). It is essential for a teacher to set clear goals for each part of the topic when building...

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Culture of Learning in the Knowledge Society

Problem Statement The modern era is characterized by a sharp increase in the volume of scientific information and a rapid expansion of the knowledge base used by the human community to solve practical problems. In this regard, the traditional educational and methodological model, which has been successfully used for centuries...

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The Preschool Program’s Design Analysis

Introduction Preschool is a valuable period for child development because it is a foundation for an individual’s future learning and communicational capabilities. Indeed, early education programs are based on encouraging curiosity and independence and motivating social contact (Illeris, 2018). Teachers need to design their curriculums considering the opportunity to facilitate...

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Cooperative Learning Strategies

Introduction It is significant to highlight that the nursery program in Singapore is divided into N1 and N2 classes for children aged 2 to 3 years and 3 to 4 years, correspondingly. Thus, teachers in the N2 group aim to provide kids with social skills with their peers in a...

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The VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading-Writing, Kinesthetic) Model of Learning Styles

Introduction Learning models are a common concept in education, especially psychology, and are intended to identify how individuals learn best. The VARK model of learning styles proposes different types of learners: visual auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. VARK is, therefore, a questionnaire that aids one’s learning by suggesting the policies they...

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Creative Schools: Is There a Balanced Approach?

Nowadays, the conventional school curriculum is significantly focused on theoretical studies. In the book Creative Schools, among other things, Robinson explains the difference between propositional and procedural knowledge and why providing students with more broad and flexible learning opportunities is necessary. Even though students frequently attend practical classes, educational success...

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Learning Styles and Academic Achievements

Introduction The learning process is different for every student, as each person may respond more to a specific type of information presentation. One of the core approaches to learning styles includes four kinds: visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic (VARK). Some research is concerned with finding the factors linked...

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Online Learning: Positive and Negative Sides

Nowadays, many people, including children up to three, own smartphones or tablets. It used to startle me what these children do with these devices. One day I asked one of my young nephews about his smartphone. My nephew boldly told me that his phone helps him in playing games and...

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“Learning Mathematics Through Minecraft”: Key Points and Reasoning

The article is devoted to discussing the methods of learning mathematics. The main idea is to integrate the digital game Minecraft into math lessons. This game is pretty popular among the young generation and can significantly develop analytical skills. Evolving the game through the creation of interaction tasks may help...

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Pre-Assessment Tool for a Robotics Course

Education is built upon the gradual learning of material that becomes increasingly complex. Even though some fields may not require any existing knowledge, the consensus is that learners should have a general background before moving to a higher difficulty. This assumption determines the approach to the creation of a pre-assessment...

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Parental Involvement in the Classroom

Parental involvement is beneficial for students’ academic achievement irrespective of their age. Recent studies suggest that students perform better and are more motivated when their parents are involved in the classroom in diverse ways (Liang et al., 2020). The involvement of a mother of a TK student who has a...

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A Reflection on Lesson Planning

Introduction A lesson plan is essential because it serves as a guide that educators use to determine what the students will learn and how the lesson will be taught and evaluated. As a future educator, I will use the lesson plans developed to function more effectively in the classroom because...

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